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Dayton man attacked at gas station, shoots attacker.


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Saw this on CR.


Cliffs: Surveillance video catches the whole situation, 2 attackers, man pulls .45 from the center console, 2 shots to the gut and the other guy flees. Second attacker posts pics of the other attackers wounds, threatening comments on facebook.

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why did he run after the shooting? Should he not of stayed and waited for the LEO to answer questions?

he left and called them - they told him they already responded and to come back to the scene and put his hands out the window of his car...they took him to the station to question him and released him 3 hours later

leaving and calling 911 is the right thing to do - especially since there was still one attacker that was not incapacitated.

who knows if there coulda been more people lurking ready to attack him also, the one guy kinda came outta nowhere, there could just as easily of been another person waiitng to assist too...hell, the guy who got shot could have pulled a gun and shot back

anything could happen....leaving the scene and calling the police was the right decision

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why did he run after the shooting? Should he not of stayed and waited for the LEO to answer questions?

He should flee to a safe location and then call the police himself.

If Joe Crackhead attacks me, I don't want his crackhead buddies ambushing me while I wait for the cops to show up.

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if you read the original thread and see the screenshots of the second BGs facebook - he acts so tough and stuff...like hes going to get revenge and how him and his brother arent to be messed with, and how the victim was a pussy for pulling a gun etc....what a piece of shit

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@Those FB posts.... really!? :wtf:

I didn't see the surveillance footage yet, but I gather if the shooter wasn't charged it was obviously 'BruhBruh's fault this situation even had the chance to occur.

Sounds like BBJr. is anxious to get capped too w/ that attitude.

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he left and called them - they told him they already responded and to come back to the scene and put his hands out the window of his car...they took him to the station to question him and released him 3 hours later

leaving and calling 911 is the right thing to do - especially since there was still one attacker that was not incapacitated.

who knows if there coulda been more people lurking ready to attack him also, the one guy kinda came outta nowhere, there could just as easily of been another person waiitng to assist too...hell, the guy who got shot could have pulled a gun and shot back

anything could happen....leaving the scene and calling the police was the right decision

Ok, I was just asking. I do not have my CCW, so I don't know what people are told to do in something like that.

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Police said the robbery victim, a concealed handgun license-holder, was being beaten by two men when he drew his gun and fired. The injured robber, Brandon Turner, was shot in the stomach with two .45 caliber rounds. He was originally listed in critical condition, but has been stabilized and is coopoerating with police.

Police say he admits that he and his accomplice, Billy Blackburn Jr., had no real reason for the assault, other than being "hopped up on drugs." Turner reportedly had both crack cocaine and alcohol in his system.

Police say the shooting was clearly self-defense, and that the CHL-holder will not face charges.

The entire incident was caught on store's surveillance video system.


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Dude shouldn't have shot him in the gut. I'd bet he goes to jail for this now by some stupid lawyer out there making cash off some ignorant SOB's wrong doing. If you are going to pull your CCW out, you need to make sure that person will never testify against you, or be able to.

In this case having the survailence video may help, but I bet it ends poorly for the victim, and yes that is the guy who shot the guys trying to beat him up.

I feel no sympathy or remorse for the trash that got shot, honestly, just wish he was gone and saving all of us tax payers $$.

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It's a sad state of affairs for this country when people are actually siding with the criminals.

Those pictures are blurry as shit.. Post the FB link.. Nevermind, found it, and his page is now private..

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Dude shouldn't have shot him in the gut. I'd bet he goes to jail for this now by some stupid lawyer out there making cash off some ignorant SOB's wrong doing.

you're telling me that you honestly believe there's a jury that would buy that BS?

that's assuming there's a competent attorney who would even represent the "victim."

I have at least a LITTLE faith in the justice system.

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The facebook poster could me charged as an accessory to the crime right?

Add the screen shots to the surveillance cam, definitely.

On a related note, a person "poked" another person on FB and was charged for violating a restraining order.

disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

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