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how the republicans running for pres stack up

kawi kid

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If the vote were today, mine would go to Ron Paul.

Sadly I do not think the msm is going to give him a chance. Instead I think the smooth talking Perry is going to be the Rep. candidate. Even though I do not think he is the best candidate, he might be the one that can actually beat Barry Soetoro.

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Interesting I think by definition social security is a ponzi scheme, if not then I should get every cent back I put in even if nobody else pays in , social security is sure as Hell not a lock box. If a bank operated under the same way social security does the fed would shut them down.

So Justin shove your link up your liberal, socialist, statist, Marxist, communist, AMERICA hating, racist, sexist ASS, if they can't see SS as a ponzi scheme they are as blind as you!

And you can reply with my name and city I live in for all I care! You want my address and cell phone number too you pompous pricking?

Edited by crb
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Interesting I think by definition social security is a ponzi scheme, if not then I should get every cent back I put in even if nobody else pays in , social security is sure as Hell not a lock box. If a bank operated under the same way social security does the fed would shut them down.

So Justin shove your link up your liberal, socialist, statist, Marxist, communist, AMERICA hating, racist, sexist ASS, if they can't see SS as a ponzi scheme they are as blind as you!

And you can reply with my name and city I live in for all I care! You want my address and cell phone number too you pompous pricking?

Aww, look, Charles from Salem is all worked up on the internetz because he can't handle some FACTS. How cute...

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Social security funds wouldn't have been all that bad off, if the US government hadn't decided to borrow it all. (That means spend it without regard to the consequences in the future. Same as every maxed out credit card owner.) Have fun with that.

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btw, the highest price for gasoline was in 1982, adjusted for inflation. That was the record until the spike in pump prices in both 2008 and 2011.

I was looking for data for the early 70s, the end of the Vietnam War. Fuel prices jumped back then. I didn't find any records going back that far.

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I did, the very first bullet point in the link from the nonpartisan factcheck.org site, explains the difference in simple and plain words. The difference, once again, is Ponzi schemes are intentionally fraudulent while SS is transparent.

If you cannot grasp that, then I guess the appropriate cliche is "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"

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SS is transparent, and has not been fraudulently taken from? I guess I need to get trained in the liberal school of thought that you are obviously trained by.

I guess I'm supposed to believe that the money I've been forced to contribute is safe and secure awaiting my retirement!

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SS is transparent, and has not been fraudulently taken from? I guess I need to get trained in the liberal school of thought that you are obviously trained by.

I guess I'm supposed to believe that the money I've been forced to contribute is safe and secure awaiting my retirement!

If being educated makes you liberal, I understand why you're not one.

Can I guarantee 100% that zero dollars have been fraudulently taken from SS? No.

But can you guarantee you are Charles from Salem, OH and have never did anything fraudulent that would be on court records somewhere?

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Yep I can gurantee I have no criminal record whatsoever other than minor traffic tickets. So if you can't gurantee me there is no fraud in the SS system, then I can say its a ponzi scheme. Not to mention originally supposed to be voluntary and a lock box. I believe they never intended it to be permanently voluntary or a lockbox which in my conservative opinion means the money was taken with ill intent and with false pretenses which makes it a ponzi scheme. Of course this is my opinion that it is a ponzi scheme just as its your opinion that it isn't a ponzi scheme. I interpret the data one way you and you liberal friends interpret the data differently either way both views are opinions. By the way opinions are like assholes everybods got one and they all stink!

By the way claiming your opinion is fact doesn't make it so!

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How do I know? You expect me to believe that just because you never got caught that you haven't ever committed a fraud?

Saying that SS isn't a Ponzi scheme is a fact. Just look up the definition of a Ponzi scheme. You apparently aren't aware of the difference between opinion or fact.

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A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering returns other investments cannot guarantee, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors to keep the scheme going.

Sounds like SS to me, but what do I know. I don't know the difference between fact and opinion according to some :asshat:!

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FACT nowhere in the constitution does it day the can tax us for SS!

Next you will try to tell me its not a tax. So I give you the definition of tax.

Main Entry: 2 tax Function: noun Usage: often attributive Date: 14th century 1 a : a charge usually of money imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes b : a sum levied on members of an organization to defray expenses 2 : a heavy demand

So FACT SS is a tax and not constitutional! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

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