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every time time kids see me they want me to do a wheelie and i just wave at them because with my luck id try and show off and crash and be one youtube with all the other crashes

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"Ar-pilla, is that one of 'dem new Honduh race-bikes?"


+ 48÷2(9+3)

Usually "Ar-prill-uh...IzzataDucati?"

Once, walked out of a restaurant to see a guy circling the Mille studying it intently...

"Nice Bike. Am I stupid, or does it not say anywhere who makes it?"

Only in about a dozen places...

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every time time kids see me they want me to do a wheelie and i just wave at them because with my luck id try and show off and crash and be one youtube with all the other crashes

I hate that shit. You can even be rolling up to a stop and they think you can just wheelie and stand there at the light with it pointing straight up. Or they yell at you to do one in a traffic jam as well. 1st off are you that stupid? :lol: You can see that a wheelie can't be done in this situation right now. Also, I don't do wheelies on purpose and I'm not riding my bike and attempting to risk my $11k machine for your entertainment! Get your own bike and ride your own gawddamn wheelie you fucking punk! :nono:

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+ 48÷2(9+3)

Usually "Ar-prill-uh...IzzataDucati?"

Once, walked out of a restaurant to see a guy circling the Mille studying it intently...

"Nice Bike. Am I stupid, or does it not say anywhere who makes it?"

Only in about a dozen places...

Haha, I know. It makes my day just a little better though. Good amusement.

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I hate that shit. You can even be rolling up to a stop and they think you can just wheelie and stand there at the light with it pointing straight up. Or they yell at you to do one in a traffic jam as well. 1st off are you that stupid? :lol: You can see that a wheelie can't be done in this situation right now. Also, I don't do wheelies on purpose and I'm not riding my bike and attempting to risk my $11k machine for your entertainment! Get your own bike and ride your own gawddamn wheelie you fucking punk! :nono:


On my way to MotoGP Indy in 2009, I got caught in a nice little storm halfway through the ride. I was starting to get miserable but was only a few miles from the hotel on surface streets. This F-150 full of teens comes flying up next to me and one of them is leaning out the window giving me that "do a wheelie" sign.

I'm sitting there thinking, really? Then they wouldn't go away. What part of it's fucking pouring rain and I'm soaked and annoyed didn't you understand. Had to pull off because their driving was getting erratic next to me. Asshats.

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i kno lol ive had people want me to do it in traffic or 25mph roads and i just shake my head. i was on hamilton rd by 33 and this "Gangsta" was in this old caprice with huge rims and at a red light he said "a bruh make that thing do a wheelie" i said ok and just took off quick and got on 33 and he put his hands in the air like wtf ...... pwnd

i also love it when people try to race you all the time. i had this kid that was in a ford ecscape reving his engine then when the light turn green you could here him squel the tires and what was funny is i was going faster then him when i was just doing a regular take off

I hate that shit. You can even be rolling up to a stop and they think you can just wheelie and stand there at the light with it pointing straight up. Or they yell at you to do one in a traffic jam as well. 1st off are you that stupid? :lol: You can see that a wheelie can't be done in this situation right now. Also, I don't do wheelies on purpose and I'm not riding my bike and attempting to risk my $11k machine for your entertainment! Get your own bike and ride your own gawddamn wheelie you fucking punk! :nono:
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People generally don't talk to me when I am out with my bike? I could probably count on one hand the times but it generally has been just small talk....Some guy did give me sh*t once....I was at the gas station my buddy works at and this old dude walks in and goes who's death machine is that out there, me being one of 3 ppl in there and the only one with boots and a jacket and a helmet sitting by me I say mine...so of course he tells me they are dangerous blah blah blah and proceeds to tell me that he is going down to florida the next week to ride his harley home :wtf: I told him I was going to get a harley but after what the bike would cost I wouldn't be able to afford the wrench to re-tighten everything after a ride...Nice guy though...

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some people have no common since lol


On my way to MotoGP Indy in 2009, I got caught in a nice little storm halfway through the ride. I was starting to get miserable but was only a few miles from the hotel on surface streets. This F-150 full of teens comes flying up next to me and one of them is leaning out the window giving me that "do a wheelie" sign.

I'm sitting there thinking, really? Then they wouldn't go away. What part of it's fucking pouring rain and I'm soaked and annoyed didn't you understand. Had to pull off because their driving was getting erratic next to me. Asshats.

Edited by Joey614
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yea i mostly hear nice bike and be safe and have fun

People generally don't talk to me when I am out with my bike? I could probably count on one hand the times but it generally has been just small talk....Some guy did give me sh*t once....I was at the gas station my buddy works at and this old dude walks in and goes who's death machine is that out there, me being one of 3 ppl in there and the only one with boots and a jacket and a helmet sitting by me I say mine...so of course he tells me they are dangerous blah blah blah and proceeds to tell me that he is going down to florida the next week to ride his harley home :wtf: I told him I was going to get a harley but after what the bike would cost I wouldn't be able to afford the wrench to re-tighten everything after a ride...Nice guy though...
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...so of course he tells me they are dangerous blah blah blah and proceeds to tell me that he is going down to florida the next week to ride his harley home :wtf: I told him I was going to get a harley but after what the bike would cost I wouldn't be able to afford the wrench to re-tighten everything after a ride...Nice guy though...

Last weekend as I was getting gas I had a similar thing. Older guy comes up and asks what year the bike is, what size etc. Tells me biking is dangerous, people really shouldn't be riding bikes because its too dangerous with the other cars on the road and if you can survive your first year you are doing all right. (Wow do I really look that new that someone can tell it's my first year when I'm standing at the gas pump or did I read too much into it?) Anyhow after the lecture, he says," Well have fun today and maybe I'll see you on the road because I'm going home to get my VTX 1800 out to ride.":wtf:

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Haha, I know. It makes my day just a little better though. Good amusement.

I had a guy last night at a QSL bike night that was standing next to his stretched and nitrous'd Gixxer ask what country does my bike come from. That's the worst I've gotten so far.

He was cool though. So, we chatted a bit. :)

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Couple years back I was sitting at a light, with a tuner car to my right. He kept revving his engine, so I looked over--He was hunched over the wheel looking at me, then the light and back. So I got into the launch position and started revving--looking at him, then the light, back and forth.

When the light went green he squealed his tires and took off.

I casually made the left turn I had been waiting for. :cool:

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Usually I get "Wow that's a pretty color" from chicks...I agree Candy Plasma Blue is a sweet color though. From everyone else it is usually..."wtf kind of bike is that??" The baby Z's aren't common stateside and even people that know bikes aren't real sure what it is. I don't see the deal though, it is just Kawi's version of a FZ6 and it is a hoot to ride.

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