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I feel like an idiot...


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Around 4AM I was sleeping and awoke to a loud crash! It sounded like someone busted through the door to my house. I snapped right to and went for my piece (only to remeber I sold it earlier this month). I then grabbed my cell and called 911. I told them I think someone may have broken in but am not sure. My roommate shacks up with his gf on Thursdays and if he comes home its usually before midnight. I waited for two cops to show while on the phone with the operator. When they got here I came out of my room and saw that my front door was opened but the chain was keeping it from being wide open. I let the cops in as we studdied the door. It appeared that someone had either pushed it open or the wind had blown it. Puzzled I let the boys search the house while I looked at the door. After talking to them we figured it was the wind... Wow I'm embarrassed... I've had other issues at the place I live that were real and warranted in the past. Plus before I went to bed I found out that one of my buddies was jumped close to campus and they took everything he had and some other robberies had occured not to far up the road. Gotta love college towns...

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I really can't blame you for your reaction. Cops probably got a good laugh out of it though.

They were real cool about it. The one cop responded to my roommates call years back when my car was being broke into by some kids. He remembered me and what the thieves had taken.

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I wouldn't be embarrassed about that. Now take that boot/coat money and get a reliable house gun, even if it's a $70 single shot 20 gauge.

Lol, I just sold my Glock. This past year has been hell on medical bills. For 3 years I walked around with a broke elbow and kept being told it was Tennis Elbow. I finally got that fixed this past fall. I've also been dizzy, lightheaded, etc for the past year. The Cleveland Clinic keeps running test. They said I have Syncope but are trying to figure out whats causing it.

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Had an instance just last week…Woke up out of a deep sleep by a loud crash/thud. Straight to my feet, start to clear the room…

…Then realize both the Mrs. and the dog, who are lighter sleepers than I, are still sound asleep. Still, check out the rest of the house and all is well.

Just a loud dream. Happens every so often.

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better safe than sorry. a couple of years ago my sister and i were home alone and we heard a knock at the door and it looked like someone was trying ti get in cause all we could see through the peep hole was an eye. called mom at work then she called the cops. come to find out that it was an envelope that was taped to the door were were see the numbers for out apartment.

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Pansy. ;)No offense of course. My daughter woke me and said we had an intruder downstairs. A 12 year old girl still wanted to have a looksie while I went downstairs, though I said to do nothing but stay with the phone upstairs. After looking around a bit, I noticed something moving in the partially opened closet. A raccoon had gotten in through the cat door.

My friends on FB can see how we cornered it with a two handed broadsword, and how I carried it out after putting on leathers and racing gloves. And a Darth Vader helmet. Do it with style.

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Thats really not so terrible especially in a college town, I know Kent and know some parts are not the best persay

Ironically I had a similar situation happen yesterday but no cops were called. I got home from work and was trying to move a queen boxspring upstairs by myself. well that was a fail and I had to jump down the stairs and over the bannister and bit it into the wall. My roommate wakes up out of a dead sleep not knowing I was home with his gun drawn. This is why I have an awesome roommate

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No reason to feel like an idiot. You did the right thing by calling the police. IT may have been the wind, he may not have been. Better safe than sorry, especially since we are talking about an entry point. Not like you called about a vase that fell off the table.

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I couldn't bring myself to sell the only gun i had.

I had 5'x10' white board leaning against a wall in our office. It decided to fall over and make a huge racket. I didn't hear my Rott bark so that eased me a bit, go down and he's standing in the office doorway checking it out before me. Good dog.

Good thing he and the other dogs sleep in the daughters room.

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Some good laughs in here :D

I'm regreting selling my only piece :nono:

As soon as I get my own house I'm getting a dog. No more of this bullshit. I will add I had a bike stolen from here a few years ago and have been jumpy ever since. Its not a bad neighborhood. As a matter of fact its mostly older people and a few would say that my place is where the trouble is (used to be). Former friends would rip past the house at all hours of the day/night and do wheelies and act like complete assholes. Needless to say it was always my fault. I've lost most of the loosers that wouldnt respect my neighborhood and things have gotten better with the neighbors.

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Something similiar happened to me a few years about and I never really figured out what happened but I cleared every room in the house my handgun. Weird thing was my door was standing wide open but was also locked.

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Dogs are ideal, they scare away most people, and alert you to their presence. On a side note I'm a contractor and replace a lot of storm doors from getting caught in the wind. If the door is not properly latched wind a lot of times grabs it and can yank the screws right out of the closer. Happens all the time.

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Something similiar happened to me a few years about and I never really figured out what happened but I cleared every room in the house my handgun. Weird thing was my door was standing wide open but was also locked.

That's really wierd. I woke up once at 3am for no reason, sat straight up in bed, staring at the window that faces towards my car, asked myself why am I awake, sat there for at least 30 seconds looking towards the window and then my car alarm goes off. freaky. Took the shotgun and went thru the house then out to the car and found nothing. still bugs me

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That's really wierd. I woke up once at 3am for no reason, sat straight up in bed, staring at the window that faces towards my car, asked myself why am I awake, sat there for at least 30 seconds looking towards the window and then my car alarm goes off. freaky. Took the shotgun and went thru the house then out to the car and found nothing. still bugs me


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  • 3 months later...

I got a call the other night from my neighbor. He happened to be walking past a window and looked out to see two teenagers rummaging through the toolbox in my truck bed. By the time he got his shoes on they were out of sight so he got in his car and CHASED THEM DOWN. caught up with them a few blocks away, demanded they empty their pockets, saw they had taken nothing and told them to stay the Hell out of our neighborhood. Then he came back and called me to tell me what happened. My woman and I were right inside watching a movie and the dog was with us and never barked. It's good to have neighbors that look out for ya.

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I heard some one walk past in the grass one night, through the open bedroom window. (Yes, I'm a light sleeper sometimes. I don't think the ears ever shut down.) I went outside in camo and hoodie and stood like a shrub against the wall and waited. A kid walks back the other way about 15 minutes later. Only three feet from me and didn't see me. Left him go on his way. Figured he was out trying to see his girlfriend and was taking the path in the shadows under the trees. That's a judgment call, because smart little thieves like the dark also.

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