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Please think about or send prayers for C7FX...


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I'm turning in for the night for an early start tomorrow, but I did hear from Jeff just a few minutes ago. I won't say much but he's doing okay given the circumstances. He still seems to have his humor intact for whatever that's worth (for those that don't know him he's about as funny as stale bread...I kid). He certainly could use all the prayers. I'll pass along everyone's well wishes when I talk to him again if he does beat me to this tread. :nono:

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Jeff is one of those dudes that I don't run into often, but have been running into for years. Also one of the nicest guys I've ever met; always quick with that huge smile!

I'm praying, starting prayer chains and sending good vibes for a speedy and complete recovery.

You're not alone bro. Hang tight.

Christi "BamBam" Midlam

Director Sportbike Track Girl

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Jeff in good spirits! Message from him minute ago:

"I hope you are awesome they say lots of broken ribs pneumothorax right apex of lung and T 6,7,8 fracture with a spinal contusion which isn't good but better then severed."

He also posted on Facebook:


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he's updated his facebook for those that are friends with him.

i did not realize it was that severe yesterday. incredibly lucky.

Yeah just saw the update, hopefully they get things resolved. We need to continue to keep hoping for the best for him.

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Isn't technology grand :)

I did update my fb an I'll do it here also. Thanks for all the prayers :)

So I was out working with people pulling them around in I group having a blast. Anyways I left one guy to catch up with another. I looked over my shoulder gave the thumbs up and felt a large bang under my bike I figured I hit a knee puck since I was looking over my shoulder. Anyway I put my head down to catch up to the other guy. While working on my own late braking into turn 7. Waited as long a I could grabbed the brakes and had nothing I pumped them a ton had nothing grabbed rear brake and down shifted (I don't know why lol) since I was standing on the rear... My last thought was try and make the turn (which I should have) or go straight into the beach. I chose the beach and tumbled.

So I'm sitting in ICU waiting to hear the official read on my MRI... I have heard severed spine and contusion of of the vertebra at 6,7,8 thoracic I have a right upper hemothorax multiple rib fractures and a fractured sternum breathing is awesome lol.

Thanks to all and humor like dry toast??? Lol

Thanks Brain it's all good

Brett texted me and said my brake pad was found in the middle of the track. I can't believe it since there are two r clips holding them in. I wonder if the warmed might have grabbed them when I pull the heaters off.

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Man, I have been buried in work and family stuff so much the past couple days I missed this. Jeff, you're absolutely in my thoughts and prayers right now, and I hope to see you healed up soon. Like many other guys here, I have been a benefactor of your generosity.

Brian, thanks for getting this out there.

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