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My apologies...


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I gotta say a few things. I am pretty much sitting here feeling pretty low about the way I have handled myself. I wanted to let everyone know that I agree with about everything anyone has said in the most recent thread in this section.

I also want to say that I deserve what was dished out and need to eat crow on a few things.

I wanted to post an apology in this section for a few reasons. There are a limited number of people in this area of the site and I insulted many and I have also made myself look pretty stupid.

Concerning the most recent thread, my intention was to simply inform everyone. I am an enthusiast. I am a rider, racer and avid motorcycle fan. I have been blessed to work inside the industry for many, MANY years. I have always wanted to share as much as I can with my fellow enthusiasts and really meant nothing other than to give out some info on bikes that I have personally been around and enjoyed.

However, I crossed the line on NUMEROUS accounts. I understand the situation I put myself in. At the time, I was upset that I got it pulled. I really try hard to put some thought into what I write and the details I add. That took some work and to have it ripped away and deleted had me NOT thinking or reflecting as to why it was, but rather, I was just pissed it got pulled.

So, I act like my typical self and post a stupid thread asking why. It started off with the reasons as stated by Casper and others. But, I was fuming and ignored and just kept pushing. And pushing...

My issues are well documented in the infraction thread and to avoid rehashing it over and over, many of you hit the proverbial nail on the head. I am an asshole on forums. I have tried as of late to calm it down or tone it down, but I revert back and this last thread had me going off the deep end.

I felt as if a few little things were jabs from other issues in the past. Ben and Carie and Shitty and Adam all know what happened and it isn't the place to discuss or go into detail. I am willing to discuss to some, but I felt that it was personal and on a public forum, it just wasn't the place. So, I blew a gasket.

I insulted a lot of people. Jagr, John, Magley, Fonzie, Ben, Carie, and others. The thing with me is that I am a guy that will say those things in person. I don't hide behind keyboard as I am passionate and truthful in what I say. The issue is I need to know when to step away. I also need to know when the time to argue is and when the time to STFU is. I have trouble with that...

I get bummed a lot of times because my intentions are to be as helpful as I can to my fellow enthusiasts. I have always offered help, offered tools, offered anything that a guy needs to help in their own riding and especially their racing and track days. I WANT to be able to get as many people involved in our great sport as I can.

I also targeted Ben a lot as of late and in the last year or so. He's a good dude. I insulted him with the non-profit stuff, with the bike comparisons, with the bullshit and petty stuff he has said. I misunderstood what was going on from a while ago and thought things in a wrong perspective. He has stood up when he didn't have to. He's respected me when he certainly never needed to. And, all the while, I acted like a douche.

I also shouldn't have insulted Fonzie. I know he is a guy that holds great events and really tries to make it a wonderful sport to be a part of. My comments were really intended to be guy to guy. My under the desk comment was really a jab like me saying he didn't deserve his position and he must have done some favors to get it. That was wrong, inconsiderate and insulting to both him and Ben. I went over the line and then when it came back against me, I couldn't accept it.

In the end, what my goal in all of this is to simply be involved in helping people with their track and race stuff. I read what was posted stating that people think I brag and that I tell people I am the best and that I ride the fastest bikes, etc. That really hurt. I think if you ask, I am pretty humble about my accomplishments and my ability. I will throw down on someone bragging and maybe that is what it came down to. Maybe I insulted someone doing that. But, I NEVER want to come across as bragging about what I have done. Hell, I am not that fast and I certainly know a SHIT PILE of other, more accomplished racers and riders.

But, I do feel I have some knowledge. I feel I can give some of that to others to help them. I want to help as many as I can especially when it comes to the track. It has been a core part of my life for 17 plus years and I may not know everything, but I feel I can help.

Anyways, I am sure this will spill over into some bashing and well deserved comments aimed at me. However, my intentions are real and I really will try harder. This ban has been a good thing. I apologize to the mods that have had to clean up my shit storms. I apologize to the mods I insulted. I apologize to the members that I hurt and I apologize to the members that have to read this crap and feel as if this could be a bad place to hang.

OR is a cool site. It is the place to be for Ohio riders and enthusiasts.

Again, my apologies. Sorry for my tangent thoughts, also.



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It wasn't my gangbang and my only investment was the time it took me to read the posts and some insults directed at some people who have my respect. That apology took thought, time, and energy. Welcome back.

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In all honesty when I first came around I wasn't a fan and thought you were just a giant asshole as well. In the last 6 months though my feelings changed a bit as more and more I was reading helpful and constructive stuff. Then I saw this go down and I thought well hes back at it again. BUT...

I've been through a similar situation with being an off the deep end asshole to my friends in real life who may or may not have deserved it during a tough stretch of my life. I had to have a reality check one night, took a step back and realized the damage I was doing not only to them, but more to myself.

I am pleased that you were able to do the same instead of continuing to be like welll fuck these assholes because they don't do what I say/want. Granted, there has never been anything personally directed at me so its a bit different and easier for me to sort of forgive and hope you get on the right track. Needless to say I can understand where this apology comes from and hope you can prove that it is sincere to get more people to understand it as well

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Thanks. Hopefully I earn the same response from others...

Welcome back. You have more motorcycle knowledge than anyone I know and I have never seen you turn anyone down when they ask for help. Keep the info coming, some of us need all the help we can get.

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this is probably an accurate depiction of brian when he goes on a rampage.


but more importantly, recognizing certain things about yourself is extremely difficult... swallowing your pride and the humble pie in front of the people he just had it out with is even more so.

i hope you'll stick around and offer advice to people who need it. myself included.

really, all you have to do is temper the endless streams of online rage into short bursts of bitter, caustic, but hilarious and pithy statements. much more satisfying and more sustainable in the long run, let me tell you.

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In my mind you didn't cross a line but I don't know if anything you posted was deleted. I find your posts informative or entertaining and have not had an issue with any threads you post in. I wasn't attacked and those who felt they were should be able to handle how they want to regard you in the future after all this is just the internet and not serious. If you have to rein yourself in too much the internet might not be as much fun for you and it won't be as entertaining for the rest of us. Different personalities are what adds color to this whole experience and it would be a shame if we were all the same.

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No doubt! That dude should have stopped sooner, also! Can you believe what he stated on RRW prior also? Whoa!!

eh, i said it on the WERA beeb, and I'll say it here: Herrin made a bad riding mistake, and a worse comment afterward.

He's a 20 yr old kid with a lot to learn about how he handles himself in the public eye, but at his age (and probably now) I did/do too.

Herrin's got a short history of making the wrong call. How he is remembered is yet to be seen, but I hope it's as a tough but clean racer and a fierce competitor. I don't think he owed anyone an apology but the other riders involved. the rest is just damage control for his sponsors.

I've met Josh a total of 1 time for about 20 seconds, so the rest of my perception of him is based on TV and facebook. Obviously I don't "know" Josh Herrin. To presume that a couple racing incidents and 1 stupid comment give a clear picture of who JH is would be almost as foolish as thinking I "know" 'KTM-Brian' based on what he posts on forums.

see you (or at least your rear wheel) at the track.

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I say Brian needs another infraction for making two posts on the same subject, isn't that called annoying the mods or sum such thing.

Hahaha! No doubt! I made two posts since not everyone is a member of this group. I think Ben mentioned 100 members are able to see these threads?

I did a general post so that it was for the other folks that I felt I should say sorry to...

I think Ben was cool with it.

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Totally disappointed here. 3 pages of posts, and this hasn't devolved into an interwebz ghey fest yet, with hopes of spooning and rough man-love. Way too flowery and romantic like.... Fail.

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