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Illegal racing in the news again


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Wow 100 mph races... Most the bike community would :lol at that.

But I agree that most the accidents are probably from the Spontaneous challenges where the driver has no experience going fast.

For a month straight at least 3 times a week on the way to college I hit over 100mph because damn OH drivers forget that you can pass on a dotted yellow line.

Make turn 4th person back behind a tractor trailer trying to climb a straight open hill. I give 5 seconds or so to see if anyone will pass, nope then hit gas and by the time I am past the semi I am over 100. Most times I could have just done the speed limit and made the pass, but didn't.

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100mph oooooo that act like that is lightning speed or something. if you think about it i have been on some rides where 100 is the cruising speed. i think that this article is a JOKE!!!

Haha! I was hoping some people would get a laugh out of it.

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ok first off i did get a laugh out of this article because they are arguing about whos car is fastest. i think it said he was driving a 93 civic ex? slow ass fucking car to start with, then they went on saying that they had to find a straight road so that they could get a rolling start because his 1st or 2nd gear did not work. what a couple of dumbshits. you never hear about this when the racers bring their cars to race in trailors. why don't they interview them??? it is all the in-expierenced dumbshits out their with their p.o.s. cars trying to be cool.

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"Had to race from a roll because first gear didnt work" LMAO are you freaking kidding me...you shouldnt be racing in the first place, but esp. if ur damn car isnt working right! Ugh

Doesnt it seem that most of the accidents deal with the shitty slow cars ( immature drivers) racing and not as many, if any, highend supras, TT's, vettes, etc...

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because the idiots race the civics. It takes some smarts to afford, build, and modify a Supra, Vette, etc.

So were all just stupid if we have a front wheel drive car that we want to race against other front wheel drive cars or any other car that wants to join the fun? I believe that they said import racing was a waste of time because they couldnt make enough traction but they are doing it and just as fast if not faster than the Supras and Vettes. The laws of physics say that it requires more energy to push something than to pull it and if the traction is available and the weight of the car and horsepower being the same the front drive car will be faster. But the whole point of that article was TAKE IT TO THE TRACK and if they wont let you go down the track due to safety then

you shouldnt be racing. This I agree with and do not think that it is safe

to go that fast on the roads that the public uses because the public expect you to be going the speed limit and when your not... bad thing happen... 100mph isnt fast by itself but then you add grandpa and grandma going to the store at ten under merging into traffic then there is a 50 mph difference on the highway and thats enough to kill everyone involved in the crash. That dead idiot hanging off of the back of that semi trailer was dead because of

the semi truck driver not expecting the guy to be doing over 100mph and

look what it got him.

soooo whether you are racing a tricycle or a fighter jet


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