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TN laws


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Going to Deals Gap this weekend. About 2 weeks away from my appt w local sherriff to get my ccw permit, so I dont have it yet. Doing a brief google, it looks as if TN requires a permit. Anyone know for sure if I'm allowed to carry or even transport in TN?

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If its concealed then noone will ever know you have it, therefore you can carry wherever you want to because noone will ever know. Some people worry and over think things way to much.

This is true but you forgot to mention to him that if he did get caught its a felony charge and he would lose any chance of getting his CHL

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He can open carry in Ohio right or wrong fill me in

He can open carry in Ohio. I don't believe he can open carry in TN.

It is not a good idea to open carry. Not trying to start a debate on what it right or wrong, just that open carrying will most likely result in frequent police contact.

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He can open carry in Ohio. I don't believe he can open carry in TN.

It is not a good idea to open carry. Not trying to start a debate on what it right or wrong, just that open carrying will most likely result in frequent police contact.

TN requires permit to carry open or concealed

At this time open carry can come with a whole new set of issues you should do some research and determine if your willing to deal with the issues that may arise before you open carry hopefully in the future it won't be an issue

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It shouldn't be true but unfortunately it is still true in a lot of towns in Ohio.

Yeah that may be, but a blanket statement like that just scares people. All my encounters with police and civilians while open carrying have all been pleasant. Most of the other people I know that OC have the same experiences.

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plus if you're two weeks from your appointment then you are still 2 months fromactually getting your ccl.. id leave the guns in the car. and then keep them in the tent or hotel at night.. dont bring it on the bike..

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Oh, and btw, that is exactly why every police and sheriff station in Ohio is getting open carry memos, case laws and the such so they understand OC is legal and not grounds for a terry stop. /thread jack

its pretty pathetic that they actually need a memo to remind them of this.

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I have had a ccw before, but it's from Indiana, and since expired. Yes, I'd be just fine w/o carrying this weekend. But just got my Taurus back from repair, and figured there might be a chance we go shooting in TN. So I wanted to take it w me, legally. Yeah it would

Have been great to find out you can conceal in TN w now permit. Was worth a shot:)

It's tucked away in my backpack, in the trunk, unloaded.

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Yeah that may be, but a blanket statement like that just scares people. All my encounters with police and civilians while open carrying have all been pleasant. Most of the other people I know that OC have the same experiences.

Blanket statement like what? I said "frequent" polcie encounters, not bad ones. Too many people posting up on OFCC about being stopped by the police because they got called abot a "man with gun".

Ever hear of Daniel Sayers?


You may pass 100 people who are cool with it, but it only takes one uneducated person to bring the police in. Hopefully the police figure out you're legal in a few seconds, but some police had a policy of charging open carry as a public order offense like "inciting fear" or "distrubing the peace".

Like I said, don't want to start a debate about it beign right or wrong. OC is legal and harring OC'ers is just wrong. But, in the real world, not everyone who sees you OC is going to get a warm fuzzy feeling about it.

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