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OH man dies after being fused to chair in own home!


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Had a chick come in last night, I asked her about her employment. She responded with I get disability because I have a lazy eye and I have to have the chiropractor adjust my back.

Well that pisses me off....

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I'm not sure this qualifies as an habitual idiotic tendency. Maybe I'm just pointing out the double standard some members have glorifying drinking or drug abuse but dumping on someone who obviously had issues beyond being a lazy fat ass. After all we all eat, many eat too much. You can quit drugs and alcohol, but you don't quit food. If anything I'd hold the "girlfriend" in lower reguard simply because she enabled the issue. I mean, someone shits themself on the couch and can't clean themself and has maggots crawling around on them, do you:

A. Keep feeding them

B. Admit that person has issues and call for help?

Hell, most of us wouldn't treat an animal as bad as she did this guy! I feel bad for him that his "friends" were unwilling to help him get better, and instead killed him by enableing the addiction he had.

i couldn't disagree more. He wasn't being force-fed, and he didn't just suddenly become 600 lbs. There were millions of choices this guy made along the way. The girlfriend "enabling" him made it easier for him to make bad choices, but they were still his to make.

the bar tender isn't "enabling" me by serving me more drinks. I'm CHOOSING to order them. I ate way too fucking much last night. Ended dinner with a huge piece of cheese cake - bad choice, but I also make the choice to go to the gym at least 4 times a week to make up for it.

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i couldn't disagree more. He wasn't being force-fed, and he didn't just suddenly become 600 lbs. There were millions of choices this guy made along the way. The girlfriend "enabling" him made it easier for him to make bad choices, but they were still his to make.

the bar tender isn't "enabling" me by serving me more drinks. I'm CHOOSING to order them. I ate way too fucking much last night. Ended dinner with a huge piece of cheese cake - bad choice, but I also make the choice to go to the gym at least 4 times a week to make up for it.

I agree he didn't get that way overnight, & that's on him

However... Once he was disabled to the point he couldn't get up anymore, & was defecating & urinating where he sat... The situation's gotten out of hand, & help should've been brought in

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I thought society was in trouble when people no longer accepted responsibility for their actions. I was wrong, we are in trouble now that others make excuses and feel sorry for those that do not accept responsibility for their actions.

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I thought society was in trouble when people no longer accepted responsibility for their actions. I was wrong, we are in trouble now that others make excuses and feel sorry for those that do not accept responsibility for their actions.

Sometimes it goes beyond taking responsibility for your own actions because it is so obvious that the person isn't even capable of helping them self anymore. I just see an obvious difference between the big mama rolling around Walmart who is filling the cart with Ho ho's and a guy welded to his chair who obviously is being brought the food by someone else.

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Sometimes it goes beyond taking responsibility for your own actions because it is so obvious that the person isn't even capable of helping them self anymore. I just see an obvious difference between the big mama rolling around Walmart who is filling the cart with Ho ho's and a guy welded to his chair who obviously is being brought the food by someone else.

I bet he was the guy in the cart at walmart for several years before he decided to park himself in a chair and never get up again

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I thought society was in trouble when people no longer accepted responsibility for their actions. I was wrong, we are in trouble now that others make excuses and feel sorry for those that do not accept responsibility for their actions.

Wow, I just repped Shitty. Hell HAS frozen over.

This dude got what he deserved for his gluttony and sloth and I'm sure his story will end up on that 1000 Ways To Die show.

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Had a chick come in last night, I asked her about her employment. She responded with I get disability because I have a lazy eye and I have to have the chiropractor adjust my back.

dude.. thats nothing . i dealt with pain management before.. and you will get the.. i had a twinge in my foot so i cant work at all and get a handicap sticker and disability all the while (xrays, CT, MRI, bone density, bloodwork come back perfect) they are pulling medicaid, and welfare with their 6 kids. taking 3000 methadone a month on top of 1200 oxycodone. because i just cant stand the pain. oh but i own 2 jetski's and ride a harley..

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