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Boy Sells Kidney for an iPad 2


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How bad do you want one? I want one pretty bad, but I'm not willing to sell off one of my kidneys for it. I'm sure he'll regret it once the iPad 3 comes out...but I suppose he could sell off part of his liver then.


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I'm very positive an American teenager would do the same thing if they could find someone willing to buy a kidney. The blackmarket is easier to find over there than here for organ trafficing I'm sure.

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man i thought kidneys were worth more..

In the comment section of the article, someone mentions that what he received was equivalent to two years salary for the average Chinese household. I'd do it right now if I could get 80k.

(from comment section) "What you people fail to understand that is really a heartbreaking (not stupid) story. 20,000 RMB is almost 2 years worth of salary for the average Chinese household. Can you imagine what some people would do for ~$80k here in the U.S. in order to survive? I know money is only temporary but please be cognizant of the facts before you blast a possibly impoverished kid for "being stupid"."

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If this was legal in the United States there would be a line at the clinic every morning 5 miles long.

land of the free and i cant even sell my fucking kidney... :rolleyes:

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If this was legal in the United States there would be a line at the clinic every morning 5 miles long.

Fortunately we still keep it pretty controlled in the US - someone getting paid for an organ is pretty likely to be less than forthcoming about their medical/social history...

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