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Review: Go Cruise Throttle Control


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**EDIT** **After returning from this trip, I wouldn't waste the money to buy this product. I spend more time fiddling with it than what it's worth IMO.**

So I have a long highway trip coming up and I wanted a way to give my right hand a break lol. I really wanted a Throttlemeister, but I don't think that I would get 120.00 dollars of use out of it. I remembered a link that I had seen on my FZ6 forum about a $20.00 product. I eventually found it. It is called a Go Cruise Throttle Control.

I got in this week and have had a couple of opportunities to use it already. Basically it is this piece of plastic picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14216 that applies pressure around the throttle. It comes with this silicon ring that you put on the handle first picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14217.

Once it is on picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14218 it is a matter of setting the throttle and pushing the Go Cruise down until it rests on top of the brake picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14221.

That's pretty much it as far as setting it...but it doesn't really work at that point. You then get to mess with it a little bit, as it will slip a bit. After a few seconds though it sets. The term "throttle control" is absolutely correct. It keeps the throttle in the same spot so going down hill it speeds up. Uphill, you guessed it, it slows down. Big gusts of a head wind and your speed will drop. In all these scenarios though, when the conditions return to flat it will end up at the speed you were aiming at.

I've never had the chance to use a Throttlemeister so I'm not sure how it compares...I'm sure not as well, however for 20 bucks it and for as little as I will use this it seems like a good deal. :rolleyes:

Edited by granda080
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The TM works the same way, you slow down on hills, wind,ect. But it is much easier to set you just twist the bar end with your fingers, and if you do slow down a bit its easy the adjust and its alway there when you need it. I lucked out and got mine on ebay for $70 but with the miles I put on, I think its worth the retail price too. My next bike will deffinatly have one too

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I have the Go Cruise and love it! Easy to put on and take off your bike, easy to set/release. Yes if you go down or up a hill your speed will change but remember this unit isn't meant to replace spending BIG/Huge/Crazy bucks on a real cruise.


1-The up side is you can free up your right hand for miles at a time.

2- Better than cramp buster because with CB you still need to keep right hand on throttle

3- A lot less expensive than TM

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  • 1 month later...

Haven't tried the levers, but have a Throttlemeister on the bike. It's a good alternative if you don't have true electronic cruise. You've got to do the Vulcan split-hand thing to set it-- though some guys reach over with their left hand-- but it does a nice job of locking the throttle steadily while still permitting regular throttle operation.

It's a nice break on a long ride. I'd buy one again.

There are two TM, though. There's a heavier one, and a lighter one. The lighter one is one the bike now, but I'd get the heavier one if I were buying. The additional weight on the end of the bar would help damp out any vibes.

TM, heavier or lighter, comes with a matching counterweight for the left side. The heavier one's black, too, and looks a little better, I think, than the silver of the lighter one.

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