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Oh No, A gun on a motorcycle!


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Moral of the story 1: If you ride a bike with a gun visible then the sheep will be scared and may call the police. Not right, not fair but that's the reality.

Moral of the story 2: FSTs are like having sex with a gorilla. Once you get started you ain't stopping till it's done or else there will be hell to pay.

Moral of the story 3: If you know you are drunk and do poorly on the FSTs and the officer asks for a blood/breath/urine sample then it's probably better to bite the bullet and give the sample versus refusing. You really need to consult with a lawyer, though. If you are sober then refusing to blow is like shooting yourself in the foot - you give them plenty evidence that you are impaired and then withhold the one piece of evidence that would exhonorate you? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Moral of the story 4: If you F-up the FSTs and then blow a .03 you are NOT out of the woods. Now they're wondering if you're on weed, meth, bath salts or something else they can't test for. OVi isn't just booze.

Moral of the story 5: I'll do the breathlyser or provide a sample for drug testing any time, but I won't do FSTs (Except HGN). Like a polygraph they are considered to be highly accurate by their proponents but even if they are 99% accurate that's still 1 in 100 people they get wrong. No offense to the police or anything (much the opposite, my sister-in-law is a traffic cop and administers FSTs all the time) but I suck at performing physical tasks well under extreme fear and pressure. Doesn't matter if it's sparring, soccer or whatever. We always worry about the poor guy kicking for a 50 yard field goal with 0:02 left in the 4th? If that was me I'd miss and probably take out one of those yellow guys who look at the crowd instead of the game (who are theose folks anyway?)

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