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yea my friend went down last night, we all stopped. Bikers stick together :D. I wanted to beat his ass though cause it wasnt a unavoidable mistake it was stupidity.

ring ring: Hello

Pot: Hello is this The Kettel?

Kettel: yes, may I ask who's calling?

Pot: Yes Kettlel this is the Pot. I just wanted to inform you that you are Black!



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If he had a rear tire BLOW out then he was running unsafe tires. Meaning that there was prob cords showing of close to it, never heard of a bike tire blowing out. Even if you pick up a screw, or nail it will not pop just leak out slowly. Hell a guy I work with pick up a piece of green rod steel in his back tire on the commute into work and his tire held, till after work when the air leaked out. Good thing this guy had gear on atleast he was smart about that.

I think that's a pretty broad assumption, are you a tire expert? Just sayin.

Pretty sure there are circumstances that could lead to a blow out other than bad tires,

but then again, this is an assumption on my part. ;)

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I may ride fast but i dont ride stupid, i know my limits. And i dont make mistakes like taking the wrong line to a bend and going to fast in it and flying out of it.

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I may ride fast but i dont ride stupid, i know my limits. And i dont make mistakes like taking the wrong line to a bend and going to fast in it and flying out of it.


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I think he met ringo that's why he didn't show up to ride with you guy yesterday.

I didnt do that ride yesterday because i was busy. I came out to the ringo ride...

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He did make the Ringo ride. I will say he's much less of a douche in person and rides better than I would've guessed. In time he will possibly turn out to be a decent contributing member here once he learns the ropes and controls the "inner ringo". I think there is hope for him. Hell look at Porter he's still here and most like him now :)

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With my freeway flat, I saw the crap come off the back of a flatbed truck. I thought I dodged everything, but a large nail stuck in the tire. I only made it a few miles before feeling a wobble, and a few seconds till it was totally flat and barely able to move, let alone ride. Since I had a clue what it was, I pointed at the berm of the freeway and hammered the front brake to lift the rear tire. At a slow speed, I tried to let off the brake, and the back end wobbled hard, enough to make me think I'd fall. I just hit the front brake again, even harder. There was a highway patrol behind me, he saw it happen and he took me home.

This was old tube tires. They go flat somewhat differently.

edit: my Dad was standing in a parking lot when a cruiser blew out a front tire with a bang, out on the road.

Yes, the bike went down quickly, with the rider injured. No clue why the tire would blow out that way.

edit part deux: if a punctured tire throws the nail out, the tire blows out in a few seconds. But no bang exploding tire.

Edited by ReconRat
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No im not a expert. But have riding for almost 20 years and have seen many people pick up nail and what not in tires have never seen one that was in good shape blow out. I have seen people get a flat and crash due to the wobble lit recon talked about. Just wear your gear and keep your tires in good shape.

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You and your buddies make it a habbit of hitting big jagged metal pieces? I try to ride within my limit so I can scan the roads for things like that! But I never found a 1.85$ either.

Your cool

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No i dont hit them and i scan for them, but noone knows this rider and i was saying what "could" have happened. I try and provide some input and my opinion and you have to be a smart ass. Grow up.

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