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rare site to see in akron..


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I will assume it was a RED one, but there are some Black and Silver out there. What color was this one?

And is that pic in your avitar your little one, or you younger, either way, she is a little angel. :)

Ride safe, and please ATGATT.


It was a charcoal color one with yellow calipers, and black rims. That is my little girl Riley. :) thank you she is ang... ok i cant finish that word. Shes four so she is a sweetheart SOME of the time. :D But she is worth every minute of my time.

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God I hope you are being sarcastic here, don't you dare hit me with that kind of label. I have been an educator for longer then you have been alive, and the safety and education of little people are the most important thing I teach. I work in 3 counties to help law enforcement track down sex offenders that haven't registered like they are suppose to.

And since I retired, I volenteer at the local schools when they need help with organizations, celebrations, or when a teacher needs assistence.

So please, don't judge me by my threads and input on this site, you have no idea who I am, or what I'm all about, maybe someday we will meet, and we can discuss this for a while.

I see your "couldn't resist" at the bottom, but I thought I'd get this straight, so it doesn't go any further.

Everyone ride safe out there.


he wasnt signing off as "JK"

JK means Just Kidding

i think you missed that meaning, no big deal, just thought ide let you know for future - he was just making a joke to ya

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God I hope you are being sarcastic here, don't you dare hit me with that kind of label. I have been an educator for longer then you have been alive, and the safety and education of little people are the most important thing I teach. I work in 3 counties to help law enforcement track down sex offenders that haven't registered like they are suppose to.

And since I retired, I volenteer at the local schools when they need help with organizations, celebrations, or when a teacher needs assistence.

So please, don't judge me by my threads and input on this site, you have no idea who I am, or what I'm all about, maybe someday we will meet, and we can discuss this for a while.

I see your "couldn't resist" at the bottom, but I thought I'd get this straight, so it doesn't go any further.

Everyone ride safe out there.


Yeah I was kidding. It's kinda a welcome to the club thing. We mock you cuz we care ;)

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That's a good line... "Nice bike, wanna fuck?"

I use it all the time as I cruise around in my Lambor or F1. Then they see my face and the way I had to use a shoe horn to get 6'4" of me into the car and fall over on their bikes laughing. :rolleyes:

I have feelings too. :cry:

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Pshhh.. Ninja prease.. I'll make you a sammich when you learn to ride your bike without training wheels, aka turning a corner doing, maybe, the speed limit. :D

oh i've come a looong way in the last year ;)

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