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Those that Carry?


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Last week while at work one of my salesmen was helping a customer pick out parts to rebuild his motor. I walked by and saw his Glock holstered on the side of his belt (reminded me of the wild west). He had a sleeveless shirt and displayed on one arm a tattoo that must have started at his shoulder and stopped at his wrist. A few customers complained that he made them feel uncomfortable. I told them I'm sorry but we dont stop customers from carrying. I'll admit the guy looked like a real hardass and his look encourage trouble in my eyes. The part that got me the was he had two young boys I'm guessing to be early teens. I'm all for the right to carry but he wasnt John Wayne and this isint the Wild West... Your thoughts?

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I say, if he's at work it should be up to company policy to carry or not.......as far as the shirt, doesn't sound like a professional look in my opinion.

So, let's say he was wearing a nice button-up, long sleeved shirt ( tie is optional ) with a gun plainly displayed on his belt -- would that have put the customer more at ease?? Hard to say really -- it's up to the customer if they feel "threatened" by the way someone looks......maybe it's just the way the guy looks, not just his gun or ink. I get that a lot, folks say I look pissed off all the time when I'm actually not -- it's just the way I'm built.......6ft. 285lbs. and shaved head, I even quit wearing any facial hair to disparage the harder look -- doesn't matter, people will feel the way they feel in the presence of someone different......not much guys like us can do, no matter how friendly or unfriendly we appear -- but at work, we CAN take steps to encourage approachability

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- doesn't matter, people will feel the way they feel in the presence of someone different......not much guys like us can do, no matter how friendly or unfriendly we appear -- but at work, we CAN take steps to encourage approachability

I understand where your coming from. I have a shaved head and used to have facial hair. After a few complaints that I was unfriendly I shaved it. Needless to say I havent had a complaint since.

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Sam Walton, at the time the richest man in America, drove a Ford pickup truck even though he could obviously afford any car he wanted.

The point?

You can't judge a book by its cover.

See some old dude driving an old truck, you might think he's just an old dude that can't afford a nice vehicle. Just because the customer had a "wife blesser" (as Ned Flanders would say) and tattoos covering his arms doesn't mean he's a bad guy. Could've been a doctor, small (or large) business owner, a <insert "respectable" job title here> for all anyone knows.

If the other customers are uneasy, that's their hangup.

I'll admit it, if I had seen him it might have made me be wary, too. Open carry is just not practiced enough to where it doesn't get noticed. If you see a young guy with an M&P strapped to his side, that's just Chebby, nothing to worry about, he's on our side.

If he had been dressed business casual, with perhaps a crew cut, people might have thought he was a detective or some sort of LEO and wouldn't have given him a second look. Ever see the undercovers doing drug buys on Cops? Some of them are downright scary/nasty looking, the customer could've been one of them, you never know.

If he's pulling it out of the back of his pants and yelling "stickup", that's the time to worry.

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+1 on the Kudos to the business.

Stereotypes will always be there. I guess a we support open carry sign would put would be freaked out customers at ease and bring awareness that it's OK.

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I'm uncomfortable around people that are afraid of firearms...

Kudos to you for standing up for peoples' rights to carry Monstrosity.

Yeah i am uncomfortable around them too....most of those people are too chicken shit to defend themselves if it came down to it...they would rather do the Ostrich thing and stick their head in the sand and hope the danger goes away...and you know they wont help you if something jumped off.

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I'm uncomfortable around people that are afraid of firearms...

Kudos to you for standing up for peoples' rights to carry Monstrosity.

Thank you, I love guns!

Its kinda shocked me that the people actually bitched... Then again some gearheads just need something to bitch about...

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Thank you, I love guns!

Its kinda shocked me that the people actually bitched... Then again some gearheads just need something to bitch about...

People fear what they do not understand and what they are lead to believe by movies and the media.

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people will find anything to bitch about in america, statistically speaking(granted it has been a while since i read the article im speaking about so i could be wrong) the safest countries in the world are the ones where almost everyone is carrying a gun, i mean who is gonna rob a place when the walk in and see half the patrons with guns on there belt? i just got my ccw because its people like this who feel they need to tattle on you if you carry a gun because it makes them feel "uncomfortable" with guns around although when shit goes down they will be hiding behind you crying save me. my ccw instructor, who is a bounty hunter i guess you would call him and an ex marine said he has had the cops called on him atleast a dozen times even though he was legally carrying. i dont know about you but i WANT that guy carrying a gun cuz he isnt afraid to use it to save a persons life.

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Yeah i am uncomfortable around them too....most of those people are too chicken shit to defend themselves if it came down to it...they would rather do the Ostrich thing and stick their head in the sand and hope the danger goes away...and you know they wont help you if something jumped off.

These people are the ones who in an actual time of disaster that will be making the situation worse. I have no room these people in my life.

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