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Ok, I've been thinking about getting a handgun for a while now. Ever since finding out that my fiancee's dad and brother are the biggest gun dorks in the world, actually. I figure it will help me get to know them, and hey, it's that added security that I don't have.

That said, I'm still kinda intimidated by the though of having the capability to end someone's life with the twitch of a finger, ya know? Sure, on a bike, i can do the same to my own life, even somebody else's. idk. Guess that's why I'm asking here.

You guys all seem to want to help out a newb, and I'm more confused than I think I should be.

If I got one, I wouldn't want a 45, or anything else that will be unnecessarily clunky or heavy. A gun is a gun.

As with bikes, there is Total Control by Lee Parks, I'm sure there is some sort of great read for beginners to guns... What might that be?

Any opinions on my best course of action, though? I still have about 3 months before I'm 21, so I'm not looking to buy anything now anyway. Just getting a feeler.:shortbus:

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^hahaha +1....."A gun is a gun" is a bold statement. You want what will feel right in your hands kind of like a glove. Getting a firearm is a pretty big purchase and you will want to consider quite a few things like, will it be a CCW firearm eventually? Home Protection? Will you want to practice with it often or will it sit somewhere locked up all the time? ....I'd stick with Springfield, Smith and Wesson and Glock, however there are multiple brands that are pretty reliable from what I have heard. I do not know of anything such as "Total Control" for the gun world so your best bet would just do some research, there is a lot of useful info on the internet. You had mentioned your fiancee's dad and bro are gun guys so why not ask for their help? They would probably think that is "cool" of you...Kind of the tip of the iceberg but just some things you may want to think about

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if you are just getting it to provide home security I would suggest a shotgun with the right shells you cant miss... being a newb you would have to spend a ton of money beyond the gun going to ranges and classes to learn how to use a handgun effectively... a shotgun is effective regardless of your ability...

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Raven or Jennings .25's are the baller entry level guns. From there most true ballers go straight to the TL1000 of the gun world the Desert Eagle 50cal because it can throw lead down range at 140+. But only make that step after you're not scared to throw that Raven sideways. ;)

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So much lingo! And I plan to ask them as well...

I have shot rifles before, of course not the same as a handgun. But I know that it takes a controlled, firm force to keep it down once you pull the trigger.

Also, I know a gun is not just a gun... But as far as getting a behemoth goes, I'm not concerned. Truthfully, I'd rather just keep my baton on me, if I have to hurt somebody. Somehow, it's more illegal to whack someone than it is to put a hole in them.

But, the gun would be for home security. WHILE keeping the house intact. So I'd prefer having one hot chunk of metal flying, not 16.

My main reason for posting I guess was for opinions on a "kid"(in most people's eyes, as I am not 21 yet) getting a gun. I would wait until I had turned 21, and had gotten my own place, though.

I was also rather tired last night...

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Raven or Jennings .25's are the baller entry level guns. From there most true ballers go straight to the TL1000 of the gun world the Desert Eagle 50cal because it can throw lead down range at 140+. But only make that step after you're not scared to throw that Raven sideways. ;)

Never gets old.

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My main reason for posting I guess was for opinions on a "kid"(in most people's eyes, as I am not 21 yet) getting a gun.

It is stupid that you have to wait until you are 21. I was carrying a .45 at 19 although it was issued by the USMC. I think you kids should be able to drink at 18 as well. Anyone over the age of 42 drank when they were 18 and quite a few countries allow drinking at 18 still today. Why are our youths inferior in mental capacity to handle it?

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Yeah. Don't wait. You're already behind the curve.

I got my first gun and motorcycle when I was 4.

I was racing in the AMA by 5 and getting all kinda digits.

(trailer park addresses)

God Bless Redneck Parents!

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I got my first shotgun at 19. First handgun at 21 was a 1911 .45 gi model. Wish I never sold it. My 9 year old has a .22/20ga that is a kid having a gun not a 21 year old.(it stays in my safe) I would suggest going to a range and checking if they have any nra basic handgun classes. Start there or ask your girls dad and brother to help start ya out. Try a few guns first and then decide what you want to buy.

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So much lingo! And I plan to ask them as well...

My main reason for posting I guess was for opinions on a "kid"(in most people's eyes, as I am not 21 yet) getting a gun. I would wait until I had turned 21, and had gotten my own place, though.

I wouldn't consider 21 as a "kid" but....that is also coming from a 22 year old lol:D Who gives a sh*t what the age is I'd rather do everything when I am young so when I am old I am experienced and if I dont see the old age days I at least gave life hell and had a good ass time.

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You will want to learn to shoot. For that, a basic 22cal will work. The ammo is cheap, and there are plenty that aren't "collectable", so you won't have to worry about wearing it out or messing it up. After that, try various calibers of popular pistols and revolvers, till you have a feel for what is comfortable for you. That means renting them at ranges or trying out someone's else's firearm. Read various firearm reviews on line, there is tons of information.

Or just go crazy and buy a whole bunch of all sorts of stuff since like everyone else you'll never be able to decide.

Edited by ReconRat
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Dude there is no such thing... a gun is a gun.

.22 to .50AE Jennings to Desert Eagle.

flat black parkerized chrome and even gold plated.

Honest answer look at something like a sig or a smith&wesson even possibly a ruger. All very reliable and all have external safties! As a new gun owner I never push anyone toward a glock. The new ones are Ok the older ones definately not.

9mm .40 10mm .357sig .45 is going to be up to you.

Walther is making a new .380 that I am trying to get the money for, for the fiance as a surprise xmas gift.

A) the gun has to fit you! (I owned a glock and could not hit the barn at 10 yards if I had too. Sold it and got a 1911 Smith and could hammer the X all day long) Not every gun fits every person.

B) Not every caliber fits everyone. 9mm is a standard. .40 and up you tend to get some cry babies about kick and sound, even price of ammo.

C) If you intend to own one gun make it a good gun. Soemthing that will work in a day to day basis. Soemthing that will cover every aspect of what you want to do.

D) It must fit in your budget.

I have a Ruger .22 single six, Smith and Wesson 622 .22, Colt .38 Diamondback, H&K .40 USP, 1911 .45 Smith and Wesson and a .44 Mag Ruger Super Redhawk.

If you would like to shoot any of them let me know. I will help in anyway I can.

Also my words of advice... DONT BUY A JUNK GUN! You get what you pay for.

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i recommend buying a 22lr for plinking at the range and a pump shotgun for home defense type of thing. if you wait for the right deal, you can get a shotgun with a short barrel (home defense) and long barrel (skeet skeet skeet shooting).

normally, after you've purchased your first gun, most people generally go insane with lust and start buying handfuls of them. I think I purchased something like 5 guns within the first 6 months after buying my first handgun (walther P99, which I still have and love the most). it's the only way to achieve yellow belt in mall ninjutsu.

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normally, after you've purchased your first gun, most people generally go insane with lust and start buying handfuls of them

definitely this.

I bought my first handgun in April, since then I have bought another handgun for CCW and am now in the process of picking up a shotgun sometime soon. After that it will be time to pick up an AR, 1911 and the list goes on and on

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I never singled it out! :lol:someone feeling guilty? :eatdrink:

Not me... I have owned some... HAVE being the key word. :D

:killerkenny: As for the comment from Bad324 for a AR... See Avatar! :D

BUILD IT! You can buy one if you really want. I got one for sale. M&P15T tactical version w/Vortex strikefire red/green dot. It's nice, just does not meet my standards. Purchased it when changebama got elected. Then built the other one. I have yet another in build right now. Need a upper and a stock for it and it will be ready to rock. Would love to get the clearance to put the Hell fire switch in one!

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