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My siberian Husky :(


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Sig. :lol:

welp my lifelong dream of having a quote in someones signature has now been completed. I can officially retire from forums...

....just to unretire in the morning

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And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable.

Dude. I'm trying to help you and Sky out. I gave you a way to save face, make some money, get Sky all the love she can have, and have less burdens on you. THis was your opportunity to take the high road.

I don't know you or your apparently dramatic rep on this forum. I just don't come on here that much. but, come on man. :nono:

Also. be careful about your assumptions about other people's finance. I'm pretty close to whipping out my e-Penis and putting you in your place both financially and physically.

Offer still stands.

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I agree with this comment, but sadly he is not the only one. I managed a water resort for three years and saw way too much of this attitude... I credit my parents for the fact that I do not have this attitude...

(They spanked me)

Had my parents given me a "time-out", I wouldn't just laughed. I, too, was spanked. And I, too, have respect. This perception of entitlement is appalling. It really isn't limited to any generation unfortunately. Too many people think they're owed something.

My wife spanks me but that's for a different thread.

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So did anyone get the dog yet??

nope, he's not going to allow someone on here to get her now.

Not that I know of, but someone did buy my wife last night :eek:

yeah, and I think i may of bit off a little more than I can chew. Could you take her back?

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I troll around, read stuff and laugh, occasionally post, I think 3 or less people on here know me, and I am going to give my 2 cents. About 5 people have offered a way out for this dog and you, I say take it. I'm 18 and a full time student and I try to ride as long as there isn't salt or water on the road and would love to have a dog of my own(family has two but they are teh ghey) but I know I cant provide the life a dog needs so I refrain. So take the way out, get rid of the pup and when you get the itch to play with a dog, do what I do and go to petland. They like when people take them out.

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