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BB guns


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So i am thinking about buying my daughter a BB gun for Easter. My daughter is 4, she went with the wife to an outdoor kids activity thing about 2 weeks ago where they allowed the kids to shoot BB guns. She loved it, its all she talked about for a day or so. I had thought about getting her one for Christmas, but the wife said no. Well after shooting that weekend she said she can have one. So I just wanted to get other peoples thoughts to see what they are thinking. I got my first BB gun when I was 12, however my parents didn't go with me when I was shooting it. I had already taken the hunters safety course and had been out hunting. My daughter is 4 she has shoot my paintball gun, an has been around me shooting my pistols, and shotguns an rifles at my parents house. I'm not going to buy the gun hand it to her and send her on her way to shoot herself, the neighbors cats or windows, it more of a "training gun". I'll take her out and we will shoot it together at some cans or targets, and when we are done it gets put away.

Like I said just wanted your opinions on the subject...

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I think it is a great idea... My father was a police officer and i was taught to carry a BB gun in the woods while hunting with him when i was about 4 and when i proved that i could keep the barrel in a safe direction and knew how to handle it i got my first shotgun. I was 7 when i got it and it was a single shot that i still have today and will hopefully always have! Good times that your daughter will always remember i know i have, and it keeps them from being curious and playing with the guns when you are not around!

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Most of the newer guns can shoot pellets or BBs. Hell I think most of the ones they sold in the 90s could shoot both. The BB gun I had when I was a kid was lever action and was purchased from an old man that lived on my street. It's an older Daisy. I always wanted one of the pump versions, they were able to propel the bb/pellet at a higher velocity. I'll buy her the BB gun for now, when she gets a little older and proves herself i will get a .22 for her.

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Go for it. My 4-yo has a Daisy. He has trouble working the lever, but loves pulling that trigger. A great age to start imprinting the safety lessons. Take the curiosity out of guns.

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My fiances mom and dad thought it would be a great idea to get everyone in the family one for christmas last year.

My little nephew has wore that thing out. It is hilarious! I walk in and he is like lets go shoot, O.K. buddy. We sit pop cans up and he knocks them down.

Kid goes through bb's like it is going out of style.

It was just one of the little Red Ryders. But, shoots it like no other. His dad taught him well too, he knows he cant just go get it. He only wants to shoot when one of us is around. It's a blast.

hours of great fun...

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I got no real problem with bb guns for kids, I had one, but I think 4yrs old is a bit young for it.

FWIW thats just my opinion, I'm not a parent, only you can decide whats really right for your own kid.

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I say if you think she is ready to handle one go for it. I started mine out a little older with a .22 but I live in the city. If i lived where we could shoot bb guns and not have the neighbors call the cops I would have all of my boys training with one. As for good pellet guns the gamo brand is good for small game they are not cheap but they work for up to a rabbit sized critter. And they make a model with a noise reducer on it for us city folk called the whisper.

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i had a Crossman American Classic pellet gun i got from my dad...he had it to shoot rabbits in his yard (when he lived in the city) that kept eating his gfs pears when they would fall from the tree...it was a nice little gun - cheap...loaded it like a bolt action, single shot, but you had to pump it which is a little hard for a kid to do after a couple pumps....she would easily be able to get 3-4 pumps....i would pump it 10 times for maximum damage lol but it would fire just fine with a couple pumps

i think theyre like $75 brand new at Meijer and stuff....just sold mine for 30-40 or something


hmm....just realized after loading the picture that shes 4 and probably cant handle a full size pellet gun lol....but Crossman guns are good and reasonable prices - im sure they have a peewee version lol

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760 pumpmaster is pretty small they even make it in pink would be good to start with. Fin has them on sale all the time for around $30.

I am planning on getting her the standard lever action, we will not be killing rabbits or squirrels with it so she doesn't need the pump version. When she gets a little older, and demonstrates firearm safety, I'll move her up to a .22.

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Twin Glock .40's...

Depends how mature your 4 y/o is - only you (and the Mrs.) can make that decision.

Maybe some safety/shooting glasses, just in case? I know a boy would think "gearing up" would be cool; maybe your girl would, too.

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760 pumpmaster

That's what I had. I still have one with a scope on it hanging in the garage.

I also have a Crossman 357 co2 pistol, but it has a bad seal and leaks gas.

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durrrr... I just built a Crosman 1377C lever pump single shot pistol, with alternate steel breech, rear sight, shoulder stock, and red dot aiming sight. Just for fun. .17cal @ 600fps

I use German RWS airgun ammo

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Nice gimp mask kawi... I have a $20 daisy lever action my kids use at cub scout camp. shoots so slow you can see the bb leave the barrel. I also have a barrel break pellet gun that is much stronger that is used for rabbits and what not. what ever you decide on just teach her the basics with it, and she will be fine.

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Nice gimp mask kawi... I have a $20 daisy lever action my kids use at cub scout camp. shoots so slow you can see the bb leave the barrel. I also have a barrel break pellet gun that is much stronger that is used for rabbits and what not. what ever you decide on just teach her the basics with it, and she will be fine.

Its yours I stole it :)

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Buy a pellet rifle that you will enjoy as well and one she cant load or shoot by herself. AKA, buy a pump or break action and not a CO2 version.

Teach gun safety before all else.

This is for her, I already have a BB/pellet gun and my new .22. This is completely for her. But as Chevy said, it will be stored in where she cannot get to it and the ammo will be stored in a different location. She has been around my stuff when I am shooting and when I am cleaning it. I let her handle them, but also remind her they are not to be touched unless I am with her. She knows where they are and she has never attempted to get to them. My goal is to let her shoot them and take as much curiosity away as I can.

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