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Discuss-Kent Dad finds daughter +2 naked boys.


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A Kent father is accused of beating and threatening his 17-year-old daughter and two teenage boys after finding the boys naked in his apartment.

Prosecutors say Timothy Wayne Gooden, 40, unexpectedly arrived at his apartment at 1:30 p.m. on July 11.

Not expecting her dad to come home, Gooden’s daughter had invited over her 16-year-old boyfriend and his 16-year-old friend.

As Gooden entered the apartment, he told his daughter he heard voices and demanded to know who else was there. Just then, one of the boys came out of the bathroom completely naked.

The boy told police that Gooden pulled out handgun, cocked it and pointed it at his chest, saying he “knew the gun laws and could shoot (the boy) for breaking and entering and I have every right now to blow your brains out.”

Gooden then allegedly “hit, slapped and punched” both teenagers while forcing them into a bedroom. After telling the kids to sit on a bed, Gooden blocked the exit and continued yelling and occasionally slapping or punching his daughter.

After an hour of this, Gooden allegedly noticed another set of shoes in the bedroom and realized there was probably another person in the apartment. He began screaming that he was going to shoot four bullets into every closet in the apartment, according to court documents.

Gooden searched the rest of the apartment and found the second naked teenage boy, who was hiding in bathtub.

That boy said Gooden punched him in the chest and dragged him naked into the bedroom with the others.

During the next hour, the boys said Gooden punched or slapped his daughter anywhere from 50 to 100 times, causing her face to become red and swollen.

One of the boys eventually received a text message from his dad telling the boy to come home. Gooden let that boy go, but refused to release his daughter or the other teenager. After leaving, the boy told his dad what had happened and the dad returned to Gooden’s apartment and picked up the other boy before calling the police.

During an initial police interview, Gooden admitted to yelling and slapping his daughter on the shoulder, but said he never pointed a gun at anyone. Gooden does have a concealed weapons permit and admitted to having a pistol on him at the time, but he told police he put the gun in a dresser drawer.

Gooden is facing one count of second degree assault and one count of fourth degree domestic violence assault.

His arraignment is set for August 16 in Kent.

No idea how I would react to this. You find your underage daughter in the house with 2 naked boys..

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Sounds like "dad" needs some anger management classes.

I "get" being upset, but punching/hitting your own daughter 50+ times? :eek::nono:

A strongly voiced GTFO! should have been all that was done to the boys. I'm surprised he didn't get charged with kidnapping.

Hold my kid hostage/beat him, and you're going to be dealing with me and MY CHL. You'd better hope the cops get there before I do.

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I can understand being pissed but hitting your daughter because she is a whore and enjoys the dp isn't going to help the situation. I am surprised there aren't wrongful imprisonment charges pending against the guy. I don't know how I feel about it all, obviously putting a hand on his daughter is fucked up. I am torn about wanting to beat the boys' asses but I would have probably been one of the boys back in the day so I say a little yelling and a GTFO works.

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I do not have kids but I can only imagine this guys anger finding out his girl was just involved in a gang bang!! still does not make kidnapping or abuse right but in all reality i can see his anger.

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Kent Washington people...

And whats to say as a father with a CHL, you dont assume those boys where molesting your daughter and you shoot them both and call the cops. hmmmm

They probably would have been placed face down on the floor naked as I found them while I called the cops for a B&E and attempted rape and molestation. That on their record would make them think twice.

2 16yr old kids are more then enough of a threat to 1 man especially not knowing them. Naked would only add to my thoughts that they are crazy.

Yes face down at gun point, naked until the cops arrived and I could press charges would probably be my route of action. Not to mention after that, no matter how many daddy issues the girl has, no boys from the area will want anything to do with her for fear of a life long criminal record.

Go ahead and try and charge me for brandishing my weapon in my own home against 2 intruders.

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Kent Washington people...

And whats to say as a father with a CHL, you dont assume those boys where molesting your daughter and you shoot them both and call the cops. hmmmm

They probably would have been placed face down on the floor naked as I found them while I called the cops for a B&E and attempted rape and molestation. That on their record would make them think twice.

2 16yr old kids are more then enough of a threat to 1 man especially not knowing them. Naked would only add to my thoughts that they are crazy.

Yes face down at gun point, naked until the cops arrived and I could press charges would probably be my route of action. Not to mention after that, no matter how many daddy issues the girl has, no boys from the area will want anything to do with her for fear of a life long criminal record.

Go ahead and try and charge me for brandishing my weapon in my own home against 2 intruders.

So when you were a teenager at age 16 you never messed around with girls? Should every boy then be labled as a sex offender the rest of his life? And then scare away every guy that comes near your daughter, that would make for a great father/daughter relationship. I'm sure she wouldn't whore herself out even more just to spite you.

Sounds like every screwed up family who would rather blame someone else's kids rather than own up to the fact they should be yelling at their own. :nono:

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So when you were a teenager at age 16 you never messed around with girls? Should every boy then be labled as a sex offender the rest of his life? And then scare away every guy that comes near your daughter, that would make for a great father/daughter relationship. I'm sure she wouldn't whore herself out even more just to spite you.

Sounds like every screwed up family who would rather blame someone else's kids rather than own up to the fact they should be yelling at their own. :nono:

Its already bad upbringing in my opinion. I can tell you that if it were me, that little incident would cause a severe gap in the already broken relationship between father and daughter. As far as what those boys are labeled, my opinion is they are already headed down the wrong path and you have to be responsible for the consequences of your actions. Im not saying it would stick, but it would sure as hell make them think going forward. As for the daughter, there would be some sever punishments for her as well and im not talking about grounding or no tv,car. Im talking shipped off to military school to learn respect and discipline. After she learns those things, her decisions are hers and at least I tried.

Edited by flounder
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