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Very nice gun... I almost picked that one up last week but I went with the S&W Bodyguard 380 instead. I like the different mag on that. One reason I went with the S&W was because of the grip it had, plus the laser is pretty BA! Get that CCW, very good thing to have. I purchased the 380 for carry as well. I know some people like the bigger caliber, but I like to feel a little more comfortable when I carry.

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the only bad thing about the gun is just how small the sights are. If they would of been 1-2mm's taller it would be a lot nicer. Not that its a bad gun. I had to get used to it like every gun, and once i dead it was consistant. Great gun!

They went with a sleek design. Its intended for carrying in your pocket and being able to be drawn from a pocket holster. You don't want your sights to snag and you pull out both your holster and gun lol. My fiance's keltec is the same way. I acutally think ruger bought the design from then and modified a few things on it.

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