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Jail time for planting a garden


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i guess putting people in jail is how we solve problems no matter HOW minor...

land of the free indeed.


Oak Park Woman Faces 93-Days in Jail For Planting Vegetable Garden


WJBK | myFOXDetroit.com

OAK PARK, Mich. (WJBK) - "The price of organic food is kind of through the roof," said Julie Bass.

So, why not grow your own? However, Bass' garden is a little unique because it's in her front yard.

"We thought it'd be really cool to do it so the neighbors could see. The kids love it. The kids from the neighborhood all come and help," she said.

Bass' cool garden has landed her in hot water with the City of Oak Park. Code enforcement gave her a warning, then a ticket and now she's been charged with a misdemeanor.

"I think it's sad that the City of Oak Park that's already strapped for cash is paying a lot of money to have a prosecutor bothering us," Bass told FOX 2's Alexis Wiley.

"That's not what we want to see in a front yard," said Oak Park City Planner Kevin Rulkowski.

Why? The city is pointing to a code that says a front yard has to have suitable, live, plant material. The big question is what's "suitable?"

We asked Bass whether she thinks she has suitable, live, plant material in her front yard.

"It's definitely live. It's definitely plant. It's definitely material. We think it's suitable," she said.

So, we asked Rulkowski why it's not suitable.

"If you look at the definition of what suitable is in Webster's dictionary, it will say common. So, if you look around and you look in any other community, what's common to a front yard is a nice, grass yard with beautiful trees and bushes and flowers," he said.

But when you look at front yards that are unsightly and overgrown, is Bass' vegetable garden really worth the city's time and money?

We asked Rulkowski what he would say to those who feel this is ridiculous.

"I would argue that you won't find that opinion from most people in Oak Park," he responded.

"I have a bunch of little children and we take walks to come by and see everything growing. I think it's a very wonderful thing for our neighborhood," said neighbor Devorah Gold.

"They don't have (anything) else to do (if) they're going to take her to court for a garden," said neighbor Ora Goodwin.

We did find one neighbor who wasn't a fan and thinks it needs to go.

"I know there's a backyard. Do it in the backyard," he said.

"They say, 'Why should you grow things in the front?' Well, why shouldn't I? They're fine. They're pretty. They're well maintained," said Bass.

It looks like this critical debate is headed for a jury trial and neither side is backing down.

"I could sell out and save my own self and just not have them bother me anymore, but then there's no telling what they're going to harass the next person about," Bass told us.

There's another pretrial scheduled for July 26. The next step could be a jury trial.

the city planner is a dumbass. suitable does not mean common in any dictionary.

and the one guy who doesnt like the garden... apparently he is too pussy to give his name for the paper.

Edited by John
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Yeah, I saw that. Disgusting. And basically it's currently more about city revenue than anything else.

I know most cities will not allow "food gardens" on the street side of a property.

I also know that I hide food plants in flower beds because I'm a smart ass.

My front yard gets the sun, not the backyard.

I think there is no longer a valid reason for that particular city code, and everyone should plan on a front yard garden for next year.

Rock the boat.

edit: I hope she can get support from her neighbors when the time comes. Either signatures, or an extremely large group of people showing up at the hearing. Sometimes protest is both good and appropriate beyond words.

Edited by ReconRat
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These city neighborhood ordinances really peeve me off. I don't do gardens, but I have the neighborhood and city telling me what I can or can't have parked in my own driveway. No storage sheds. No basketball goals. It's my f'in house, if I wanna decorate it w pink and purple flamingos so be it! Yeah, I'll prob piss off the neighbors, but it's still my property.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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How big of a fine did they hit her with to cover for court costs + 93 days of jail time? This sounds more like the Party trying to make sure that all Comrades have their papers in order.

I thought Medina township was over the top with harassing Bill Doraty about his inflatables, but this tops that idiotic waste of time/money by a mile.

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