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Radiology (x-ray) Tech. needs work


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Update:8/21/2013..wife might be out of a job in a couple weeks due to her company being sold, so on the hunt once again


Howdy all, im posting this for my wife with out her knowing. But she graduated from COTC radiology tech program last june and has had no luck finding a job in her field. She worked her ass off through school while raising 2 kids and me and only to get a slap in the face form this economy. She is one of the hardest working people i know, and every employer she has had has hated to see her go. She is currently working at a factory as a temp. witch i feel is a insult to her hard work, and she is going back to school for her STNA cert. just so she can get out fo the factory work. She is current on all her stuff and is ready to start ASAP. So if anyone knows of anyone need a rad. tech. please let me know, we are in knox county so any where with in a hour of here would be ok...THANKS

Edited by 2talltim
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  • 1 month later...

Radiology jobs are out there just not like they used to be. When I was getting interviewed at one of the hospitals I work for now I was BSing with the HR guy interviewing me about sign on bonuses and whatnot. He just laughed when I brought that up and said they don't have to do that anymore because they have people lined up to take jobs where as even 5 years ago they had to actively recruit people for positions. He then went on to tell me about the surplus of RT's (Rad. Tech's) looking for work in and around the Columbus area. Even in my field as a Registered Respiratory Therapist, the jobs just aren't there like they used to be...which is why I have been seriously considering going back for my RN. Check on hospital websites...like Ohio Health, Mount Carmel, etc. If she can find a job and get her foot in the door in any of these hospitals then she can have an inside line to all of the hospital positions posted internally and move around to the place she wants to be. Also, believe it or not I found a sweet home care gig on Craigslist that I used to work per diem and make pretty good cash, so consider places like that as well. My first job out of college I was offered due to a posting on Monster.com...lot's of different avenues to travel. Networking is the key, the more people you know and the more connections you make the easier it is to find that dream job.

Edited by drew95gt
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Indeed.com is a great job searching site. I am also a Resp. Therapist and working on getting out of the field even though I have only been in it for 2 years. I will agree with Drew and that networking is key. I hear many hospitals are going to BSN RN's so just a head's up Drew. (Not sure the truth in it)

Tim you said she had her STNA cert. Tell her to use her STNA to get hired somewhere she wants to work. Check staffing agencies for jobs too. At my one job we contract x-ray work through a company and have the tech's come to us, which may be an option. Not sure what company we use I will try to find out next time I work.

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Thanks for the heads up Mykill...I have my AAS in Resp. Therapy now and have been working as an RRT for 5 years. I was going to try and get my ADN as fast as possible from CSCC or something then do my BSN online from Kent or somewhere...that's the tentative plan anyway. I figure I should be able to pull it off in a couple years...lol

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I am also a Resp. Therapist and working on getting out of the field even though I have only been in it for 2 years.
What are you looking to do...if you don't mind me asking?? Staying in healthcare??
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
WOW i posted this a year ago, and she just now found aPT job, damn economy:nono:

Ohio isn't quite the best state to find a job in the medical field though. Our Universities are top in the country in the medical field so students come from all over the country to get degrees at them. Mainly Ohio State and UC. Then after their clinicals they end up getting jobs here. The wait list at UC for nursing is pushing 4 years to get in now. I heard it's extremely easy to get jobs in most other states with any type of healthcare degree.

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Ohio isn't quite the best state to find a job in the medical field though. Our Universities are top in the country in the medical field so students come from all over the country to get degrees at them. Mainly Ohio State and UC. Then after their clinicals they end up getting jobs here. The wait list at UC for nursing is pushing 4 years to get in now. I heard it's extremely easy to get jobs in most other states with any type of healthcare degree.

Actually, its a difficult "market" because of all of the people who lost their jobs and went back to school. I know many people who went into a medical field to get a "stable" job. Also many nurses came out of retirement when their husbands lost their jobs or went to school for the same reason. There is also many people staying in the field longer than they would have because they lost to much of their retirement in the stock market or are still unsure of things and trying to wait it out. Sure, OSU is a good medical school but you really think everyone who graduates from there stays? Many factors play into the healthcare job market.

You heard from who that its extremely easy to get jobs in other states? Ive heard/know otherwise. Ohio has a great job market for healthcare especially Central Ohio which is going to expand further in the next few years with Children's, St. Anns, and OSU.

So dont run your mouth here about stuff you "heard" when you have zero actual knowledge. Lot of people here who are knowledgable about a lot of things who will call you on your bullshit FYI ;)

Edited by Mykill
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It all depends on your specialty and experience. When I was interviewing for my contingent position at a major Columbus trauma center the HR guy said they no longer have to pay sign on bonuses because of the overflow of applicants they get for jobs...and that Rad. Techs in particular were having a hard time finding jobs. Still, the job market is pretty good in central Ohio for healthcare employees in general.

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Actually, its a difficult "market" because of all of the people who lost their jobs and went back to school. I know many people who went into a medical field to get a "stable" job. Also many nurses came out of retirement when their husbands lost their jobs or went to school for the same reason. There is also many people staying in the field longer than they would have because they lost to much of their retirement in the stock market or are still unsure of things and trying to wait it out. Sure, OSU is a good medical school but you really think everyone who graduates from there stays? Many factors play into the healthcare job market.

You heard from who that its extremely easy to get jobs in other states? Ive heard/know otherwise. Ohio has a great job market for healthcare especially Central Ohio which is going to expand further in the next few years with Children's, St. Anns, and OSU.

So dont run your mouth here about stuff you "heard" when you have zero actual knowledge. Lot of people here who are knowledgable about a lot of things who will call you on your bullshit FYI ;)

Wow that was a well thought out and intelligent response. There is a nursing shortage at Osu and I "heard" it from several of their executives.

The perceived lack of opportunity is from inexperienced persons who often have a two year nursing degree or certificates from fly be night programs

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Actually, its a difficult "market" because of all of the people who lost their jobs and went back to school. I know many people who went into a medical field to get a "stable" job. Also many nurses came out of retirement when their husbands lost their jobs or went to school for the same reason. There is also many people staying in the field longer than they would have because they lost to much of their retirement in the stock market or are still unsure of things and trying to wait it out. Sure, OSU is a good medical school but you really think everyone who graduates from there stays? Many factors play into the healthcare job market.

You heard from who that its extremely easy to get jobs in other states? Ive heard/know otherwise. Ohio has a great job market for healthcare especially Central Ohio which is going to expand further in the next few years with Children's, St. Anns, and OSU.

So dont run your mouth here about stuff you "heard" when you have zero actual knowledge. Lot of people here who are knowledgable about a lot of things who will call you on your bullshit FYI ;)

Wow that was a well thought out and intelligent response. There is a nursing shortage at Osu and I "heard" it from several of their executives.

The perceived lack of opportunity is from inexperienced persons who often have a two year nursing degree or certificates from fly be night programs

"Why" are "we" putting quotation "marks" around so many "words"?

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If you're a nurse and you can't find a job and you:

Can pass a background check

Can pass a drug screen

Have an active license

Are willing to work hard

You're not looking in the right places.... likely holding out for the more desirable jobs like schools, physician offices, pre-op, peds, etc..

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If you're a nurse and you can't find a job and you:

Can pass a background check

Can pass a drug screen

Have an active license

Are willing to work hard

You're not looking in the right places.... likely holding out for the more desirable jobs like schools, physician offices, pre-op, peds, etc..

This pretty much sums it up correctly...

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Here is a argument we have thought about. In the last 22months she had been looked over at 5 other possitions because they hired someone with"'more exsperience". Ok my question is why arent they still at the job where they got this said experience? Because other than relocation there has to be damn good reason they are not there and most of the reasons i can come up with in my head are negative. So why not gamble on a little less experience and not have to take on somone elses sloppy seconds?

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My girl is becoming a rad tech she has one more year of school then we might end up back in NY or she can find a job here.

hopfully things open up for her and my wife in the next year and everyone wins...rad tech isnt easy there was nurse in her class and she said the nursing class was far easier than the rad.

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Actually, its a difficult "market" because of all of the people who lost their jobs and went back to school. I know many people who went into a medical field to get a "stable" job. Also many nurses came out of retirement when their husbands lost their jobs or went to school for the same reason. There is also many people staying in the field longer than they would have because they lost to much of their retirement in the stock market or are still unsure of things and trying to wait it out. Sure, OSU is a good medical school but you really think everyone who graduates from there stays? Many factors play into the healthcare job market.

You heard from who that its extremely easy to get jobs in other states? Ive heard/know otherwise. Ohio has a great job market for healthcare especially Central Ohio which is going to expand further in the next few years with Children's, St. Anns, and OSU.

So dont run your mouth here about stuff you "heard" when you have zero actual knowledge. Lot of people here who are knowledgable about a lot of things who will call you on your bullshit FYI ;)

I agree with you on most of this. Nursing is considered a stable job in a down economy and therefore many students are moving into it. Also the fact that nurses are staying longer in their field is reducing jobs. And of course all the students do not stay, I never said they all stay, or most stay, just that many do.

I guess I should clarify my statement better. I did not hear, I know. I went to UC, I dated a nursing student for 5 years. I know a head nurse at Miami Valley Hospital. My cousin graduated from UC as a nurse. I can't make a blanket statement about OSU and probably shouldn't have because I don't know a lot about their program.

I do know UC's wait list is currently at 3 years to get in. I do know most of their graduates easily get jobs right out of school IF they are willing to move to other states. Not ALL states, other states.

Did I say Ohio had the toughest job market? I don't think I did. But I do know it is tougher than many other states.

And as always, anyone with a specialty in any type of field usually finds it easier to find a job.

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