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Does this make anyone else angry, or just me?


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...Seeing people driving with loose dogs in the bed of their pickup truck.

It bothers me because if the driver needs to make any sudden/evasive move

the dog(s) can end up on the highway.

The truck I just saw on 71S about 20minutes ago had two dogs in back, fairly good sized dogs,

one was calm and staying down, the other was obviously anxious about being back there or traffic,

he was pacing from side to side and standing up on the sides of the bed.

As a dog owner, this just really bothers me. I treat the safety of our dog

in our car just as important as a human passenger, he wears a harness on long trips that secures him

to the seatbelt so in the event of an accident he doesn't end up in the windshield!

Maybe it's just me :dunno:

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I wouldn't say it makes me mad, but it's not something I would do.

Some dogs love it, and I don't think they're that much safer in the cab if there's an accident.

The seat-belt harness is something I need to look into.

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So say your riding your bike down the highway at 60 with no glasses, what do your eyes feel like? What if a bug were to hit you in the eye?

you do know that dogs LOVE shoving their heads out the window even in a passenger compartment right? :D

It doesn't make me mad because I consider most people inherently stupid so its just a fact of life. If I had a dog, not a chance I would put it in bed unless a) someone was there with him or b) I had a truck cap

I would say most dogs who are trained properly could handle being the back of a truck but again people are inherently stupid and don't know how to train dogs in the first place

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I've dealt with a rescue dog that was tossed from a moving vehicle. The dog eventually passed away from other health complications, but the road rash wasn't pretty.

The dog was a doberman mix, and he was just so happy to have attention. I damn near cried every time I saw him. Secondhand Mutts now does an annual "bacon, eggs, and pancakes breakfast" fund raiser in his memory.

The first one was to cover the cost of all his vet bills. This past year was to raise money for other dogs' vet bills. Given that my pup came to SHM with a broken leg, I'm supremely grateful for the fact that they accept injured and sick animals into their adoption program.

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A lady was telling her neighbor that she saw a man driving a

pick-up truck down the interstate, and a dog was hanging onto the

tail gate for dear life! She said if the pick-up truck driver

hadn’t been going so fast in the other direction, she would have

tried to stop him. A few weeks later, her neighbour saw this truck at the

Bass Pro Shop in Daphne, Alabama. The pick-up truck driver is

Mike Guillotte - a local taxidermist with a great sense of humour!

** PS: It’s not a dog - it’s a coyote.


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