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bus driver murders snow man


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I saw this the other day, I thought it was funny.

MOAR background: Bus Driver Resigns After Killing Snow Man

A Champaign-Urbana bus driver quit today after this video of him carelessly plowing through a snow man in the road was posted to the web. It's unclear if the driver's bad at his job or just really hated Jack Frost.

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thats pretty awesome....why the hell did we never think to make a snow man in the middle of the road!?!?!

If memory serves me correct somewhere in ohio someone tried to pull a stunt where they put those concrete deer statues in the road and the on coming car swerved to miss it and crashed. I think the driver was hurt too. Just think of the lawsuits if he tried to miss it and wrecked lol

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If memory serves me correct somewhere in ohio someone tried to pull a stunt where they put those concrete deer statues in the road and the on coming car swerved to miss it and crashed. I think the driver was hurt too. Just think of the lawsuits if he tried to miss it and wrecked lol

That bus driver did everyone a favor by removing a hazard. He ought to get a raise instead of being fired.

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He had no way to know what was in it. It could have been full of cinder blocks and made to look like a snow man. Imagine if he had hit it then. I'll avoid a fast food bag in the middle of the road if I can. You just never know what could be in it the way people are these days.

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He had no way to know what was in it. It could have been full of cinder blocks and made to look like a snow man. Imagine if he had hit it then. I'll avoid a fast food bag in the middle of the road if I can. You just never know what could be in it the way people are these days.
The way I understood it be quit... but by removing that obstical he put everyone on the bus at risk.

Good points. I stand corrected. Looking at it after the fact it was just snow, but it could have been anything inside. :o

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