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the lesser of two evils


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Guns kill people. Pencils cause spelling errors. The police are there to save me. I mean I do keep a fire extinguisher in case of a fire since the fire department can't get to my house in time. But with the police its different.

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When a gun is drawn the whole dynamic of the situation changes. This is why I am an advocate for carrying a less than lethal weapon along with my firearm.

And I have said it before but if you choose to carry a firearm then know from that moment on that ever fight or confrontation there will be a gun involved. Even if its never drawn.

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My reason is as follows.

I agree, dont draw your firearm unless your life is in danger but at the point you draw, the situation changes and the attacker may retreat which is obviously better then having to fire on them. I have been in this situation before. Firearms can be deterrents but should not be used as if it will actually be a deterrent.

Dorifto seems to think that guns whenever around will automatically kill someone. Oh my god, there is a gun in a locked case in your house, you know guns kill people and you should probably get rid of it before it jumps out of the box, runs through the house and kills everything in site. Its the standard uninformed, ignorant mindset that all anti gun people have and it frustrates me to no end.

I've fired plenty of rounds, have guns in the house as we speak, and my girlfriend just got a 9mm as a gift from her dad. Ignorant, uninformed anti-gun indeed.

It's just as silly to think "Oh thank god, there's a gun in my pocket. As soon as I pull it out, it will make me a tough guy and scare away all the bad guys!"

There's nothing anymore good or evil about a gun than there is about a pencil or a motorcycle.

All I'm saying is if Shitty, or anyone else for that matter, is not ready to pull that trigger, shoot whatever is in front of that gun, and understand the consequences, then don't buy one.

I'd think a well informed person who has chosen not to purchase a gun would be better than a bunch of "uninformed, ignorant...anti gun people." At least they understand why someone would buy a gun, and can respect it.

Of course, you should probably learn to respect why someone wouldn't want to buy a gun either. Otherwise, you end up being the ignorant one.

I disagree with this as blanket statement. Does it happen? Absolutely. But I have been in a few situations where the presence of a handgun actually de-escalated violence. Lucky for me 2 of these included an off duty police officer buddy

That's the best case scenario, and the one I hope happens every time. But I have to understand and be ready for the worst case scenario as well. If I'm not comfortable with one or the other, then I'm not carrying a gun.

Edited by dorifto240
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I've fired plenty of rounds, have guns in the house as we speak, and my girlfriend just got a 9mm as a gift from her dad. Ignorant, uninformed anti-gun indeed.

It's just as silly to think "Oh thank god, there's a gun in my pocket. As soon as I pull it out, it will make me a tough guy and scare away all the bad guys!"

I dont see anywhere that was mentioned so why would you think it to bring it up. My mistake on your owning / handling of firearms but your comments (even though devils advocate) came across as uninformed and spiteful against firearms owners, especially when you mentioned that Shitty appears to have a hero complex. If you knew him, you would know that he goes out of his way to help everyone, including those he doesnt know being attacked. Too many people in this country sit back and just let bad things happen to the weak and innocent without giving a shit or willingness to step in and help.

There's nothing anymore good or evil about a gun than there is about a pencil or a motorcycle.

All I'm saying is if Shitty, or anyone else for that matter, is not ready to pull that trigger, shoot whatever is in front of that gun, and understand the consequences, then don't buy one.

The problem I took with your post was directly related to the "matter of fact" type of scenario outcomes you listed as if those were the only possible results. More clarification on your part and a bit more restraint on my part to reply so quickly probably would have helped us both.

Of course, you should probably learn to respect why someone wouldn't want to buy a gun either. Otherwise, you end up being the ignorant one.

That's the best case scenario, and the one I hope happens every time. But I have to understand and be ready for the worst case scenario as well. If I'm not comfortable with one or the other, then I'm not carrying a gun.

Trust me I can respect someone not wanting a gun but as when they try push their ideas like its only their ideas that are correct, then that is complete BS and I will rebuttal with the best of them . No different then the vegans, vegetarians, or environmentalists that annoy the shit out of me when Im working in CA and walking to get lunch. Every one of them try's to stop me on the street and push their ideas on me. I harbor no ill will towards someones ideas or opinions but when you try to push them on others with zero ability to see both sides, or accept others opinions and walk away, thats when I get upset.

Again, the tone of my response was primarily based on your comments and how they "appeared" that you only saw one side of the equation.

And what the hell is with everyone in CA putting avacodo on/in every effing dish or sandwich.. I DONT WANT GODDAMN AVOCADO ON MY SANDWICH!!

Edited by flounder
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...And what the hell is with everyone in CA putting avacodo on/in every effing dish or sandwich.. I DONT WANT GODDAMN AVOCADO ON MY SANDWICH!!

ah yes, California... the land of fruits and nuts... and now vegetables...

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I dont see anywhere that was mentioned so why would you think it to bring it up. My mistake on your owning / handling of firearms but your comments (even though devils advocate) came across as uninformed and spiteful against firearms owners, especially when you mentioned that Shitty appears to have a hero complex. If you knew him, you would know that he goes out of his way to help everyone, including those he doesnt know being attacked. Too many people in this country sit back and just let bad things happen to the weak and innocent without giving a shit or willingness to step in and help.

The problem I took with your post was directly related to the "matter of fact" type of scenario outcomes you listed as if those were the only possible results. More clarification on your part and a bit more restraint on my part to reply so quickly probably would have helped us both.

Trust me I can respect someone not wanting a gun but as when they try push their ideas like its only their ideas that are correct, then that is complete BS and I will rebuttal with the best of them . No different then the vegans, vegetarians, or environmentalists that annoy the shit out of me when Im working in CA and walking to get lunch. Every one of them try's to stop me on the street and push their ideas on me. I harbor no ill will towards someones ideas or opinions but when you try to push them on others with zero ability to see both sides, or accept others opinions and walk away, thats when I get upset.

Again, the tone of my response was primarily based on your comments and how they "appeared" that you only saw one side of the equation.

And what the hell is with everyone in CA putting avacodo on/in every effing dish or sandwich.. I DONT WANT GODDAMN AVOCADO ON MY SANDWICH!!

No worries. The internet makes it easy for people to overreact and/or misunderstand each other.

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I'm actually planning on buying a less than lethal weapon to carry after a road rage incident today. I can't really carry a gun to work, and commuting home is when i always run into road ragers. I never, want to have to pull the shit i did today to get away from a road rager ever again. It would have been nice to have stopped at my exit ramp, and when he got out of his car greeted him with some pepper spray, or tazer instead of taking off the wrong way down the exit ramp riding in the grass.

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I'm actually planning on buying a less than lethal weapon to carry after a road rage incident today. I can't really carry a gun to work, and commuting home is when i always run into road ragers. I never, want to have to pull the shit i did today to get away from a road rager ever again. It would have been nice to have stopped at my exit ramp, and when he got out of his car greeted him with some pepper spray, or tazer instead of taking off the wrong way down the exit ramp riding in the grass.

What exactly triggers these that they happen so often?

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  • 3 months later...
What's your thoughts on the sr9.

Since I dont have much gun experience my opinion probably isn't worth shit. I have put about 250 rounds through it and i have had two stovepipes and twice where the next round fed but the trigger didn't reset. At 20 and 35 feet my groupings are pretty decent, even with my piss poor shooting skills.

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How is the concealability? Is it pocket carry friendly?

mine is the sr9C so it is a bit smaller but the double stack magazine makes for a thicker grip. I need to try some more holsters because my current one sits a bit low. I am a lefty and feel most comfortable with the gun on my 7 or 8

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You have had 4 misfires/FTF in roughly 250 rounds? What ammo are you using? That seems like an awful lot for the amount of rounds you have through it. To me the firearm would be going back to Ruger or I would be buying something else. I have never had any issues with my gun (not mentioning what I have cause I don't want the x brand is better than y brand debates) Good luck, hopefully you never have to use it.

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Since I dont have much gun experience my opinion probably isn't worth shit. I have put about 250 rounds through it and i have had two stovepipes and twice where the next round fed but the trigger didn't reset. At 20 and 35 feet my groupings are pretty decent, even with my piss poor shooting skills.

I'd say it's not the ammo but your grip. You are limp writsting it. Keep your wrist straight and locked when you shoot.

Edited by chevysoldier
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well my wife is shooting it too, I think I only had the issue where the round fed but trigger did not reset. Like I said I am new to guns so i don't know everything. Does a weak grip mean that the energy is absorbed by your body instead of being used to push back the slide and feed the next round?

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