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I was not going to split the lane. First it is illegal, second, I was already shaken, so I was not going to push it.

A traffic ticket would be the least of my worries if someone was trying to kill me!

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A traffic ticket would be the least of my worries if someone was trying to kill me!

Lane splitting, regardless of its legality, will always be a primary option when escaping a dangerous situation. When it's between my life and a monetary fine, I'll go for saving my life. My only hope is that a cop will see the stupidity happening before him and stop the cager in his tracks.

Illegal doesn't mean physically forbidden, and I don't let the law limit me from operating the motorcycle in a way that will get me out of trouble. There's always a way out on a motorcycle, and two wheels are more agile than four.

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i wouldnt bother

for all 3 reasons you listed.... number 3, if there was witnessed and stuff etc then maybe they could get him with some little BS charge...but for the most part, i would say just let it go and move on....glad you're ok...shit happens sometimes, next time dont cut in front of me while im driving my dump truck to work and we wont have a problem, ok? :D

Disagree. I say file whatever you can. Anyone see the video posted by Jason @ AFJ of the drunk pickup truck driver? It worked out well in that case. No video here, but im a big "principal" guy. Be damned if im gonna be passive and let someone get away w summ. Even if its just me getting my own revenge:)

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I was not going to split the lane. First it is illegal, second, I was already shaken, so I was not going to push it.

This line of thinking will get you killed in city traffic. Be the aggressor, and you won't have nearly as much trouble. A ticket is better than a cast or casket.

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Disagree. I say file whatever you can. Anyone see the video posted by Jason @ AFJ of the drunk pickup truck driver? It worked out well in that case. No video here, but im a big "principal" guy. Be damned if im gonna be passive and let someone get away w summ. Even if its just me getting my own revenge:)

read video = evidence in that one

read this case = no witness, no evidence no case

I understand the principle aspect but it will just be a waste of time for the OP

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Disagree. I say file whatever you can. Anyone see the video posted by Jason @ AFJ of the drunk pickup truck driver? It worked out well in that case. No video here, but im a big "principal" guy. Be damned if im gonna be passive and let someone get away w summ. Even if its just me getting my own revenge:)

theres nothing to file....she has no way to identify the guy

AFJ video has a license plate and the guy on video.....what is she going to say? "some guy in a white truck tried to run me over" ? do you know how many white freightliners there are on the road?

if she had a plate number or a company name or anything, i would absolutely say file it...but she really doesnt have anything to go by sadly

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^ agreed...if someone was trying to kill me, i dont care at all...ill jump on a bicycle path leading down into a state park if i have to...whatever gets you out of the situation

you all are right on that part. A lot of it was by the time I was blocked by traffic I was rattled to where I didn't have the confidence in my skills to pull it off.

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Megan, I thought you were in a cage because you called it your 'drive in to work'. I was trying to think of the Road Rage Hotline number. Times like this it would be nice to be able to make a phone call in your helmet. Glad you made it out.

Don't worry about the asshat. Stupidity is a self-correcting problem.

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Was the dump truck behind you from the beginning' date=' or did you pull into his lane in front of him?[/quote']

I changed lanes on 23 and got in front of him before any of this started. When I started the lane change (with turn signal on) there was more than enough room, once he saw I was changing lanes, he speed up to try to squeeze me out of it, by then I was already done with the lane change.

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Glad you got past this ok, assholes like that need a good beat down. A punk like that driver aint' got half a nut when they get out of that cage. With all the drivers on phones, I cant believe that some one did not make a call on this fool.

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I've got several stories about road raging ohio assholes. My riding buddies from back home in Indiana now refer to drivers here as F.O.B's - Fucking Ohio Bastards.

They're on the loose, we ran into a FOB last month in Tennessee. 4 bikes on the interstate doing about 10-12 over in the middle lane of three, FOB to the rear, heavy traffic. Our friend tried passing on the right, ran out of room because of a semi, and simply swerved into the lane of the bike riding 3rd. The whole time i was thinking to myself, I bet this asshole isn't from around here.Sure enough, Red white and blue plate, Plain as day.

Indiana drivers just sit at 4 way stops for 2 minutes waving at each other trying to get someone else to go first so they don't have to.

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Glad you got past this ok, assholes like that need a good beat down. A punk like that driver aint' got half a nut when they get out of that cage. With all the drivers on phones, I cant believe that some one did not make a call on this fool.

Anytime i see asshattery like this and i'm in my cage, I take the asshole on. Had a guy do the same for me once while i was on my bike. I'll do anything to protect a rider out on the road.

I saw a goldwing once on I-70 getting tailgated horribly by a semi, i bet the driver could only see the riders head. I pulled along side and did a small swerve to get the riders attention and motioned for him to pull ahead. He goosed it and i parked my truck right in front of that dick. No turn signal, nothing. Slowed down to about 45 and would NOT let that piece of shit by. 4500 pounds isn't much compared to 80K, but its a hell of a lot better than 800.

I may act tough on the internet, but seeing nothing but semi grille in your mirror puts a nice sized lump in your throat.

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I got tailgated by a semi one time in my cage. I did nothing to him except go the speed limit in the slow lane. He wanted to keep his momentum up and figured he could bully me out of the way. We were on the ramp from 71S to 270W on the north side, concrete barriers both sides so he could not get around me, so I slowed down, slowly, to zero. Complete halt. Once he was at a complete halt I floored it. My car goes 0-60 in 5.2 seconds. Never saw him again. I bet I was past sawmill before he was back up to speed.

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I would let it go. I've had my share of run ins with ah like that, just shake it off I guess. I had a guy drag his minivan down my bar end after I safely pulled over and stopped to get him off my a**. Pulled up next to him at the red light, we exchanged pleasantries, he put it in park and I hammerfisted his mirror off and went about my way. Could I have called the po po? Yes but I got more satisfaction from doing what I did and I safely got away and never saw him again. So don't let it discourage you from riding, cbus just sucks and people around here don't care.

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I changed lanes on 23 and got in front of him before any of this started. When I started the lane change (with turn signal on) there was more than enough room, once he saw I was changing lanes, he speed up to try to squeeze me out of it, by then I was already done with the lane change.

I'M NOT DEFENDING THE ASSHAT, but how much is more than enough in your opinion?

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threadjack: This new "semis can drive 65mph" bullshit is ridiculous. Our roads aren't built for that type of nonsense.


It's actually way safer for traffic to all be going the same speed, of course that doesn't happen most semi are speed limited to 65 max anymore and cars fly by at 80 plus. Unless I'm going a distance I stay off the interstate in my cage or bike.

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Yeah.. I'm thinking this could have been a misjudgment of room/speed. If that truck was hauling the mail' date=' it would need more time than 3 car lengths to slow down safely.

Disclaimer: I'm not picking sides. I wasn't there. Just playing the scenario in my head and can definitely see this theory playing out. However, that doesn't excuse the homicidal behavior that occurred afterward.[/quote']

I totally agree and that's the point I was going to make. I assure you if you cut me off extra close you will get the horn as I'm slowing this is a defense mechanism to get your attention. I wouldn't tailgate you especially with you on a bike, but try taking my bumper off as you cut me off I will possibly pull the air horn. I get cut off so much its not funny. It's seems as though nobody knows how much room it takes for a truck to stop anymore or they don't care. I'm not taking sides and even if you cut him off tailgating you was wrong and stupid.

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No. It causes ridiculous traffic congestion when one rig is pulling 64 mph and the guy next to him is passing at 65 mph. They cause more problems than that extra 10 mph' date=' that most can't even maintain, could ever solve.[/quote']

It wouldn't cause congestion if people did near the speed limit that is the problem. There are many times more severe rear end collisions when you have split speeds, because cars rear end trucks because they can't judge their speed or they are trying to pass in the right lane and rear end the truck. Also 55 makes drivers more tired why I don't know, but it does. There is nothing wrong with a 65 mph truck passing a 64 mph truck if 65 is the speed limit they are within the law. Oh and what happened when it was 55? I can tell you I set my cruise at 58 and was on the left lane passing for miles and miles with traffic piling up. If i am getting passed by another truck that can do 1-2mph more than me I back out of it a touch and let him in not to hold up traffic. I am not a "steering wheel holder" though I am a third generation truck driver.

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When it was 55 all the trucks got jammed up abd once you got in the passing lane you couldn't get back over for a while usually. My truck can do 68 so I usually don't gave any issues getting past people. The thing that aggravated me is slow vehicles that home up the left and middle lane especially in cbus. If people want to go the same speed do it in the same lane don't hold up all the lanes. I see this all the time on 71 north of 70. I hate driving in cbus or Cincinnati, is rather drive in NY city alnost and if there is rain or snow forget it everybody in cbus and Cincinnati act like it never snows it rains.

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What you do is get you some 5/8 " ball-bearings or 3/4" nuts. When someone rides your ass like that, start chucking them over your shoulder, takes a few tosses before you zero in on the windshield, but once you do they tend to adjust their attitude. Sure, its illegal, dangerous and mean-spirited, but he can't prove you tossed it, the danger is mostly to him and he shouldn't have fucked with you in the first place. My guess is that this human-shaped pile of cess-ridden filth caught his woman in bed with a biker and has a shit-ton of misdirected hostility at anyone on two wheels. I also recommend getting a license to carry a hand gun in case he follows you and wants to work you over with his tire thumper. Just my $.02, probably won't be a very popular suggestion but I firmly believe in defending yourself from the stupids.

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No. It causes ridiculous traffic congestion when one rig is pulling 64 mph and the guy next to him is passing at 65 mph. They cause more problems than that extra 10 mph' date=' that most can't even maintain, could ever solve.[/quote']

I agree 1000%. As someone that spends probably 80% of his work day on

the road I can tell you that the roads are way worse with the trucks all

hauling 65-75mph. They need to seriously consider going back to the way

it was.

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I got tailgated by a semi one time in my cage. I did nothing to him except go the speed limit in the slow lane. He wanted to keep his momentum up and figured he could bully me out of the way. We were on the ramp from 71S to 270W on the north side, concrete barriers both sides so he could not get around me, so I slowed down, slowly, to zero. Complete halt. Once he was at a complete halt I floored it. My car goes 0-60 in 5.2 seconds. Never saw him again. I bet I was past sawmill before he was back up to speed.

:lol: And you guys thought I did some crazy shit on the highway!

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