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Not the average tire question


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Tread pattern was extremely important back in the day. Unless you liked handle bar shaking speed wobbles on the freeway rain grooves. When technology started grinding rain grooves in the roadways, tire sales went way up. And you picked that new front tire carefully, by the type of tread it had.

That... and I really kinda miss the old school tread patterns on street tires. Darn it...

You know, tires that lasted forever, not like the big round rubber erasers we use now. And yeah, they were bias ply tube tires. Something you could fix on the road with a little tool kit and some air, usually without removing the wheel. Yeah, we had center stands...

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I figured id catch some flak for my comments but if you'll read my original post I explain why I'm looking at treads mostly.

Don't get offended... If your looking at several tires that are all pretty close performance wise I say pick the tread you like and try them out.

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Can't say I have a recommendation on tires,but I would recommend buying a No-Mar tire changer.From following a few of your threads I know you're a beginning rider.If you're in your twenties,and you like riding,you could easily have fourty years of riding ahead of you...thats a lot of tire changes!

A lot of shops won't mount the tires unless you buy them from the shop,or charge more.Having a changer gives you the option to search the net and find some real bargains.I usually find tires for about $60-$80 below the Pony,that's before mounting costs.You're looking at saving over $80 per set change.

If you do get into track days or dual sporting later on,a tire changer gives you the option of keeping a sticky set back for track days or a more agressive set back for off roading.

Or,if you're like me,you just like to ride,the miles can add up quick...I average about 15,000 miles a year,that's two tire changes a year on the FJR.If I would have bought a No-Mar when I bought the FJR it would have payed for its self twice over.

I know it might be a little early to consider investing in a changer,but keep it in mind...if you stick with the sport,it will save you a ton of money and give you a lot of options.

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I would rock color tires on a beach bicycle or a scooter. Red green or blue. No orange... it might turn pink. No pink. Maybe not even red, it might turn pinkish.

Did you know you can get knobbies in camo?

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Yes 5000 miles on my Q2 rear.

Best guesstimates; I've run about 1000 miles on the sides, and 4000 on the center. Theres about 1000 miles of commuting left, and about 1000 miles of sides left.

I have a 70 mile round trip highway commute to school six times a week, hence high miles without a lot of wear. Also its about 30 miles to hit the KY backwoods, so each trip down there is still a lot of miles! They rack up when you ride everyday :)

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