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Iphone now on Verizon


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Figured this is good info. I hate my current phone and soon will need an upgrade. I've never been real tech savy or have much need for a phone that does more than call and text but thinking I might finally become one of those iphone assholes.

So all you phone techy people wanna give me the pro's and con's to the iphone?

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The iPhone is awesome. I'd highly recommend it to anyone. I've owned Windows Mobile and Blackberry phones also. The iPhone trumps them by far. I've used Droid phones, and just don't think it's quite mature enough yet.

I'd love to switch to Verizon. Unfortunately, there's one thing I use quite often that I'm not sure I could do without... On AT&T I can be talking on the phone and use data. This may not sound like a big deal, but for me it's huge. I often find myself putting people on speaker phone to look up info, emails, maps, etc. You can't do that on Verizon. I have a feeling I'll be sticking with AT&T. I'm not sure I'm willing to give that up to switch providers. Plus, with all the folks that'll be jumping to Verizon, that'll probably free up the AT&T network a bit. LOL

Now if it'd been released on the LTE network, that'd be a different story...

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I have no clue how different is the Iphone on verizon .

I have the Iphone 4 " jailbreak/Unlocked " and i love this thing , it got all i need , and it doesn't feel like breakable cheap plastic in my hands " as some other phones do " .

HDR pictures, HD videos , and so on , I love it , it's only Con for me is , it's not on verizon :(

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I'm mixed on it. I actually have a work phone on Verizon and my personal phone on ATT. My ATT phone is the iPhone 4 and I LOVE it! The BB on Verizon is a pile of shit and I hate it tremendously. The up side is I can switch to one phone. Downside is the fact that I cannot do more than one thing at a time. That's a big bummer on my end...

But, I like the hot spot application for use with my other devices. ATT should have this...

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Did you see the comments? Someone mentioned that iPhone is leaving AT&T and not using them as a provider... I'm not opposed to this, but wonder how true it is. I hate AT&T service. Never had any issues with Verizon the 4 years I had them.

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I have to laugh at all of it since I work for the ATT...

no it does not matter what most say, I dont work for mobility I work for land line and fiber deployment (I.E. engineering). This is just another launch of yet another phone. Nothing different from the norm...

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They do if you jailbreak it. And unlike Verizon, there's no additional monthly charge. :D

If I jailbreak, you are saying that there is an app that allows free wi-fi hot spot from my ATT phone?

Or, are you referring to tethering? The way I understand it, the Verizon phone will be a mobile Wi-Fi device, also like what they currently are using. Maybe I read that wrong, but the idea of tethering isn't attractive to me as I can get better results with Wi-Fi vs. Edge or even low signal 3G which is common is a lot of places still.

I worry about the 4G thing also. I mean, ATT is still tough to find a 3G spot. For example, around here, Verizon is 3G, but ATT is still on Edge. What advantage is it for me to stick with ATT even if they get the 4G up and running when they don't have good 3G coverage??

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i've been waiting for the iPhone on Verizon for years. got sick of waiting and got the droid x not too long ago. but along with the X i have an ipod touch. I love my touch and that is what really made me want an iphone. But the more i use my X i find myself leaving my ipod at home. Maybe because it doesn't have cellular service or what not but the X is an outstanding phone and i love it.

and on a side note. Verizon is doing away with their "new every 2" January 16th so much for upgrading to an iphone. Looks like people with be paying for it and not upgrading to it.

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bullshit, it says i can upgrade in march and i plan to upgrade...ill pitch a fit if they dont upgrade me. they will upgrade me just to get me outta their store...my phone i have now is a piece of shit

but im reading that LTE wont be unlimited data...which will suck!!! i could burn 5gigs so quick, and it costs more

think i may just have to go with iphone or a droidx...no way im paying $50 for 5 gigs of data, and $80 for 10g.... for $50 it should be unlimited, especially since theres so much easy free wifi access available now

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I have to laugh at all of it since I work for the ATT...

no it does not matter what most say, I dont work for mobility I work for land line and fiber deployment (I.E. engineering). This is just another launch of yet another phone. Nothing different from the norm...

I work for T as well. These thread make me laugh as well. We'll see how well all the Verizon folks like the iPhone when it loses 50% of its' functionality. While I agree our network is not perfect it does pretty well for the services we provide. We are also in the process of rolling out out LTE network. I have had 4 different providers since the days of bag phones and T is the best I've had and that is not being stated just because they pay my bills. I also do not work for the Mobility group, PBX, IPT and data network install group.

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I'd love to switch to Verizon. Unfortunately, there's one thing I use quite often that I'm not sure I could do without... On AT&T I can be talking on the phone and use data. This may not sound like a big deal, but for me it's huge. I often find myself putting people on speaker phone to look up info, emails, maps, etc. You can't do that on Verizon. ...

I have a BB on Verizon and I can do that. I can be on a phone call and switch them to speakerphone and then toggle over to my email, contacts list, even internet screen.

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I have a BB on Verizon and I can do that. I can be on a phone call and switch them to speakerphone and then toggle over to my email, contacts list, even internet screen.

You can look at them or a previously loaded web page by you cannot send or receive an e-mail or actively surf the web. You can do both while talking to someone on AT&T's network.

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You can look at them or a previously loaded web page by you cannot send or receive an e-mail or actively surf the web. You can do both while talking to someone on AT&T's network.

Hmmm. Never noticed that. I guess I never really needed to do anything other than look at something. I feel a bit sheepish.:o I guess that function is not that important to me then. :p

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read up on new every 2...its going away, you can use it if you have it, but you cant reenroll after the 16th for the next year

not eligible till march, im calling now to see if they will upgrade me early lol

this is good news. I'm gonna go in this week and see if they will let me upgrade early too. I have a few months left I think

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I wonder why they are getting rid of it? I'm going on 7 years of having Verizon and I've had no issues. I previously had Alltel and T-Mobile and my work phone is a Sprint/Nextel Blackberry. Verizon has had the best coverage of everything I've used so I've just stuck with them

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