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I hate low low life theives


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I was on a business trip the past few days with a buddy from work. We go back last night and went to another buddies and hung out for a while and then came back to his place around 2am or so. I go to leave today at about 1pm and open my truck door and see this little black thing, I look closer and look at the back of the truck and the passenger rear window is busted out. It appears that they threw a piece of concrete (brick like) at my front passenger window and it messed it up but didn't break it. They must have thrown the brick at the widow and caught the door of the truck so they threw it again through the passenger rear window and it hit the drivers rear window messing it and the door panel up. They stole my work laptop bag that had the laptop, folders full of information for the projects that I am working on, a 500gb external hard drive, multiple flash drives, power inverter, passport, wireless mouse, and other shit. They also grabbed my backpack that had some of the nicest clothes I own in it and also my personal laptop. They grabbed the ipod from underneath the front cup holders and off they went. I want so much to find out who it is and just beat the living shit out of them. I hate pathetic low life thieves that either need to have their hands cut off in front of the public and possibly televised or just shoot them in their damn heads.

I lost so much information for the projects I am working on. I literally probably lost months worth of work on projects that are due in the next couple weeks. I also had a lot of information on both computers as far as bank and personal information. They both have passwords but still, that doesn't help much. I emailed our IT guy at work and hopefully they were smart enough to put some tracking software on the laptop since it is a $3000 laptop.


I also was scratching my head that there was a $100 cordless drill, cds, and sunglasses sitting next to one of the bags. I also have about a $700 system right under the back seat that you can only see once your actually in the truck but they would have definitely seen it when they were grabbing that bags.

Edited by tyler524
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Why would you leave all this in your vehicle? Next time leave the keys in your ignition and post that you cant believe somebody stole it.

The truck was parked right in front of his apartment and I was sleeping on the couch right next to the balcony door and my truck has an alarm on it that for whatever reason never went off. I have tinted front and rear windows that make it very hard to see inside during the day and nearly impossible to see at night unless your looking in with a flash light or something. Nothing was sitting in plain sight, the bags were on the floor behind the seats. I could have just been targeted due to having the nicest vehicle sitting there regardless of what is sitting inside.

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I used to run a junk yard on the south end and thieves were a way of life. Daily we'd catch someone and I'd get called down 2-4 nights a week in the middle of the night. I developped an intense hatred of thieves. By the end, guys and gals, I wouldn't even call the cops. It's frustrating, but our society doesn't seem to care enough to fix the problem.

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I hope you made backups(somewhere online) and put a password on it.

I know of a guy that got busted with a stolen government laptop. as soon as it got online, the tracking only took the cops 30 min to show up at the hotel.

but good luck getting them to even show interest in a private laptop.

Edited by serpentracer
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Ya bro, hope work takes that well for ya. Sorry for your loss, where I work, I would be fired right away for that.

Def. don't leave work stuff in a vehicle, not even to go into a restaurant. Take it to the house, apartment, hotel, or just take it with you.

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Ya bro, hope work takes that well for ya. Sorry for your loss, where I work, I would be fired right away for that.

Def. don't leave work stuff in a vehicle, not even to go into a restaurant. Take it to the house, apartment, hotel, or just take it with you.

I already called and talked to my boss and he said he would write up a req for a new laptop and it is what its is not a big deal. He told me just to get my other shit taken care of and not worry about my work stuff.

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id guess and say it was someone in a next door apartment or someone u know if they broke in without the alarm goin off and went right for all ur nice expensive stuff....it fucked up no matter how u look at it...i had a good friend steal money outta my house years ago that very few people new about and the fucker split and i never saw him again after that...

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I could have just been targeted due to having the nicest vehicle sitting there regardless of what is sitting inside.

:nono:well known fact that thieves target the NICEST VEHICLES in a neighborhood, not the most ghetto-rific :wtf:

You need to call in that passport NOW.

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Sorry for ur loss man,

If the cop picks up the local druggie kid I am pretty sure he will know where the stuff are, they are well known for breaking in for spare changes without doing any effort to steal (like ur system) the fact that he stole only the gadgets shows he might be younger gen, coz of course older gen thrives would have gone for a spanking new drill set :)

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