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IBM’s Watson Supercomputer Set to Take On Jeopardy Champs


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IBM’s Watson Supercomputer Set to Take On Jeopardy Champs


I've been following this for months, but it starts tonight. 7:30PM.

I'm rooting for the computer, and let me be the first to say, I welcome our self-aware mechanical overlords.:bow:

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Just not impressed that a room-sized supercomputer can do that nowadays. I wish I had a job that was pure research.

Being that the computer is nothing special, just a bunch of P7's, I think it's pretty freaking cool. If it were a search engine, with a bit of tweaking it'd slaughter Google. And think about how large Google's datacenters are, all over the world.

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Just not impressed that a room-sized supercomputer can do that nowadays. I wish I had a job that was pure research.

All you need is a decade of research for almost no pay and a published doctoral thesis... what's stopping you?

The most impressive part is natural language processing. About half the computer is dedicated to that alone. The other half are the algorithms to get the correct answer and check the confidence.

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Watson is an interesting program. If you dumb it down it looks for statistical matches between words in the question and reference materials available. The incredible part is that Watson learns from it's mistakes and successes.

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