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Ok, Who's the Idiot?


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And 1000RR seems to be the only one to get it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Nah, other people get it, too. But, as many on here seem to think - it's ok to ride in snow and apparently, everyone does it. There must only be a select few that understand just how fucking stupid it is to think you can ride a two wheeled motorcycle (Other than a DS or similar) in conditions like you show.

I understand getting with buddies and throwing a leg over the ol' dirtbike or DS bike and having a shit pile of fun, but anything with radial tires in deep snow (2" or more) or in conditions where there is snow in between wheel tracks, you are being a tard and also endangering others...

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I'm not trying to justify it, I agree that it's not the smartest thing to do, I just don't see where a vespa (even out of control, laid down, etc) is such a huge danger to everyone on the roads. I'd think that this guy is more likely to be killed than the "antics" that many of us participate in through the summer on our bikes.

Dangerous to himself, yes. Dangerous to others, not so much.

Ok, moron drops the bike at 20 mph (probably going faster than that), causes the people around him to over react (happens all the time). That reaction causes cars to crash. Car crashes are dangerous. Get it now?

Chain reaction whether due to poor driving or idiots on bikes, doesn't matter. It happens a lot. Hell, had a kid today as we were driving up north for family stuff over reacted and damn near went right into the ditch. He panicked because the driver in front stopped sooner than he expected and almost skid right to the ditch. Sure, he was at fault, but the same thing would happen if a bike crashed in front of the same kid. Except now, he is in town around a shit pile more cars...

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Casey does it, its skill


I do it and I'm an idiot.

I'm sure people who get passed in southern Ohio by them damn sport bikes think they are idiots, but they think they are under control.

Unless you can post video of scooter boy losing control his level of idiot must be outside of your level.

You don't do what Casey is doing in that pic. You might think you do, but you don't. Next?

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We had family over today and was riding the KLX for about 2 hrs. today we were taking turns (because we don't know any better), my brother in law crashed and bent the rider peg and the brake lever....what a dick right before we hooked the sled up too...my daughter is not impressed with the bent brake lever and foot peg at all, it is her dirt bike.

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That was how I got to work all last winter - on my 1986 Honda Aero 50. It's amazing how 10 inch dirt bike tires and 3.5 horsepower can get you through snow and slush faster than a car. Keep in mind I did this all winter. I never crashed. I did pass a few cars in the ditch though. It never left me stranded; that kick starter proved quite useful. Of course I had full gear on, I stayed dry and mostly warm (the heated gloves help). The big question is, would you rather lose control of a $150, 120 lb scooter, or a $5000+, 3000 lb car? Guess which one will cause more damage.

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Ok, moron drops the bike at 20 mph (probably going faster than that), causes the people around him to over react (happens all the time). That reaction causes cars to crash. Car crashes are dangerous. Get it now?

Chain reaction whether due to poor driving or idiots on bikes, doesn't matter. It happens a lot. Hell, had a kid today as we were driving up north for family stuff over reacted and damn near went right into the ditch. He panicked because the driver in front stopped sooner than he expected and almost skid right to the ditch. Sure, he was at fault, but the same thing would happen if a bike crashed in front of the same kid. Except now, he is in town around a shit pile more cars...

So, this is so much different than a car crashing and causing a chain reaction? :bow:

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That was how I got to work all last winter - on my 1986 Honda Aero 50. It's amazing how 10 inch dirt bike tires and 3.5 horsepower can get you through snow and slush faster than a car. Keep in mind I did this all winter. I never crashed. I did pass a few cars in the ditch though. It never left me stranded; that kick starter proved quite useful. Of course I had full gear on, I stayed dry and mostly warm (the heated gloves help). The big question is, would you rather lose control of a $150, 120 lb scooter, or a $5000+, 3000 lb car? Guess which one will cause more damage.

First off, I already staid it had scooter tires, not dirtbike tires, no knobbies, nothing.

Second, feel free to loose control of your 120lb scooter in this weather and you will probably meet the guy with the 3000lb car as he runs you over.

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First off, I already staid it had scooter tires, not dirtbike tires, no knobbies, nothing.

Second, feel free to loose control of your 120lb scooter in this weather and you will probably meet the guy with the 3000lb car as he runs you over.

Based on that logic, it's not really any different than riding in the rain, or at night for that matter. In fact, why am I riding at all? I could be run over at any minute!

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Second, feel free to loose control of your 120lb scooter in this weather and you will probably meet the guy with the 3000lb car as he runs you over.

that can happen when its 90 degrees and hasnt rained for a month too.

and if you are driving correctly for the snowy road conditions, you should have no problem stopping in time.

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Based on that logic, it's not really any different than riding in the rain, or at night for that matter. In fact, why am I riding at all? I could be run over at any minute!

Watch out for Crazy Cabbiez too!

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Hot Liquid warnings on McDonalds coffee. Common sense says coffee is hot but yet they still got their ass sued for no warning.

to be fair, that coffee was near boiling. yes coffee is supposed to be hot, but not that hot. coffee is supposed to be like 140, not 190. you cant even drink it at that temperature.

secondly, they KNEW it was too hot, and not fit for consumption, and they sold it anyway. thats what the crux of the lawsuit was.

also, the jury DID find the lady 20% at fault too.

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Someone needs some remedial comprehension classes or is just an idiot. Next!

So when you say "When I do it, I am an idiot" was just joking? Strange to use Casey as an example of spinning up the rear and sliding out of a turn and then you say when you do it...

Guess I missed something or that was a really bad example... At least you are honest enough to realize you don't...

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So, this is so much different than a car crashing and causing a chain reaction? :bow:

The difference is the car is designed and more likely to make it.

Fuck... I knew I should have stayed out of this thread. We apparently have WAY too many super duper riders that ride around in elements that are seemingly perfectly fine for 2 wheels. Much safer and very much at MINIMAL, as safe as a car...

I'm done. Gotta get a shock off a bike. Have fun everyone.

Flounder? Good fucking luck on this one...

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I have always thought people who ride scooters in the snow are insane. I almost ran over a girl with my bus because she bit it on a blind turn while ridding a scooter in the snow. I thought I was going to have a heart attack at 21. She had a little bit of shock but was able to stand up right away, I called paramedics anyways.

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