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couple of shops have me pissed


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First I took my nephews pw80 into motorcycle maxx on 23 to get the rear tube replaced and the carb adjusted. They told me it would be 5 days. I gave them 10 days then called they put me on hold for 20 min then I hung up because I had to get into work. I was pretty pissed at this point so I gave it a few days before I called back on day 15. They answered and said they would get to it ASAP. Were at day 22 now.

Last Monday I dropped my stratoliner off at iron pony to get an insurance estimate and repairs. They told me they would get me an estimate in 3-4 days, then wait probably 3 days for the insurance to check it out then order parts about 3 days then repair it. I took it to IP because I've heard great thing's about them lately and I assumed they would be fastest due to their large service bay and parts availability. Well I called them Friday day 4 they said they hadn't got to it yet but would have the estimate done Saturday night. I called today (day 8). They said "uhh we haven't got to it yet but will get to it tonight."

Now I understand these places are busy but don't tell me its going to be 5 days when its actually going to be at least twice as long. Then when I call don't bullshit me about the time it will get looked at. If I don't hear anything by tomorrow I'm going to go visit them in person before work and try to come to an understanding about when it will be done.

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Man that sucks, I've been having my own trouble with getting an estimate

I took my fz into ohio motorcycle (honda horthwest) for an insurance estimate last monday and they estimated 2-3 days. I hadn't heard from them by Thursday so I gave them a call and the guy tells me it's done (whatever happened to calling me when it was done?). I go over so I can look at the estimate before they send it out to insurance, and I swear it's like they let a 10 year old look over the bike.

When I took it to them, the guy who took in it wrote down notes on what I had to say about the condition, and these notes are on the very top of the estimate form: Steering lock mechanism cracked, Handlebars uneven, right side fairing crack. NONE of those issues show up on the estimate for repairs, the estimate is all for small scratches on various parts including the aftermarket exhaust, and also to my amazement they have written up the estimate for replacing it with the stock exhaust(not an acceptable replacement in my eyes).

Make sure that when they do finally get around to coming up with estimates that they cover EVERYTHING that needs fixed. After seeing the incompetency of the people at OM, I thought about taking it to Iron Pony instead, but it sounds like they have their own fair set of troubles.

What happened to people treating your bike like their own when it comes to service?:nono:

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lol why take a pw 80 to a shop? its like one of the simplest motorcycles ever lol.

besides, a tube takes like 15 minutes. carb shouldnt take very long either.

DIY IMO. save money, save hassles.

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lol why take a pw 80 to a shop? its like one of the simplest motorcycles ever lol.

besides, a tube takes like 15 minutes. carb shouldnt take very long either.

DIY IMO. save money, save hassles.

I'm not good with carbs at all and I did the tube once before and it developed a slow leak. I didn't feel like fucking with it. If I woulda known I would have known it would take this long I would have done it.

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I once had IP sync my carbs, only to take it to RMP two days later and they had to sync them again.

I also took another bike (my new-er one)there to have the carbs cleaned and sync'd. The son of a guy I work with works there in the shop. The guy I work with went there one day for whatever and asked his son to show him my new bike. They searched the bay and couldn't find it.

I know sometimes they they send stuff out - work they just don't do or if the bike is too old, but if you're going to farm it out tell me that so I can just take it there myself.

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I once had IP sync my carbs, only to take it to RMP two days later and they had to sync them again.

I also took another bike (my new-er one)there to have the carbs cleaned and sync'd. The son of a guy I work with works there in the shop. The guy I work with went there one day for whatever and asked his son to show him my new bike. They searched the bay and couldn't find it.

I know sometimes they they send stuff out - work they just don't do or if the bike is too old, but if you're going to farm it out tell me that so I can just take it there myself.

Now that's some bullshit. If I send my stuff to your shop to have work performed, you better be doing that work. I have no idea what kind of place you're sending my bike to, or to what standard they are held to.

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I stopped taking my bikes to a shop for repairs years ago for many reasons. I do a lot of my own maintances and tires and when I can't hack it I have friends who are always willing to help. If you take a bike to a shop it is good to know the person at the shop you are dealing with.

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carbs are easy too.

They can be if your just cleaning them but proper adjustment on some carbs can be a bit of a black art. :rolleyes:

I do recommend everyone who rides further than 20 miles from home have tools and know how to change/ repair a tire, bump start an electric start bike, and splice an electrical wire. Best practice is to do maintance and repairs using the tools you have on the bike. You'll learn what tools you lack and what it takes to do the repairs if you're out on the road.;)

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get that pw80 running right? besides a carb adjustment - did it stop smoking? what about the 50?

Sold the 50. The pw was running good aside from the carbs needing dialed in. I had them rebuilt but the air fuel and idle needs set.

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Ok well I just talked to a guy at iron pony he said they looked at it and he is totalling up the estimate and will email it to me when its done. He apologized for them "dragging our feet on this one." And said he was going to keep it on the top of their to do list. So maybe they will make it right and change my mind.

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Ok well I just talked to a guy at iron pony he said they looked at it and he is totalling up the estimate and will email it to me when its done. He apologized for them "dragging our feet on this one." And said he was going to keep it on the top of their to do list. So maybe they will make it right and change my mind.

Good to hear. Hope you get sorted out quickly.

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i do 90% of my stuff DIY...i understand the estimate was a different story(insurance isnt going to take your word)..but everything else there are millions of resources on the web to help the average joe do anythingin there own garage on the cheap

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Well the estimate has me scared iron ponys estimate is $9345.71 the nada high retail is $10,200. I have gap coverage but haven't made the first payment yet so I don't know how that works.

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At least they are on it now

Who's working on yours?

But really you should sell the type r while someone still thinks they're relevant. $$$. Jussayin.

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Called the claims department today about the bike the lady said it looked like its going to be totalled so they had to send someone out to do an evaluation report. The report just came in and "its going to be close". Now someone in another department has to review the entire claim and decide. So basically I'm still waiting to find out Wtf is going on. This sucks donkey ballz!

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Yeah I think its done unfortunately I haven't made the first payment so there's a bit of negative that I've got to fight with the gap company for. I don't think the misses is going to go for the ducati. :(

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