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Ok, Who's the Idiot?


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I was quoting you and your nonsense replies. Fyi. Never said Flounder was texting. You said you text and drive.

You are correct. I messed that part up.

nonsense replies... Good one.

I'm done here... For now I guess... You won't man up and respond to the comments outside the texting so, I'll check out some other threads...

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...the topic was how stupid it is and then we get the peanut gallery chiming in how great they all drive and that it isn't dangerous - only to the rider and no big deal.

I'll say it again, I don't think ANYONE that posted here said what this guy did was not dangerous or stupid.

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I'll say it again' date=' I don't think [u']ANYONE that posted here said what this guy did was not dangerous or stupid.

The guy was not dangerous or stupid. If he was he'd probably have wrecked or seemed out of control, like a drunk Harley or sport bike rider on a hot summer night. Now There's dangerous and stupid! :p

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sucks...I got my truck stuck, took the VFR to where it was stuck to get some things out of it and man was that a blast! Because surely taking a 430hp RWD Camaro on summer tires would've been just ludicrous

Oh and by the way, Dragging Heel is definitely the new Dragging Knee...jus sayin :dunno:

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