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Allow Teachers To Carry Guns? That's The Nebraska Solution


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I find this interesting in tbut's findings:

Furthermore, it must be noted that the act, has in no way impacted the proliferation of illegal firearms to violent criminals. With criminals more frequently committing crimes with R4 and R5 assault rifles (which are not and never has been available to normal citizens) and 9mm police issue pistols. Reports state that The SA Police Service has lost, had stolen or otherwise misplaced 8 286 firearms, including pistols, shotguns, rifles and revolvers, in three years(2006-2009)[5].
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A buddy of mine brought up another point... just based on how the debate is framed.

Why is the initial assuption on a lot of these pro/anti-gun discussions that the NORM is "Guns aren't allowed" and we work into expanding gun rights outward to selective groups, rather than assuming guns are the NORM and we keep restricting them from there?

Expanding outward vs. contracting inward.

I have thought about that too. when talking to different family members who don't own gun and don't hunt. When I talk about going to the range or the next gun I am looking to buy they look at me like im nuts. I think its the whole politically correct stuff we deal with on a daily basis. We don't wanna step on toes so we downplay or limit our own rights. It also has a bit to do.with how the media plays in it to I believe.

I have a buddy that is a hard core atheist and he never has a problem with talking about his beliefs but if someone puts up a manger scene and he sees its he is appalled at how they just shouldnt be able to do that... I know there are some folks on here who have the same beliefs as him im not trying to turn this into a religious debate its just and example.

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My feeling on guns in schools is that the parents of the students should have some say. And the only thing I mean by that is make it STATE legislation.

If Nebraska wants to allow it; then great! Anyone who doesn't like it had better start looking for places to live outside of Nebraska. Vote with your feet. It's a fundamental tenant of Federalism, damnit.

On a smaller scale, I wouldn't have a problem with 'segregated' schools; one where the teachers carry, and the students know it, and another across town that's gun-free. The parents can decide which one they want their kids to attend.

I'm not sure if that's constitutional, but my suspicion is that it would sort itself out relatively quickly. Academic performance in one school or the other would become noticeably better, and parents would start sending their kids to the school that provides the better education regardless of whether or not the teachers were armed.

I can't say for certain which one it would be, but I can make an educated guess... There. Social experiment over.

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Just now getting around to reading this thread... So I have to ask...

If guns in schools are bad, then why do we have armed off duty police officers in our public schools?

As someone who is against the idea of arming teachers, I'm fine with police officers carrying guns in school for this simple reason. Police officers go through countless hours of training. They have received crisis intervention training to assess a situation to know if the use of lethal force is necessary.

I think this may be a knee jerk reaction is all. In 2000 there were approximately 77 million K-12 students in the US. Since 1997, when shootings in schools seems to have begun, there have be approximately 30 students killed by shootings by fellow classmates...let the bashing begin LOL :rolleyes:

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I actually think this is pretty funny idea. I work in a school...most if not all the teachers I work with wouldn't want a gun anywhere near them. Our principal, an ex-Ranger, would love it though lol. This may be the dumbest idea ever.

Teachers I've talked to are liberals who don't believe in guns. Going with the "If you won't shoot don't carry" idea I'm thinking for most of them it would be dangerous.

But on the other hand. Response time for 911 is measured in minutes while for CCW it's measured in fps.

I think they should be allowed to carry if they wanted to. You just know that one of the teachers is an ex-marine, ex ranger etc.

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I also work in a school. But we have our own police department. Most teachers would not want to carry. Regardless of the teacher's opinions, that's not the reason it won't happen. The schools do not want the liabilities that would result.

It's somewhat different for adult education. There are military and law enforcement students and teachers that would be overly qualified. Doesn't matter, an adult campus is too large. A well trained rapid response team is the only thing that will work adequately. Personal carry in a large campus would only be personal protection.

So the question really is, should all qualified individuals have the right to carry for personal protection, while at a school where it normally is not allowed.

And I will have to say that there is a distinct different between a military response and a police response to any given situation. Results will vary.

For the K-12 schools, I'll also say that in some states, or in rural areas, perhaps one or two teachers could openly carry firearms every day. I don't have a problem with that. But I would think that would be necessary only in places where off duty law enforcement are not available to work a shift there.

It's really all about a show of force to deter crime by the students. That's why I said open carry. It has to be seen.

And finally, if it's such a serious situation, I'd want all my teachers seriously trained in hand to hand combat.

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as long as they go thru the backround checks and the training like any other person who CCW does

I think your right on the money here. Training works.

Making school zones 100% gun free doesn't make them crime free.

On the other hand it does guarantee that all the law abiding citizens will be un-able to fight back.

As Recon pointed out, one size does not fit all.

What would work in Nebraska might not in South Central LA.

Basic hand to hand would be a good thing even for those that were not armed.

Background checks are mandatory for teachers anyplace I have ever heard of so that wouldn't be such a big issue.

Edited by Strictly Street
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In Ohio if a teacher gets the School Boards permission and goes through OPATA training then they can carry at school. If they can go through all of that then they must keep the gun on there person at all times & never let other teachers or students know. The only people who know which teachers carry are the school board & the principal. Parents are not privy to that info & will not know if their child's teacher is carrying.

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In Ohio if a teacher gets the School Boards permission and goes through OPATA training then they can carry at school. If they can go through all of that then they must keep the gun on there person at all times & never let other teachers or students know. The only people who know which teachers carry are the school board & the principal. Parents are not privy to that info & will not know if their child's teacher is carrying.

Sounds like a decent plan, don't ask don't tell :D. Not referencing the military btw

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I'd worry about kids getting ahold of it by a clumsy teacher.

This would definitely happen. I know from my experience, you can't even trust teachers to treat laptops properly, let alone a gun. The argument against this is that schools don't have any REAL defense against a shooter other than a lockdown. Basically, you're a sitting duck praying the shooter won't come in your classroom. It's a tough call with no clear solution.

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