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Coal powered electric plants will be converting to gas


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This is why gas and oil exploration companies are pushing to hard to aquire leases and hold the land. Once they get the infastructure in place to deliver the gas it's on.

Gas will go high, buy stock early.

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This is why gas and oil exploration companies are pushing to hard to aquire leases and hold the land. Once they get the infastructure in place to deliver the gas it's on.

Gas will go high, buy stock early.

The infrastructure is about 60% in for our region and yes the conversions are part of the reason for the push in acquiring land leases. However, if you look at the numbers drilling and exploration of wells is down about 48% IIRC over the last 3 years. Why you ask...well because of the possibility of the whole cap and trade push that will absolutely kill the Oil & Gas Industry.

The gas futures are about as stable as ever and I highly doubt there will be a huge spike in prices anytime soon. If anything, we are pretty lucky in where we live because we have the largest fairly untapped natural gas formation in SE Ohio, W. PA and S. New York.

We have been doing a lot of work laying the infrastructure and down in WV we did a lot of the pipeline conversion and tie-in's for the plant they did down in Parkersburg I'm pretty sure. Natural gas is absolutely the way to go in my mind as its cheap and efficient and from everything I've learned isn't as volatile in price as gasoline as demand changes

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