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dads man cave


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This is project has been a long time coming. All of the rock you see in the pics were hand picked from the lot the house is on by my parents. The rock had to first be removed from build site then moved back into the house, again all done by my parents. My dad estimates 3 tons worth of mortar to get get everything done. My dad did the scoring and staining of the concrete. It was a pain in the ass because he had to tape off each section and stain it separately to get the different colors. All of the furniture is either direct buy or ebay. The poker table was a steal at $1,200. The sauna was another ebay purchase. It came disassembled, I am just glad I never had to hear the arguments trying to put it together. They pretty much built a small work out room around the sauna. To get to some of the light switched you have to reach your hand in through some of the rock to get to it. The bar isn't finished yet and there is going to be a bath room down there as well.

the beginning


one of the many piles of rock


sauna standing by itself, can fit 3 people comfortably


Part of one of the walls. The piece of wood was drift wood they found on the beach





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the floor stained. He practiced on the garage first.



this is technically the back end of the room




a very very small portion of the alcohol



ugliest chairs I have ever seen!


You can't tell from the pics but the one back wall was left totally blank. They are going to hang a projector and wire in the surround sound.

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That is a boat load of work

"sauna standing by itself, can fit 3 people comfortably "

Pics or it did not happen

eerrrrr.... don't think I have any of those. The cool thing is you can see out of the sauna to that little tv that is mounted to the wall.

This is the wall they are using as the screen


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Wow I like the floor

You should have seen how the garage floor turned out. I am surprised that the man cave came out as well as it did. One of his buddies did the same thing a few years ago and messed up really bad. He got the idea formed him and learned from his mistakes.

Very nice! Tell you're dad he's got some fans on OR! And how many bfs/husbands are you getting out of this thread? :leghump:

:( none

I think from the time we bought the lot until now we have been working on this project for almost 9 years. We had to clear out all the brush and poison ivy to get to the rock. Since we used the same rock for part of the siding, landscaping, and the fire place they spent about 2 years pilling while the searched for an architect and builder. The build of the house its self took about 2 years. Once. The houses was done my dad slowly started working on doing the rock walls. He doesnt have a abnormal Monday through Friday 9-5 job so finding time to do it was a pain. There was a small set back when he had to get surgery on his neck. Thankfully that went as well possible and he was only out a few months.

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Originally Posted by chevysoldier viewpost.gif

Very nice! Tell you're dad he's got some fans on OR! And how many bfs/husbands are you getting out of this thread? :leghump:

:( none

Two comments for this then...

1) For shame...

2) Your not trying hard enough... You spoke from experience I thought on the Sauna... :D

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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