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The differences in how women and men shower


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Old Spice High Endurance all-in-one FTMFW.

Body wash + Shampoo + Conditioner in one bottle = simple win

Less than 10 minutes to scrub up.

is that the one that is also includes the "Gel Douche"??

I kid you not when I was at the store with my roommate getting supplies for a cookout, he runs over giggling like a girl holding a bottle of this Old Spice All-In-One body wash that stated right in the bottle it included Gel Douche

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is that the one that is also includes the "Gel Douche"??

I kid you not when I was at the store with my roommate getting supplies for a cookout, he runs over giggling like a girl holding a bottle of this Old Spice All-In-One body wash that stated right in the bottle it included Gel Douche

Douche is shower in French. "Gel Douche" = "Shower Gel"

The rest of the wrapping has French on it too. That being said, I did laugh out loud the first time I saw the new wrapper.

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Douche is shower in French. "Gel Douche" = "Shower Gel"

The rest of the wrapping has French on it too. That being said, I did laugh out loud the first time I saw the new wrapper.

ah that makes more sense. I didn't see the other French. I just saw all the english and ending in that and about pissed my pants laughing in the store

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