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Medina School requires breathelyzer at dances.


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Too far or looking out for school kids safety?

MEDINA (AP) -- Students will have to pass a breathalyzer test before they can be admitted to dances at one Ohio high school.

A student member of a committee that came up with the new Medina High School policy says it comes after two students showed up drunk for the fall homecoming dance.


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I don't see a problem with it. The school could just stop holding dances all together instead.

I believe my high school flatly disallowed anyone over 21 from attending our homecoming dances. You had to prove that your date was enrolled at another school.

You COULD bring anyone under the sun to prom, but they may have had breathalizers there. I know they kicked people over 21 out for being buzzed.

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I don't see a problem with it. The school could just stop holding dances all together instead.

I believe my high school flatly disallowed anyone over 21 from attending our homecoming dances. You had to prove that your date was enrolled at another school.

You COULD bring anyone under the sun to prom, but they may have had breathalizers there. I know they kicked people over 21 out for being buzzed.

licking heights had a policy like this where you had to prove your date was enrolled at a diff school, they had to get a form filled out and signed by their principal.

watkins right down the road didnt, because i went to my girls hs prom with her and i was already in college

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I think Northridge had one of those "prove your date goes to school" policies too but I don't remember for sure. Our dances sucked so I never went, we'd just get the trucks and go mudding or something.

Honestly I see no problem with them making sure kids aren't drinking. One, they are all underage and two they are too immature to know how to handle themselves when drinking. The teachers and chaperones are responsible for their safety.

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How about' date=' "if you show up drunk you'll be escorted off the property"?? Why does everything have to involve an invasion of privacy/space?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.[/quote']

One thing I didn't catch earlier was they didn't state what a "pass" would be. Would it be the legal limit for someone 21+ years old or would it be any alcohol in their systems? If they are under 21 that can't be drinking anyways.

So if they have a 0 tolerance then just kicking out the ones that look drunk wouldn't cut it. Plus some could be drunk and hide it well.

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One thing I didn't catch earlier was they didn't state what a "pass" would be. Would it be the legal limit for someone 21+ years old or would it be any alcohol in their systems? If they are under 21 that can't be drinking anyways.

So if they have a 0 tolerance then just kicking out the ones that look drunk wouldn't cut it. Plus some could be drunk and hide it well.

I would guess zero tolerance. But over the limit for someone under 21 is .02 as opposed to .08 for someone over 21. It takes very little to hit the .02 threshold.

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How about' date=' "if you show up drunk you'll be escorted off the property"?? Why does everything have to involve an invasion of privacy/space?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.[/quote']

They like the power trip like all douches in power do...

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School's hosting the dance, school can make the rules.

Don't like it? Don't go. That'll show 'em.

...Our dances sucked so I never went, we'd just get the trucks and go mudding or something...

Sing along now:

"Just the good ol' boys, Never meanin' no harm,

Beats all you ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born."


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There's been a bunch of fatal accidents with kids from Medina the past few years, but I can't remember how many were DUIs. I'm wondering if they're trying to 'control' it or minimize their own liability for when the next carful of kids drives into a tree.

Interestingly, I didn't see it in the free local snowblower-clogging paper this week.

It's probably a moot point anyway as the school system's about to cut out everything in the budget. Next year they probably won't even have the money to keep the lights/heat on after lunch.

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I believe my high school flatly disallowed anyone over 21 from attending our homecoming dances. You had to prove that your date was enrolled at another school.

You COULD bring anyone under the sun to prom, but they may have had breathalizers there. I know they kicked people over 21 out for being buzzed.

Yeah if they didn't goto Brecksville you had to prove they went to another high school. I had to deal with this for 2 years. Prom though they never officially had a Breathalyzer at the door but if you showed signs of being drunk they had a cop standing by with one in the squad car, at least it was like that for my senior year.

If you're 21 and you WANT to go to a high school dance, you should be euthanized. Please.

concur 100%

There's been a bunch of fatal accidents with kids from Medina the past few years, but I can't remember how many were DUIs

I know its 1 for sure and maybe 2 but can't remember off hand. I only know the one because the driver was a friend of a friend

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at my school, a month before prom, they took a car that was thoroughly fucking smashed and rolled over and everything else and they set it right next to the main sign for our school so we would all pass it heading into the parking lot as a reminder lol

hahaha our school did something similar only they made a god damn play out of and reenacted the events of a car crash. They even got city cops, firemen and EMS in on the deal...gotta love sleepy small suburbs

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hahaha our school did something similar only they made a god damn play out of and reenacted the events of a car crash. They even got city cops, firemen and EMS in on the deal...gotta love sleepy small suburbs

Brunswick did the same thing along with the Friday before prom they would have 5 kids be "ghosts" with their faces painted white and they couldnt talk at all and they would tag 5 more kids to be ghosts and those 5 would get another 5 and so on to signify what it would be like if they died in a drunk driving accident. It was probably my favorite day of the school year because by the end of the day half the damn school were ghosts and couldnt talk, it was amazingly peaceful.

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Brunswick did the same thing along with the Friday before prom they would have 5 kids be "ghosts" with their faces painted white and they couldnt talk at all and they would tag 5 more kids to be ghosts and those 5 would get another 5 and so on to signify what it would be like if they died in a drunk driving accident. It was probably my favorite day of the school year because by the end of the day half the damn school were ghosts and couldnt talk, it was amazingly peaceful.

i would have trolled the fuck out of this event.....i wish my school had done this!!!

i woulda came in wearing a ghost buster outfit and a budweiser trucker hat

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hahaha our school did something similar only they made a god damn play out of and reenacted the events of a car crash. They even got city cops, firemen and EMS in on the deal...gotta love sleepy small suburbs

Our school took the juniors and seniors to the stadium and did the same thing in. We had one girl who played the part of the dead person laying on the hood after being partially ejected through the windshield. When they uncovered the car, the stadium erupted with cheers. The next day at school, the threatened to cancel prom over the P.A.

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I think Northridge had one of those "prove your date goes to school" policies too but I don't remember for sure. Our dances sucked so I never went, we'd just get the trucks and go mudding or something.

Honestly I see no problem with them making sure kids aren't drinking. One, they are all underage and two they are too immature to know how to handle themselves when drinking. The teachers and chaperones are responsible for their safety.

But they are mature enough to be considered legal adults by the state and live on their own, can enter into legal contracts, can vote for elected officials who they believe represent their interests, and voluntarily enlist of their own free will so they can fight and die for their country?

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Our school took the juniors and seniors to the stadium and did the same thing in. We had one girl who played the part of the dead person laying on the hood after being partially ejected through the windshield. When they uncovered the car, the stadium erupted with cheers. The next day at school, the threatened to cancel prom over the P.A.

And this is why...

i would have trolled the fuck out of this event.....i wish my school had done this!!!

i woulda came in wearing a ghost buster outfit and a budweiser trucker hat

(Tyler, I'm not hating on you at all, I'm just using this as an example. I'd have done the same damn thing. :))

As someone who works with the public in a position of power, do you believe you can effect better social change by engaging the public in a conversation where you talk to them like they are intelligent people, present your case in a way that's easy for them to understand, listen to their issues and attempt to reconcile them with respect and dignity, or do you throw the most polarizing, shocking thing you can at them (usually in an incredibly hokey fashion) in an attempt to scare them all into instant submission, and the ones that don't submit are immediately arrested or punished by administrators that allow no human margin for error or don't account (or care) for exigent circumstances?

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But they are mature enough to be considered legal adults by the state and live on their own, can enter into legal contracts, can vote for elected officials who they believe represent their interests, and voluntarily enlist of their own free will so they can fight and die for their country?

18 year olds can drink on a military base. If you're 18 and you want to get wasted that badly, by all means; enlist in the military. It's legal - that doesn't mean your CO will tolerate it.

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