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so who thinks he has a shot?

who thinks he's not a factor at all?

who thinks he'll split the repub vote enough to give obama a re-election on a silver platter?

how many of the other candidates are so savvy with money that they managed to bankrupt a casino?

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It's a joke... I'm almost half-tempted to think some of these "republicans" are just trying to see how crazy they can get before even the craziest of the people stop believing in them.

I'm assuming you watched the Daily Show last night.

not yet, i'm 16 hours behind on my daily show/colbert. i watch it when i get home from work.

but yeah, kinda like how it's impossible to tell a fundamentalist christian from a fundamentalist christian parody...

Edited by magley64
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how many of the other candidates are so savvy with money that they managed to bankrupt a casino?

No Donald fan but don't underestimate the financial genius of The Donald. Bankrupting businesses is a big part of what he does for a living. He buys/builds them as separate companies....leverages them to the wall and then bleeds the money out to his primary holding company by charging it management fees. Then he bankrupts them and buys them back for pennies on the dollar and does it again.

He actually bankrupted his casinos twice using this method. This last time another bidder came along and he is going to lose control but he still made millions with his system.

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It's a joke... I'm almost half-tempted to think some of these "republicans" are just trying to see how crazy they can get before even the craziest of the people stop believing in them.

this. I'm willing to bet at this point its merely entertainment/shock value

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I heard today Ron Paul was going to run again. I would have voted for him last time if big money hadn't isolated him the way they did. Yet he is still just another politician. We need to bring common sense back into the Oval Office, someone who understands business, how to create jobs while telling the status quo to screw off, someone who will also tell the rest of the world to blow us, we're done supporting everyone else while at the same time being cast as the evil enemy. Its time for real change instead of Kenyan lipservice.


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I heard today Ron Paul was going to run again. I would have voted for him last time if big money hadn't isolated him the way they did. Yet he is still just another politician. We need to bring common sense back into the Oval Office, someone who understands business, how to create jobs while telling the status quo to screw off, someone who will also tell the rest of the world to blow us, we're done supporting everyone else while at the same time being cast as the evil enemy. Its time for real change instead of Kenyan lipservice.


Ron Paul was a doctor first. Not a lawyer like most politicians. He's just out to make things better, not get rich. He'll get my vote again this election.

PS: Heard a funny thing about Trump today. Analysts are saying he'll drop out as soon as he's forced to release his financials because he doesn't want that public. Thought it was funny and interesting at the same time.

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Self-promotion. That's it and that's all. If he had any actual plans to cut the deficit, even make an attempt to balance the budget, ease fuel prices, demonstrate how he's going to make up for his lack of foreign policy experience, he would have thrown something, ANYTHING, out already. Instead he keeps fucking that Birther chicken that's netted him so much free publicity to him and his TV show. He's basically doing the same thing as a stand-up comic, although he's not funny. Kick out all the generic, populous stuff you can like: gas prices are terrible. We should just take their oil fields! Kick China out of the US! Start charging everyone for the use of our military!

It's all lowbrow discussion, and it's meant to pander to the low-educated voters. However, Nielsen families aren't chopped up by democrat/republican, so he's raising his ratings as he raises awareness of himself.

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Cheech is right. (that was kind of painful)

I haven't even looked into candidates. With the exception of Romney' date=' which I don't remember hearing he officially did, has anyone even really tossed their hat into the ring? It's fucking April, for crying out loud. Way too early for this shit to be serious on any level. Besides, I'm not in the mood for politicians just yet.[/quote']

are you ever in the mood for politicians? I'm not.

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Until Trump drops this birth certificate nonesense nobody can take him seriously.

He's splitting hairs between a "Birth Certificate" and a "Certificate of Live Birth". My

understanding is that Hawaii ONLY does "Certificate of Live Birth", not a document called "Birth Certificate". And whereas the COLB *can* be issued to somewhere born elsewhere to at least one citizen parent, it *does* list the location of said birth. Hawaii.

If the Republicans had proof that Obama was ineligible then they'd say something, right?

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I remember everyone saying that no matter who won, nobody could do worse than Bush. Huh. Guess someone jinxed us.

umm, bush inherited a growing economy, and a tax code with a balanced budget.... then quickly turned the economy to shit, and burned a ton of money on iraq.

Edited by magley64
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umm, bush inherited a growing economy, and a tax code with a balanced budget.... then quickly turned the economy to shit, and burned a ton of money on iraq.

Bush sucked. I'll never debate that with anyone. But, Obama is worse.

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Bush sucked. I'll never debate that with anyone. But, Obama is worse.

see, there we will disagree. I think, given the circumstances, he has done a good job, not perfect, but good. I shudder to imagine what would have happened if the housing bubble burst under bush.

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I don't see Trump as a realistic candidate... Of course, a lot of that is due to the "Daily Show" and the "Colbert Report" and the clips of his interviews they play. The best one was the interview with George Stephanapolous (sp?). If you haven't seen it, google that shit, it's pretty funny. I almost felt embarrassed for him...

On another note; I don't think Obama has a snowball's chance in hell of winning re-election

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see, there we will disagree. I think, given the circumstances, he has done a good job, not perfect, but good. I shudder to imagine what would have happened if the housing bubble burst under bush.

Umm, under Bush is where it started, and it was in massive decline for a full year; from Oct 07 to it's largest drop in recorded history on December 2008.

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see, there we will disagree. I think, given the circumstances, he has done a good job, not perfect, but good. I shudder to imagine what would have happened if the housing bubble burst under bush.

How do you say he's done a good job? He's done nothing but spend money and not help the economy at all. We are worse off now than we were under Bush.

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How do you say he's done a good job? He's done nothing but spend money and not help the economy at all. We are worse off now than we were under Bush.

I slightly disagree with that. Under Bush-TARP, Paulson just wanted to give everyone money with express provisions that the TARP fund and it's managers are completely immune to Congressional/GAO oversight. Obama at least had the stones to turn the screws to the companies that had taxpayer funds to make it as uncomfortable as possible for them to repay those funds ASAP, which most of them did. I am completely convinced that if the whole thing were done under Bush, that money would be long gone and we wouldn't have seen any returns from it.

I would, of course, love to see some more of this on the GM/AIG side of things, since the Govt still owns a sizable chunk of those companies. GM still isn't producing cars that are worth a fuck, and Ford is eating their lunch (and rightly so) by adapting to the new environment, getting some new thinking in management and finally working out their quality issues.

As far as Fannie and Freddie goes, we're just fucked. I don't expect to see anything back from them in my lifetime.

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GM still isn't producing cars that are worth a fuck, and Ford is eating their lunch (and rightly so) by adapting to the new environment, getting some new thinking in management and finally working out their quality issues.

GM media begs to differ with your statement.

Chevrolet posts best Q1 results in company history


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Umm, under Bush is where it started, and it was in massive decline for a full year; from Oct 07 to it's largest drop in recorded history on December 2008.

Uhhhh, go back further. Freddie and Fannie got a huge boost from the Clinton administration because they thought everyone should be able to buy a house. Offering lending to people who had no business getting a loan, loans that began to balloon a few years after they were took out, ballooning so high the lender could not afford the payments.

I'm not defending Shrub, but right is right.

Like Nafta....everyone blames ol Clinton for that. Wrong. When he took office, the bill was a done deal, sitting on his desk waiting to be signed. He had no choice. And it was even Bush Sr's doing but more like Reagan who actually got the ball rolling.

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