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Fell...my hand hurts


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Forgot to post on this forum at that time (sorry)

Fell on 8-25

I should wait to type this but I went down for the second time on the bike! This time it wasn't target fixation though. It was raining this morning but it'd stopped by the time I had all my gear on [ATGATT] so I was out on my way to work with no problems. So I come to the entrance to the plaza that i work in, which is uphill, and I take the corner slow because it's wet [like I always do, it was 4:30am also]. I accelerate out with no problem and I begin to slow down for the light and the rear just slides out from under me while im pretty much in a straight line.

I'm not sure what happened exactly because i didnt lose the rear from the rear brake like my target fixation down. It was just surreal because I didnt get to have that "Oh S**t!" moment because I didn't see it coming. It was more like a "What the F**k?...."BLAMMMM!!! Bike spinning on 599 sliders like a record on a turntable, and Im sliding on the chin of my helmet with my arms spread like I was trying to steal 2nd base. UPHILL! I get up and run to the bike which was off and with the help of adrenaline lifted it up like a bmx....but with the power of disorientation I fell over and dropped it on the other side but immediately jumped back up after I felt exhaust through my pants. I then lifted it from the other side and walked it the rest of the way uphill which was more like a jog. I then walked to the entrance to my job and fell down at the door (adrenaline ran out). I was driven to the hospital and all I have is like a small bone chip or fracture on my "throttle" thumb sad.gif

I slid about 40ft the bike about 55ft I get back up and feel pea gravel under my boot I think it was a combo of water/oil/gravel but I go slow into this turn EVERYDAY because there is always crap on the road in front of it and I could envision someone loosing it there at any moment, but never in the spot I was in. 599 sliders sucked up everything but the left turn signal, clutch lever which snapped in half and the fairing which was previously repaired was re-broken. I also noticed that the chain came off the sprocket and I was able to put it back on with it on the centerstand...now does that usually happen in a slide or what? My chain wasn't loose because I tightened it following the wiki 2 months ago. Will post pics later I have a soft cast so its hard to use the mouse....I did get one of those cool souvenir bracelets from the hospital though!

Had surgery on 8-31, pic of pins are from today....It hurts :(IMAG0125.jpg






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Is it more common to get these sorts of injuries when you aren't being an ass on the bike? I never see people really posting damage reports like this when they ride reckless.......(if they are still alive). Or they don't want to be flammed and just suffer alone.

When the pins come out I want to use them somewhere on my bike or a keychain or some other sort of bio-hazard conversation piece

Edited by cornbreadxd
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that's what I was thinking but It was tight, I rode with it for a while with a lot of slack because I didn't know how to adjust it, once I did it handled like a new bike and I made sure it wasn't loose. It would make a clank noise when it didnt have enough tension and it hadn't made that sound so I figured it was alright. I adjusted it in june and put hefty miles on it with no issues so i'm not sure if it just came loose when I went down.

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When you say it was tight how tight are you talking? A properly adjust chain should have slack in it. How old is the chain maybe it's time to change it.... something went wrong for the chain to loosen and fall off did the rear tire hit something? a curb maybe?

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yeah, it had slack in it, i used a measuring tape to make sure it was in spec lifting it in the middle like the manual says, im not sure if it hit anything, it may have bounced off the curb while it pinwheeled across the ground as i slid behind it....all I was thinking is "man that HID is bright" as it spun and I caught a glimpse before my helmet started to join in on the slide/tumble action and ruined the view

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Sorry, not up on my acronymns, what's ATGATT? I assume it has something to do with safety gear....all the gear all the time? My guess is you found some oil/trans fluid/brake fluid/Bacon grease on the road. Rain tends to bring all that crap out of the road and ip to the surface, then when it stops raining it pools in low spots, rubbing its hands like a cartoon villain waiting for you to ride over it and dump your bike. As for your chain, I guess its possible that when the bike went down and the rear suspension decompressed and sprung out some gremlins or perhaps underwear gnomes snuck up and took it off...or maybe your axle nut wasn't tight enough...whichever explanation makes more sense to you. Glad you got out of it with a sore jack-off hand and no serious injuries.

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