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Child Support Question


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Obviously you didn't read anything posted originally, so I am not going to address you being a dipshit. I quoted the important parts for you this time so that you don't get too confused and skip straight to the response of quite being a dead-beat dad.

Yea, maybe we both missed something

See above..

What needs to be clarified? I am asking how the process works for people who have gone through Child Support hearings.

Finally, a real answer. Thanks

I think the point your missing is that while not trying to get out of child

Support, the health insurance is being paid for by our tax dollars

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What I don't understand, and it's none of my business but the OP started this, is why is there child support being paid, and why is/how did the child get on the state's health insurance?

I can see if R6 knocked up some broad, didn't want to have anything to do with the mother, that she would then ask for child support. Since they're (presumably) engaged to be married and are living together with the child, where'd child support come from? She would have had to ask for it, no?

I know nothing of how 'the system' works (or doesn't), but it seems to me as if everything's hunky-dory between R6 and the future Mrs. R6, she could just tell the court "umm, no thanks, don't need child support" and it'd be done and over with?

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What I don't understand, and it's none of my business but the OP started this, is why is there child support being paid,

If you are not married to the mother (or custodial parent) then you pay child support. The State views it as their responsibility to enforce rules and the laws to protect the child. So even though there appears to be pretty normal relationship between the father and mother the State will not accept an informal arrangement between the parents. They want it enforced by court order to protect the child should things change.

and why is/how did the child get on the state's health insurance?

I would suspect that the income level of the parents is low enough that the child qualifies for state insurance. It is actually paid for with federal tax dollars but each state runs it and getting children on it is pretty easy to do.

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Obviously you didn't read anything posted originally, so I am not going to address you being a dipshit. I quoted the important parts for you this time so that you don't get too confused and skip straight to the response of quite being a dead-beat dad.

Yea, maybe we both missed something

See above..

What needs to be clarified? I am asking how the process works for people who have gone through Child Support hearings.

Finally, a real answer. Thanks

First of all I don't think I should be considered the dipshit, I know when to pull out.

Obviously you need to get a better education or skill set so that you can afford to pay for your child's health insurance.

The problem with American society is that people are no longer ashamed to be on public assistance. You should visit a doctor since you have balls so big that you came on to a public forum and admit that you would rather have the government provide for you child than do it yourself.

Yes you are a deadbeat, some have confirmed it with their responses others have left me positive feedback for my comments.

Edited by shittygsxr
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just hit the court house the get hitched right before the child support hearing....case dismissed. :-)


We were engaged for 1 month and then we got pregnant...we instantly got married that week we found out; why not. Then 1 month later we lost our baby, but we were going to get married anyway so it didn't matter that we rushed it after being engaged. I don't get long engagements, if you want it then just get married. You can have another wedding some other time. J.O.P ftw! :cheers:

5 years later we had twin boys so it all panned out anyway. :cool:

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First of all I don't think I should be considered the dipshit, obviously I know when to pull out.

Obviously you need to get a better education or skill set so that you can afford to pay for your child's health insurance.

The problem with American society is that people are no longer ashamed to be on public assistance. You should visit a doctor since you have balls so big that you came on to a public forum and admit that you would rather have the government provide for you child than do it yourself.

Yes you are a deadbeat, some have confirmed it with their responses others have left me positive feedback for my comments.

Positive feedback for a comment doesnt mean you aren't a dipshit, just means there are more than one of you.

And I don't mind admitting that I would rather the government pay for health care that would cost more me more than triple what it is costing them. Fuck it, I pay the taxes too, let it benefit me for once.

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Positive feedback for a comment doesnt mean you aren't a dipshit, just means there are more than one of you.

And I don't mind admitting that I would rather the government pay for health care that would cost more me more than triple what it is costing them. Fuck it, I pay the taxes too, let it benefit me for once.

Whatever floats your boat. If you don't use your total WIC allowance I will buy the rest off of you for $.70 on the dollar

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He has a point there though. I get what you're saying.

It's worse when it's the people that never paid taxes or work.

I am just saying that I have been working for the past 13 years and have paid my taxes religiously every single year and not collected assistance in a single way. I have paid for every other dipshit to collect foodstamps, public assistance for housing, welfare, etc for the past 13 years. I have always had a job and HAVE educated myself with a college education, more than what I can say for a lot of people out there.

Whatever floats your boat. If you don't use your total WIC allowance I will buy the rest off of you for $.70 on the dollar

FYI, WIC is something completely separate from Insurance and I dont get it. I could, but don't.

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From the way your finances sound you probably haven't paid much more than your fair share in taxes

Okay.. and you come to this conclusion how? Because I choose to save money where I can? This must mean I am poor and am making min wage right

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Okay.. and you come to this conclusion how? Because I choose to save money where I can? This must mean I am poor and am making min wage right

Ok then you are not poor and not making minimum wage, so pay for the damn insurance.

Or keep doing your little scam and milk the system, but don't talk about it on an open forum expecting everyone to give you rave reviews about how you are getting your "fair share" back from the government.

I came to this conclusion because a family of three would have to make less than 200% of the federal poverty level (~$33,200) and with two full time workers (~$16,600) that equals $7.98 an hour

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the State will not accept an informal arrangement between the parents. They want it enforced by court order to protect the child should things change.

How does the state even find out about such relationships? They don't seek out kids and verify their parents are married. Something must've tipped them off -- probably when the 'gov't assistance' forms were filled out, right? :dunno:

I would suspect that the income level of the parents is low enough that the child qualifies for state insurance. It is actually paid for with federal tax dollars but each state runs it and getting children on it is pretty easy to do.

Not possible, dude used to have an r6, he's rolling in cash money.

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Assistance isnt based on my income.

but Shhhh..... Dont tell Shitty :rolleyes:

For all categories of Medicaid, eligibility is based on the amount of your household income.By your admission you live with her and your child. So long story short she lied about her residence so that the "income" levels would be lower. Hope the Fraud thing works out for you

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For all categories of Medicaid, eligibility is based on the amount of your household income.By your admission you live with her and your child. So long story short she lied about her residence so that the "income" levels would be lower. Hope the Fraud thing works out for you

Dont make assumptions.. I said we currently live together and that has been reported. When she started the assistance we were not living together. You wanted the change of address forms too?

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r6, if you are going to be going through a legal system that's going to determine how much you're going to be paying out-of-pocket, you need a lawyer. Not some internet forum, a LAWYER.

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Dont make assumptions.. I said we currently live together and that has been reported. When she started the assistance we were not living together. You wanted the change of address forms too?

Do you honestly think anyone believes your line of shit?

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r6, if you are going to be going through a legal system that's going to determine how much you're going to be paying out-of-pocket, you need a lawyer. Not some internet forum, a LAWYER.

I am not trying to get the forum to determine how much I am going to pay out of pocket... I was asking any forum member to inform me of the processes and what to expect based on first hand knowledge of going through it themselves.

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Do you honestly think anyone believes your line of shit?

What line of shit.. That my fiance, who at the time of getting pregnant and filing for assistance wasn't living with me? I really dont think that is so far fetched. We lived separately until I purchased a house, then she moved in with me. Why is it you have to be such a dick about something you know nothing about?

If he can't afford health insurance for his kid, how's he gonna afford an honest-to-god real life LAWYER?

true.. think I can get the state to pay for one if I start accepting WIC?

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I am not trying to get the forum to determine how much I am going to pay out of pocket... I was asking any forum member to inform me of the processes and what to expect based on first hand knowledge of going through it themselves.

I never said that. My statement was that you're going through a legal process that's going to end up costing you out-of-pocket money for a fairly long time. You really want to rely on the advice of internet strangers to prepare you for this?

You know who probably has a ton of first-hand knowledge about this?

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