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Buckeye Rider's Challenge


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Was referred to this great site and wanted to invite everyone out for an all bike ride on August 15 & 16!

What: Buckeye Rider's Challenge

Where: Bellefontaine, Ohio JVS

Contact: Todd McQueen admin@buckeyeriderschallenge.com


We have an event for the avid hardcore super rider and a leisure day ride for the motorcycling enthusiast. Want to check out the local area or accept the challenge to ride all over Ohio? Each rider will receive points towards being named the champion. This event will challenge you both on your riding prowess, and your ability to formulate the best route given the 50 plus points of interest given out on the evening of the 15th.

The challenge awaits you. Take this opportunity to put the "rubber to the road" and compete in a friendly & safe atmosphere to see who has the wits, guts, and fortitude to plan the most efficient routes across Ohio.

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11. The calculation of the way point points are calculated using a “time†qualifier.

(a) If calculations are over the speed limit penalty points will be accrued severely.

(b) The program utilizes time averaging depending on type of road.

1. Limited Access Highway = 65 mph

2. Secondary State, County & Township Roads = 55 mph.

Blah. :nono:

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Ouch. Tough board.

All the rules are for parity.

I can easily say the if you can average 55mph over the backroads in the areas where some of these points of interest are located you'll not be bored at all!

Would like to see all kinds of riders and bikes show up and put both their mind and the riding skills to the test.

Then again, others are better talkers than riders after all.

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I would truly love to do that!

I realize that my skills are not the greatest, but to learn more and how to handle a bike better would be a blast!

A good friend of mine and I talked about taking one of those training days up at Mid Ohio also.

I'll take my lumps here - most Goldwing riders may not be metal grinding types but there are a few of us out there!

The ride came about while a few friends of mine were heading for the triple nickel for a days ride. Wanted to combine skills on the bike with mental planning and create a challenge.

Everyone is welcome!

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Enzig, you seem cool man. Don't get too upset with what I'm throwing at you. I'm just having fun with you. ;) It actually sounds like something that would be a good time with all the people.

Hope we didn't scare you away from the site too much, we are a tough crowd but we appreciate all bikers with a good purpose like you represent. Hope the turnout is good. Who knows, I might show up for a relaxing day with bikes and people. ;)

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This will be the first year.

We received some feedback on the crowd issue. In regards to leaving and as to not create a huge crowd of bikes, we decided to go with a departure time beginning at 7:30. As soon as you as everything you need to do is done you are free to leave.

If you want to wait a bit, hang out, or go over your routes for a while you are free to do so. In other words, everyone does NOT have to leave at the exact same time.

This actually was a great idea for us too, as we are documenting on your log time of departure and return. If everyone had to leave at the same time this could get hairy!

This way everyone can leave at their leisure.

With only a starting and ending point in concrete, each rider is free to choose whichever point of interest they wish to ride off and see.

I do not foresee any traffic jams at all. In fact, this may be the first ride in which riders will probably ride about 90% of the time solo or with the group of their choice.

We would like to have everyone in by 8 hours and the catered dinner. We will try to calculate the scores ASAP and present the awards quickly.

The logistics are huge for us, but we are working very hard to make it smooth and FUN!

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The wife & I both ride Goldwings and did about 20K miles each last year all over this country.

I have come across very very few guys and gals who ride with whom I did not enjoy their company.

If I had the money, my garage would have many more bikes! ( Aprillia, Guzzi, oh yea- that dual sport to get me to Alaska and back )

Nothing like being at a grand overlook somewhere and coming across another biker enjoying the day. Or running along with a technical group stressing lines, brake, throttle control right on that edge of excitement, thrill, and pressing that envelope just a little bit.

All the while I carry the cooler, light weight lawn chairs, tents, food, etc in my trailer. We usually camp from the bikes. ( www.ironhorsenc.com )

Man I wanna go ride!

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