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Biker politics? Awesome video

Strictly Street

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- School officials at Denair Middle School are talking Friday about an incident where they allegedly asked a student to remove his American flag from his bike.

Thursday, we tried to speak with Denair Middle School officials but the campus was closed in observance of Veterans Day.

Ed Parraz, the Superintendent of the Denair School District told us a school supervisor asked Cody to take down the flag. The supervisor will not be fired or face repercussions. Parraz says the supervisor had information that Cody Alicea’s safety was at risk because of the flag. Some students had complained about it and had apparently made threats.

Parraz says they have decided to focus on those students who are causing the problem, not the flag. Cody is now allowed to ride onto school campus with Old Glory on the back. Parraz is aware of the outcry across the nation over this story. He says they embrace the American flag, they are patriotic, but that their main priority is keeping students safe.

Update: Amazing it had to come to this. Instead of going after the students who were threatening the boy, they instead chose to force him to take his flag down…

Local bikers respond:


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Update: Amazing it had to come to this. Instead of going after the students who were threatening the boy, they instead chose to force him to take his flag down…

Actually, if you watch the other videos, it turns out that no one ever threatened Cody. The school administration cited a previous year incident where some mexican students were threatened for waving mexican flags on Cinco De Mayo as the basis for their "no flags" policy.

Anyhow, much respect for that young man who seems very respectful and handles himself extremely well.

As for the "bikers", meh...

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Actually, if you watch the other videos, it turns out that no one ever threatened Cody. The school administration cited a previous year incident where some mexican students were threatened for waving mexican flags on Cinco De Mayo as the basis for their "no flags" policy.

Anyhow, much respect for that young man who seems very respectful and handles himself extremely well.

As for the "bikers", meh...

I'm thinking its more of the people being feed up with political correctness.

USA wrong every time is no way to live for us or them. (Whoever they might be) ARRGH!! Even I'm doing it!!!

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People are only "fed up with political correctness" when they're stopped from doing something they politically agree with.

But when someone else isn't stopped from doing something you politically disagree with, it's "total bullshit" right?

I think you are correct in your assumption but not everyone is that way. I will admit I have stood up for people's rights/views/etc even when I didn't agree with it. Case in point, I think what Westboro church does is absolutely wrong on so many levels, but protesting peacefully is not against the law. As much as it really pains me to say this, they have that right.

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What was with the biker at the end of the vid that needed two of his buddies to push him?

dude...harley...did you really have to ask?

as for the OP...your "update" section isnt actually correct...right in the article it says

Parraz says they have decided to focus on those students who are causing the problem, not the flag. Cody is now allowed to ride onto school campus with Old Glory on the back.
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People are only "fed up with political correctness" when they're stopped from doing something they politically agree with.

But when someone else isn't stopped from doing something you politically disagree with, it's "total bullshit" right?

Asked and answered. You really just can't help it can you? ;)

Political correctness isn't always all that political. One example might be the fear of guns getting 1st graders suspended for have little green army men.

Not very political but still falls under the heading.

These stories hit the news every now and again. Sometime it's tough trying to figure out what people were thinking. Other times it's pretty obvious.

Religion in schools is another. Why should one have perks another does not. Then again there is that pesky endorsement of religion by the state thing.

Flags appear to be another hot button topic. Remember the uproar over the "Don't tread on me" flag?

I'm thinking that the pendulum of popular public opinion is starting to swing the other way, away from the liberals as a group and democrats in particular.

Interesting watching what is a story these days. I'll bet it gets weirder the closer we get to the next election.

dude...harley...did you really have to ask?

as for the OP...your "update" section isnt actually correct...right in the article it says

The update section was part of the article I grabbed. Should have edited it, but being lazy I just grabbed the whole thing.

On the other hand:

Parraz says they have decided to focus on those students who are causing the problem, not the flag. Cody is now allowed to ride onto school campus with Old Glory on the back.

Wasn't the original outcome. Somebody is doing the CYA dance which I suspect isn't that un-common in academia if you look at the number of lawsuits hitting schools these days.

Edited by Strictly Street
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I think what Westboro church does is absolutely wrong on so many levels, but protesting peacefully is not against the law. As much as it really pains me to say this, they have that right.

I also believe they have the right to protest without government intervention. I also believe that there are consequences for your actions.

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