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Why the saltiness towards the Steelers?

It isn't one or two of the crazies, but all of Cleveland. I don't get it.

I don't like the Cowboys, but I'm not pissed off every time they win.

It's not like Pittsburgh signed LeBron.

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Why the saltiness towards the Steelers?

It isn't one or two of the crazies, but all of Cleveland. I don't get it.

I don't like the Cowboys, but I'm not pissed off every time they win.

It's not like Pittsburgh signed LeBron.

it's called google. give it a try.

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why do osu fans hate michigan? same deal.

Yep, it's a rule. Someone asked why I wanted the Packers to win...I said becuase they are playing pitzpuke.:D

If you frequent the fan boards it goes both ways, but they have winning on their side..:cry:

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It because of jealousy on behalf of the Clowns fans. We hate Cleveland because real men would never have a gnome/elf/what ever the fuck that is as a mascot. :)

As a Steelers fan I can honestly say I can't wait for you guys to field a competitive team. I miss the days of a rivalry that means something. Same goes for Michigan.

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It because of jealousy on behalf of the Clowns fans. We hate Cleveland because real men would never have a gnome/elf/what ever the fuck that is as a mascot. :)

As a Steelers fan I can honestly say I can't wait for you guys to field a competitive team. I miss the days of a rivalry that means something. Same goes for Michigan.

The 2009 Bengals will be back next season!!.....Hopefully

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why do osu fans hate michigan? same deal.


It because of jealousy on behalf of the Clowns fans. We hate Cleveland because real men would never have a gnome/elf/what ever the fuck that is as a mascot. :)


The 2009 Bengals will be back next season!!.....Hopefully

definitely not

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It because of jealousy on behalf of the Clowns fans. We hate Cleveland because real men would never have a gnome/elf/what ever the fuck that is as a mascot. :)

As a Steelers fan I can honestly say I can't wait for you guys to field a competitive team. I miss the days of a rivalry that means something. Same goes for Michigan.


Don't hate the Steelers because your team sucks. That's just lame.

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why do osu fans hate michigan? same deal.

I don't hate them, I just don't want them to win. Hating a team just because of who they are is retarded and a bit crazy.

Don't hate the Steelers because your team sucks. That's just lame.

:werd: I don't hate any NFL team. I just have my favorites of who I want to win. I don't get fans at times and I'm one of them. I'm OSU, Steelers, Reds. I want them to beat every team, but I hate no team. There isn't anything that could make me hate a team. A player I can hate, but not a whole team. Sofa King We Todd Did!

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Browns/Indians/Cavs fans, just jump ship and embrace another team. You know deep down there are universal forces at work to ensure Cleveland never gets a championship, are you really going to try and fight the entire universe single-handed?

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Browns/Indians/Cavs fans, just jump ship and embrace another team. You know deep down there are universal forces at work to ensure Cleveland never gets a championship,

no, thats why we are real fans. Miserable ones but real :D

are you really going to try and fight the entire universe single-handed?

yes, thats what makes us better

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Steeler fans have always seemed particularily obnoxious to me, but I can't deny that I was more or less raised in Cleveland to hate Pittsburgh. I think a big part of it is that actually in Cleveland, a lot of Steeler "fans" seem to be that way just for the sake of being obnoxious. Like the Michigan "fans" in Columbus that just seem to be trolling for an arguement.

I must say that two years ago I enjoyed watching Pittsburgh games more than Browns games, because there was a better chance of Pittsburgh losing than the Browns winning. Puck Fittsburgh.


P.S. My feeling at the end of the Superbowl was more relief than anything else.

Edited by brn6604
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If I was a Browns fan I would hate the Ravens WAY more then the Steelers.

In all honesty, Browns/Steelers hasn't been much of a rivalry in a very long time.

I hear that one all the time and I don't like the Ravens nor do I want them to win but definitely dont like them the least out of the other AFC North teams. Reason being is they didn't really have any control of the situation and nobody on the team really cares that they used to be the Browns.

Now if you are talking Art Moddell then I am with you. Yes despite what people want to think, he still is the most hated man in Cleveland. Lebron doesn't hold a candle in my eyes

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Browns/Indians/Cavs fans, just jump ship and embrace another team. You know deep down there are universal forces at work to ensure Cleveland never gets a championship, are you really going to try and fight the entire universe single-handed?


It's too easy to be a Pittsburgh fan, and sure I'm jealous of their success. It's no different than being a Yankees fan or a Rossi fan or an OSU fan.

I detest the Steelers, but I don't automatically hate their fans. They at least (seem) loyal; and I respect that. The Bengals are an illustration of what I hate in any team's fans - they're obnoxious when the team's decent, and completely disappear when they're in the shitter.

I PRAY that I get a chance to see how Steelers fans react in that situation.

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Steeler fans have always seemed particularily obnoxious to me...

Steeler fans obnoxious?! You should take a step back and look at OSU fans! One main reason why I don't like OSU! I give them their respect but wow, their fans are crazy, than again, so are any fans of teams you don't like. It will always be this way. Since moving to Ohio, I have learned to cheer against Ohio teams for this reason. Even in Florida it is not this bad. Heck, Foridians hate teams in Florida! :lol:

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We only have OSU to unite behind. Floridah has, The U, FSU, and the Gators (and lately Central FL.) To split the fan base besides there are a lot of transplants.

Kinda like Kentucky basketball there is nothing else....nothing, nada.

The Browns are going to be great...next year!

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I'm not "united" behind OSU.

I don't hate them, but I hate the uber OSU fanboys who didn't go to school there. You shouldn't love Ohio State more than your own alma mater, period. Unless your school didn't have a football team, you've got no excuse.

Plus I dislike several of Ohio State's players; usually based on the way they allow themselves to be portrayed in the media, but my friend Chase used to work for the team, and would introduce me to players at bars when I visited campus periodically.

My sister in law also had class with several of them. Between first-hand experiences, and her input, there are some players that are just regular guys, and some that are total assholes, but I make no qualms about hating the ones I can verify are assholes just waiting to be drafted and make FU money.

Todd Boeckman was the worst. Chase tried to introduce him to a group of us, and he totally ignored us. I said, "that's fine; I didn't really care about meeting the second-string quarter back anyway." Suddenly he wasn't ignoring us anymore. He probably would have kicked our asses if someone didn't remind him how bad it would look for him to be involved in such an incident during the season. Whatever. There are times when taking a beating is worth it to call out a douchebag.

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Steeler fans have always seemed particularily obnoxious to me... I think a big part of it is that actually in Cleveland, a lot of Steeler "fans" seem to be that way just for the sake of being obnoxious.


Have you ever heard of this thing in Cleveland called the Dawg Pound, or "Big Dawg?? :rolleyes:

Like the Michigan "fans" in Columbus that just seem to be trolling for an arguement.

Ahhh... I remember when I first started watching football goodboy.gif

:wtf: Did you seeeriously just say that?? :nono:

Buckeye fans are NOTORIOUS nationwide for their obnoxiousness. Michigan fans are generally deemed arrogant & symphony fans

I must say that two years ago I enjoyed watching Pittsburgh games more than Browns games, because there was a better chance of Pittsburgh losing than the Browns winning.

Ummm... Yeeeaahhh

You realize we went to, & won the Super Bowl that year, right Sparky??

P.S. My feeling at the end of the Superbowl was more relief than anything else.

I'll bet

It's too easy to be a Pittsburgh fan, and sure I'm jealous of their success. It's no different than being a Yankees fan or a Rossi fan or an OSU fan.

Except for that whole thing about us not having the biggest payroll in our sport. The Rooney's only pay a certain amount, & cultivate/grow their talent from within the organization & drafting smart. If a player doesn't appreciate the family atmosphere of one of the original teams in the league, or the winning culture of the organization with a better than average chance of getting to a Super Bowl... Then they're free to play elsewhere for more.

Just ask Rod Woodson about this. As great a player as he was for us... They let him go when they couldn't agree on pay. Only move I've ever disagreed with the Rooney's on... Rod should've been granted the respect of retiring a Steeler. He was the only bright spot on some baddd 80's teams

Fortunately... My son & I had the privilege of seeing him inducted into the HOF as a Steeler last year

I detest the Steelers, but I don't automatically hate their fans. They at least (seem) loyal; and I respect that. The Bengals are an illustration of what I hate in any team's fans - they're obnoxious when the team's decent, and completely disappear when they're in the shitter.

I PRAY that I get a chance to see how Steelers fans react in that situation.

You're either a younger fan, or not a very edumacated one. Prior to Chuck Knoll arriving in 1969... The Steeler's couldn't catch a cold for 40 years. Also, there's a period of about 7 years during the late 80's until Bill Cowher got there in '92, when all the Super Bowl players were retiring, & the only bright spots were Louis Lipps & Rod Woodson. Yeah... I said Louis Lipps... That's how bad it was starting to get

Edited by Fonzie
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Why are people hating FANS of teams? Fans aren't the football team! If you like football you like it for the teams, not the fans. I'm not a FAN of fans, I'm a FAN of a team, which happens to be Steelers. I don't give a fuck about fans, I give a fuck about the team. ;) Food for thought. ;)

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It because of jealousy on behalf of the Clowns fans. We hate Cleveland because real men would never have a gnome/elf/what ever the fuck that is as a mascot. :)

I've never understood how a team named after Paul Brown ended up with an elf as a mascot?? :wtf:

As a Steelers fan I can honestly say I can't wait for you guys to field a competitive team. I miss the days of a rivalry that means something

Mehhh... The original Browns are still our biggest rival. They just changed their town & uni's ;)

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Why are people hating FANS of teams? Fans aren't the football team! If you like football you like it for the teams, not the fans. I'm not a FAN of fans, I'm a FAN of a team, which happens to be Steelers. I don't give a fuck about fans, I give a fuck about the team. ;) Food for thought. ;)

Disagree Nicholas. I actually sorta like/respect the Buckeye football program. Hell... I'll bet I know more about them & their history than some of their so called "fans"

However... Their fans are what has always soured me on the Buckeye's as a whole. The fans are a representation of the team... For good or bad

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