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Homeless man w/golden radio voice in Columbus, OH


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what a scum bag, he has been to prison, he is a drunk, was addicted to drugs. He deserves to be homeless, I will have to say he landed himself on hudson. the thing that makes me mad is there are millions of good hard working people looking for jobs that are not out there and some loser makes it on tv and everyone wants to hire him. What a shame everyone wants to feel bad for him but noone should, The only Thing I like about this is that clevland wants him, what a suprise he would fit in great up there with all the other bums and drug addicts. The only good thing I see in this story is he will not be standing along our roads in columbus anymore. There are homeless shelters for a reason, tax money goes to help, homme, and feed people. The reson that the people on the street dont take advantage of these services is because he is still a drunk and cant drink there

I agree, they said this guy has three warrants out for his arrest, go arrest him, you know where he is, this guy is an example of why society sucks, what kind of example does this set for criminals with warrants outstanding? does this mean it is okay to have warrants as long as you can sing, have the police pick him up and make him responsible for his crimes, also if he was addicted to drugs yesterday that means he probably is today

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This guy is all over the news, they mentioned he has 3 outstanding warrents in Columbus. So again I find myself asking why are people putting a criminal on tv then flying him to New York and offering him jobs? What a positive role model

Are we still talking about the homeless guy, or Obama.... I'm so lost

EDIT: For the noobs - Forgot the smiley :D

Edited by |SnOmAn|
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Update: the Dispatch removes ‘homeless voice’ YouTube clip http://www.lostremote.com/2011/01/06/newspaper-removes-homeless-voice-youtube-clip/

For copyright violations. Youtube made the Dispatch known worldwide, and yet they pull it. :nono:

Where have you guys seen he has warrants out for his arrest?

As for drugs and alcohol, I'm sure the Cavaliers will write that into his contract. Random testing I'm sure.

And for you haters, really? This is an awesome story. I'm very happy for the guy and hope he can really turn his life around with this excellent opportunity.

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And for you haters, really? This is an awesome story. I'm very happy for the guy and hope he can really turn his life around with this excellent opportunity.


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Thats correct he has not seen his mom in 20 years, I would assume because she knows he is scum, The same reason his wife left him. He has 9 children that I am sure he did not help raise or support seeing he was found on hudson. They said on the news he had 3 current arrest warrents, On the radio this morning they said he was put in some sort of rehabilitation or correct facility and he had escaped. What a loser this is not someone you want your kids to look up to.

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Thats correct he has not seen his mom in 20 years, I would assume because she knows he is scum, The same reason his wife left him. He has 9 children that I am sure he did not help raise or support seeing he was found on hudson. They said on the news he had 3 current arrest warrents, On the radio this morning they said he was put in some sort of rehabilitation or correct facility and he had escaped. What a loser this is not someone you want your kids to look up to.

"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." John 8:7 (KJV)

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Thats correct he has not seen his mom in 20 years, I would assume because she knows he is scum, The same reason his wife left him. He has 9 children that I am sure he did not help raise or support seeing he was found on hudson. They said on the news he had 3 current arrest warrents, On the radio this morning they said he was put in some sort of rehabilitation or correct facility and he had escaped. What a loser this is not someone you want your kids to look up to.

Guess I have to quote myself:

And for you haters, really? This is an awesome story. I'm very happy for the guy and hope he can really turn his life around with this excellent opportunity.
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And for you haters, really? This is an awesome story. I'm very happy for the guy and hope he can really turn his life around with this excellent opportunity.

i agree.... he obviously knows what he has done wrong in life, and now he has a chance to try again and be a better person...perhaps he will do just that

just because he had a bad past, doesnt mean he has to have a bad future.

wicked, you would rather see him back on the streets doing the same shit hes been doing, rather than clean up his life and become a positive, functioning member of society?

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wicked, you would rather see him back on the streets doing the same shit hes been doing, rather than clean up his life and become a positive, functioning member of society?

because we clearly don't lock enough people up in this country. Nope, 10%, not enough.

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because we clearly don't lock enough people up in this country. Nope, 10%, not enough.

if we lock him up for his 3 warrants (that combined probably will be less than 10 years)...then what? he gets out and hes back on the street doing the same shit hes been doing...on top of that, while hes in jail, were still paying his bills

so lets see...let him be a bum, live off our dime for a few years, be released and go back to being a bum, have him out shoplifting and doing whatever he does


let him get a job and clean up his life, start paying taxes to help repay us for all the gov. assistance he has received and/or for the things he has stolen, and let him turn into a functioning member of society

seems easy to me....guess some people would rather just keep dealing with him being a bum and a mooch though

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despite his past, if you watch this video, you can see that he is sincere and trying to turn his life around

god forbid a person be judged for the rest of their life, from things they have done in the past

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This seems to of gotten a bit out of hand with this guy don't ya think?

over the top yeah, but if you were listening to dave and jimmy tuesday morning, it was pretty cool as the calls from the west coast came in and hearing his story launch here locally for the first time. Anyone else up at the crack of dawn that morning?

im definetly not one to judge. i just hope he can keep his life together under the pressures of sudden fame and trully hope for his success.

but of course he will. he found jesus.

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Holy shit!! I didn't know the little bugger was lost. I mean' date=' I knew he ran away 3 days after the Jews laid the smackdown, but I thought he was past that?[/quote']


Seriously though.... did anyone really think a man living on the street all those years wouldn't have a rap sheet, drug problem, or mental health issue? I hope for the best for him and that his demons stay away.

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Seriously though.... did anyone really think a man living on the street all those years wouldn't have a rap sheet, drug problem, or mental health issue? I hope for the best for him and that his demons stay away.

couldnt agree more.

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As soon as this story broke, I looked at my wife and said.... "just wait until all the retards are surprised that he has a criminal past". How does one survive on the street without income? Answer.... find things or steal things. Why is one on the street? Answer.... Mental Health, Drugs, On Da Lamb, or truley very unfortunate circumstances. It rocks my gut a little that people put this stuff out there.

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