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Full face helmet > Open face helmt > Half helmet > do rag = no helmet > helmet strapped on back of sportbike being ridden down the road > Helmet on one arm, doing nothing to protect your head but standing by to act as a lever to snap your arm off at the elbow...

Fixed that for you.

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I make my decision not too because I don't want to witness a head bust like a watermelon. It's not because I don't respect their right, it's because I don't want to be around if they do split their own wig on the concrete. That shit is nasty and will fuck you up to see. I'll pass.

I understand. I've seen it myself. In fact in high school I watch a Harley rider die after he had his skull was smashed from a car that ran into him. I stopped got out of the car used spare clothes I had and tried to help stop the bleeding until the ambulance came. Wasn't pretty. But I can't just pass by if I can help. It's not in my nature.

Most of the time I ride alone anyways. So it's not really an issue unless I do a group ride.

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I understand. I've seen it myself. In fact in high school I watch a Harley rider die after he had his skull was smashed from a car that ran into him. I stopped got out of the car used spare clothes I had and tried to help stop the bleeding until the ambulance came. Wasn't pretty. But I can't just pass by if I can help. It's not in my nature.

Most of the time I ride alone anyways. So it's not really an issue unless I do a group ride.

Damn, that's messed up to see as a teenager.

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I understand. I've seen it myself. In fact in high school I watch a Harley rider die after he had his skull was smashed from a car that ran into him. I stopped got out of the car used spare clothes I had and tried to help stop the bleeding until the ambulance came. Wasn't pretty. But I can't just pass by if I can help. It's not in my nature.

Most of the time I ride alone anyways. So it's not really an issue unless I do a group ride.

I'm with ya man, tragic times call for drastic measures - I wouldn't be able to witness something like that and not do something to help......that would be some severe regret for the rest of my life, for sure.

Had a high school friend that was killed on his bike the very night I gave him gas money to ride with......that haunted me for years......If only I'd have gone with him or never given him money that day it may have affected the outcome somehow - either way, I understood it wasn't my fault, just wanted to change the past and couldn't.......

Nick, I feel where you're coming from too man......that shit's hard to stomach.......but I'm sure when in the middle of it all, our minds will overcome and allow us to do what we can - almost instinctually.

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Nick, I feel where you're coming from too man......that shit's hard to stomach.......but I'm sure when in the middle of it all, our minds will overcome and allow us to do what we can - almost instinctually.

Oh, no doubt man. That's not I was meaning though. I meant that's the reason I don't like riding with non helmet riders; I don't want to have that happen if they went down. It's like if you don't want to be around something then you don't put your self in situations where there is a chance you will be. You know what I'm saying?

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Oh, no doubt man. That's not I was meaning though. I meant that's the reason I don't like riding with non helmet riders; I don't want to have that happen if they went down. It's like if you don't want to be around something then you don't put your self in situations where there is a chance you will be. You know what I'm saying?

Gotcha, almost figured that was your position on it - just wasn't entirely clear.......But I agree, it's like going hunting with buddies and there's one guy that's clueless to gun safety and proper handling......scary stuff to be around sometimes.

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Gotcha, almost figured that was your position on it - just wasn't entirely clear.......But I agree, it's like going hunting with buddies and there's one guy that's clueless to gun safety and proper handling......scary stuff to be around sometimes.

Yeah, I've given dirty looks before at Vandalia armory while shooting. Somebody breaking the rules and not pointing gun upwards and having it unloaded. Full clip and turned around and it waved by everyone and luckily he got spotted or I was about to yell at him. I got out a "WTF" before a worker ran over to him quickly.

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So after many pages of discussion, what I get out of this is:

1. On OR the majority of people posting would like to see other riders wearing gear. The type/brand fo gear does not seem so important as just having a jacket, full face helmet, gloves, boots and preferably some type of riding pants or riding jeans. This seems out of genuine concern for their fellow rider's health than a moral supperiority issue. Fair enough. We can encourage this trend, but not force it on others. There was a helmet thread last week where someone mentioned that more cruiser riders were buying full face helmets. Maybe the trend will change over time, but it still up to the individual rider what they wear.

2. The mesh based jackets seem to be the thing for the summer. The mesh jackets were mentioned repeatedly in the posts. Perf leather and the camelback were mentioned which also seem like good summer gear ideas. Also, the underarmor/starter wicking shirts seem like a good thing for under your jacket. I noticed a big difference in the heat the last two days from my starter t-shirt vs a regular cotton one. Starter shirt + vented jacket was very comfortable. Cotton t-shirt not so much. What kinds of mesh jackets are recommended? I've been looking at some that are combination construction. Leather in the elbows, arms and shoulders and mesh along the front and sides.

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as far mesh jacket get what you like best. I have a Joe Rocket Phoenix 4.0 that I love. It flows air great and the main reason I decided on it was 1) it has a pocket on the inside to keep an extra visor, its come in handy a lot when I didn't have a tailbag. 2) was because I got it barely used for $60

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as far mesh jacket get what you like best. I have a Joe Rocket Phoenix 4.0 that I love. It flows air great and the main reason I decided on it was 1) it has a pocket on the inside to keep an extra visor, its come in handy a lot when I didn't have a tailbag. 2) was because I got it barely used for $60

+1 on the JR Phoenix. Try your mesh on without the removable liner and make sure your armor doesn't move. Otherwise, put on a wife-beater and skip the mesh.

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What kinds of mesh jackets are recommended?

The better ones are Kevlar mesh or a better abrasian-resistent material than polyester. Motoport makes a very good one, Rev-It too. Not cheap, but neither is an ER run and road-rash scrub.

I owned a JR Phoenix and a First Gear Torrent, but both leave a lot to be desired for crash protection. The Phoenix melted BAD on a gravel road slide on my elbow and shoulder, came right through the padding too...wouldn't trust that jacket at all on the pavement, but I suppose it's better than a T-shirt. Maybe.

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A large portion of the human population sucks at risk identification, analysis, and mitigation. Suzuki is well aware of this. GSXRs shortcircuit some people's brains from "I know this is made for racing, racing means wickedretardfast capabilities, wickedretardfast capabilities combined with my youngguy tendencies could cause unnecessary touchdowns" to "I'm going to buy one and wear plaid shorts, a baby-tee for men, and these sunglasses while riding it." Pass, pass, fail: squids know what their bikes are capable of - they're just too stupid to handle it. For less than three grand you can go faster than a Ferrari in a straight line. I'm not curious what Darwin would have to say about these people.

And by riding nekkid they make responsible people wearing a jacket, full face helmet, and boots in 90* weather seem like dicks. OK - I'm probably a dick anyway. You explain to curious coworkers and other questioners that you wear what you do so you don't get hurt, because you can't control high-speed-two-ton-texters and camo-gravel, and they cite the other riders they see without seatbelt/airbag equivalent gear. I'm not for legislating people to make minor inconveniences like wearing a jacket, 3/4+ helmet, or boots. But wearing a seatbelt is required by law, despite being surrounded by airbags and a crumplezones and the minimal effort required to click-it, and that doesn't clue-in the GSXR and cruiser toughguys who can't be bothered to even wear proper boots. They don't even have laces. Zip, velcro, zip, velcro...

In an alternate universe motorcyclists must be pushed out of a car going 55mph on a country rode to obtain his or her motorcycle endorsement. This same universe has a tenth of the motorcyclist fatalities that we do.

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Finally got to read the full thread. I admit, I rode from Kelly's house to my place, a block away, without gear. Never again. I felt naked and exposed, which I was. Last week I stopped for gas and a tea at a gas station and the attendant at the counter asked why I bother to wear full gear when it's hot as hell out. I shook my head and told him why wouldn't I? The idiot actually replied "It's not as cool to wear it" I don't know if he meant temperature or perception but either way he's wrong.

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There's only so much that you can do for a person. If they are aware of the risks and still decide to not wear gear for the image I will not really feel bad if they get road rash. Even though I'm a new rider I don't think I'll ever stop wearing the right gear. My friend that I ride with sometimes wore all the right gear when he started now he wears just a sweater, gloves, and jeans and an open face helm. But whatever people choose to wear it's their prerogative.

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Finally got to read the full thread. I admit, I rode from Kelly's house to my place, a block away, without gear. Never again. I felt naked and exposed, which I was. Last week I stopped for gas and a tea at a gas station and the attendant at the counter asked why I bother to wear full gear when it's hot as hell out. I shook my head and told him why wouldn't I? The idiot actually replied "It's not as cool to wear it" I don't know if he meant temperature or perception but either way he's wrong.

To which you inform him that:


I wear full leathers and gloves and a helmet and still get called a squid lol

lol. Gear only makes up one part of the acronym. :D

Edited by BonkerS
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