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Break Up Tips


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Crazy in the head, crazy in bed.


ha Is it bad that I was just in the bathroom and realized that at least now I can go back to buying the small pack of tp instead of the big ass pack?

lol...I thought the same thing about 3 weeks ago. I just got out of a 3 year, live-in, relationship... A little quite around here was all I noticed. But i'm cold hearted. We're still friends so it's all good. All I can tell you is when you feel it's wrong or the relationship is work get out asap and don't turn back.

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Kill that B with kindness...

Pack it up. Sit it out front and let her know that you were just helping her out the door. No drama. No strings.

when she is gone, find another to slide under... or... Yeah you get the hint. Dont think about it. Just let things be. Time will take care of the feelings issues. Just be done with it all.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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My advice. Rub one off into her shampoo and conditioner bottles. You will laugh about it later.

Actually, if she uses face lotion, that works better. Then you can know she didn't rinse it out, but is walking around with it on her face all day. And that's nice sweet, silent revenge on any guy she makes out with lol. :o

I only recommend under extreme circumstances. Also, you can swish her toothbrush around in the toilet for an extra zing.

Edited by saralynn518
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Ya, uh I wouldn't pack up jack, and I wouldn't move jack. I didn't for my last ex that lived with me in college, we broke up several times, she packed up, left, crawled back to me. Without me, she never would have graduated, so I didn't care by th end of it. More stress and drama than it was worth.

My gf now, if she wanted to move out, I would say screw you and peace. Not worth the time and effort if that is how they feel. And we've been living togehter for 2+ years, and will probably be engaged soon, but just saying...

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not sure how cordial this breakup is, but I'd keep my hands off her stuff unless you have absolutely no trust left in her.

If you think she'll be civil about it, arrange for a time when YOU will be gone, so she can pack her shit without having you around to deal with.

Obviously that's the exact opposite of what you want to do if you think she's going to break shit, or take the dog...

that happened to a guy I know. he came back from work, and all her stuff was gone, including their "good dog." She left the one that destroys things. She also took the TV that they bought "together," but was on her credit card. Her name was never on the lease, so he's stuck paying double rent too. She was clearly the guy in htat relationship :p

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Prolly too late now, but bring all the stuff back inside, act like nothing's wrong, and throw her one moar banger. Maybe piihb for kicks and giggles.

Then toss her ass out.

Or make up sex, slam it wear the sun doesn't shine just to be like sanchez... Hint Hint...

Then escort her to the front door.

Is there an echo in here? :D

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