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I'm moving into my first apartment! Gimme advice, please?


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Yup. Haven't been on the forums much, but I know you folks are just here to spread the love. So, here's the situation:

I've been out before, I was in the dorms for a year, then basically couch camped between mom's and my girlfriend's for a bit. Then, she and her roomy had a fight, so we both came back to my mom's place. But, it is time for us to go.

Rent is approximately 1/4 of our monthly income, as some apartment shopping websites have recommended.

Other combined bills will be electric, internet and insurance. Water, trash, and all that jazz is paid for by the complex.

I'll also have my bike payment, and her engagement ring payment, which total slightly less than 200/mo.

She has her car payment, and credit card.

I made sure it was a downstairs place, so I could bring my baby(bike) in.

What else...

We have a table, couch, recliner and bed. D/W is included, and they have laundry facilities throughout the complex.

We also have two dogs.

Ok, that was a lovely list. Anybody want to share some words of wisdom, for any aspect of moving out?

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be good at budgeting and stick to it. Luckily you have someone to split the rent with. I've always lived with friends for this reason. The one 6 month period I had my own apartment the bills blew and I was bored all the time

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Ditch the chick and stay at home. You're not supposed to be moving in with the P yet. Live a little.

youngins these days....I just don't understand them. Then they oooo and ahh that I have multiple toys and can't seem to figure out how I've made that happen :rolleyes:

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nothing. I meant that I laugh at guys that wonder how I was able to acquire all them

by being single or having someone to split the bill with?

Hey now, she wants a bike too... I already had to promise her mine when I upgrade.

And yes, renter's insurance is required by the complex. I learned the hard way how important it is, when my PS3 was ganked from her old apartment.

That's cool, what you looking to upgrade to? Renter insurance can't go wrong with it.

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by being single or having someone to split the bill with

combo of both. Its not even being single part because I've dated several girls over the years. Its the moving in with them thing because they now watch your every move and every dollar you spend and all that shit. Is it all of them, no but I've seen it happen to many many of my friends

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combo of both. Its not even being single part because I've dated several girls over the years. Its the moving in with them thing because they now watch your every move and every dollar you spend and all that shit. Is it all of them, no but I've seen it happen to many many of my friends

Yea, hear ya on that one. I hate it when people tell me how I spend my money on things considered to them as stupid or why did I buy this?

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combo of both. Its not even being single part because I've dated several girls over the years. Its the moving in with them thing because they now watch your every move and every dollar you spend and all that shit. Is it all of them, no but I've seen it happen to many many of my friends

Ive lived with my girl for year and a half now and she never says a word about how I spend my money. She says my money is my money. I guess insulting her constantly and making her feel worthless has helped me gain the power.


Ill sell you my couch. Dont spend money on stupid shit you dont need that you think you need. Make sure you can have the dogs and get atleast one on the lease. I got "evicted" from my last place because it was not dog friendly...cost me $$$. oh and FOOD IS EXPENSIVE especially beer.

and like shitty said....I hope you/both are in school.

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Ive lived with my girl for year and a half now and she never says a word about how I spend my money. She says my money is my money. I guess insulting her constantly and making her feel worthless has helped me gain the power.


Ill sell you my couch. Dont spend money on stupid shit you dont need that you think you need. Make sure you can have the dogs and get atleast one on the lease. I got "evicted" from my last place because it was not dog friendly...cost me $$$. oh and FOOD IS EXPENSIVE especially beer.

and like shitty said....I hope you/both are in school.

Pay your bills on time.

That right there! Money goes fast. sometimes you have to wait a few weeks to buy something for fun. (i.e. bike stuff)

One thing a lot of people don't think about that saves money, don't buy fast food. It's a lot cheaper to make something at home. :rolleyes:

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Haha, we are both at school... And I'm not even 21 yet. Less than a month to go... i've been waiting soo long. All my friends are older than me, and it sucks being the guy ordering a water, all the time.

I'm usually pretty good with money, so bill payments shouldn't be bad, unless we don't have it. Mint.com has a nice budgeting feature I'm acclimating myself to.

Also, mom's letting me take one of her couches. This place is big enough and she never fills them up anyway.

For food, I'm slightly worrying about that as well, because she certainly does love chipotle and the like. But, she says being able to buy groceries will persuade her to pack lunch and crap.

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Two basic rules I lived by in my single days:

1) Don't move in with her unless you want to marry her. OK, I realize that's a very personal decision, and although it worked well for me, it's not for everyone, and you've already broken that one anyway, so never mind. On to the more important:

2) Simple but not always easy: Live within your means. When the ads scream at you, "Buy now and Save!!!", just remember that spending is not saving. NOT spending is saving. If every month you spend a little less than you earn, time is on your side. If every month you spend a little more than you earn, time is against you. I've known people making six figures a year and people on welfare who both violated that simple rule, and they all end up in the same place eventually: broke. Set priorities, spend your time and money on what's important, be disciplined, and it will all work out in the end. I have never made what most people would consider a lot of money, but by always living within my means and being smart, I own two houses, three motorcycles and live comfortably. (And lest you think I'm bragging, let me say I still have a lot to learn. If I had known 15 years ago what I know now, I'd be a multi-millionaire, and 15 years from now I'll look back and think, "Man I was such a dumb shit back in 2011!")

Good luck.

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Hey now, she wants a bike too... I already had to promise her mine when I upgrade.

And so it begins.....

Who name is going on the lease?

My advice yours and yours only.

Two names is twice the headache. Esp. If you guys break up


I still do this. I own a home and am married. My name, only, period.

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Eh... if we do split, which I find highly unlikely, but if... I'd like to make it fair. Hell, I'd rather her keep the place, and I'd just go back to home cooked meals.

(Which I am quickly realizing how much I will miss.)

But your name is on the lease which means you are still legally responsible if she doesnt pay. If she does not pay and gets evicted you will also get evicted and both could possibly be legally responsible for the rent owed on the remainder of the lease.

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