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Maaaaaaaaaaasive tax fraud bust in tampa


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When the IRS started up the on line tax returns, they were so proud that people were being responsible and using it and filing early. Estimates were that up to 30% of the early returns were fraudulent by the second year that on line filing was available. The fraudulent activity centered around Atlanta. The IRS didn't want to talk about, and specifically hasn't said much about it. In the following years it was an even higher percentage, and spreading to other cities as others learned how to operate the scam. I'm sure it continues, and has reached an unbelievable percent and dollar amount of fraud.

I have no idea now bad it's gotten, but if we believe some of the estimates, it's far worse than we know. And the IRS still doesn't want to talk about it.

IRS alerts

IRS tax fraud alerts

IRS example list of 2011 fraudulent returns caught

IRS example list of 2010 fraudulent returns caught

IRS example list of 2009 fraudulent returns caught

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I survived an IRS audit. It cost me thousands but I was able to demonstrate that I correct down to the penny. After a 2 year rectal probe by the Treasury Department all I got was a letter stating "we will take no further action on that years return." My accountant said that was as close to an apology as I was going to get.

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reason number 288 why i want to leave the states.

The borders aren't locked here.

Now regarding the OP, in the vid one of the local law enforcement officers mentioned that Tampa "seems to be a hotbed" for that flavor of criminal activity. Usually when something of that magnatude is going on in one particular place, someone on the inside is greasing the wheels. Perhaps one of the reasons the IRS is being an overwhelming impediment to Tampa authorities is that they already know more than they're willing to share and it's tied to one of their own. I've been a victim of identity theft, and when I found out it was a lady that processed my military pay in K.C. while I was in the Marines, I was incredulous to the point of only being able to laugh at it all. I am willing to bet my next tax return that someone who wears an IRS badge or title is somehow tied to the billions lost in this case in Tampa.

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