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Discuss-Kent Dad finds daughter +2 naked boys.


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Kent Washington people...

And whats to say as a father with a CHL, you dont assume those boys where molesting your daughter and you shoot them both and call the cops. hmmmm

They probably would have been placed face down on the floor naked as I found them while I called the cops for a B&E and attempted rape and molestation. That on their record would make them think twice.

2 16yr old kids are more then enough of a threat to 1 man especially not knowing them. Naked would only add to my thoughts that they are crazy.

Yes face down at gun point, naked until the cops arrived and I could press charges would probably be my route of action. Not to mention after that, no matter how many daddy issues the girl has, no boys from the area will want anything to do with her for fear of a life long criminal record.

Go ahead and try and charge me for brandishing my weapon in my own home against 2 intruders.

Ah, thank you "Kent Washington". I clicked on the link and was starting to realize it wasnt Kent Ohio

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Kent Washington people...

And whats to say as a father with a CHL, you dont assume those boys where molesting your daughter and you shoot them both and call the cops. hmmmm

They probably would have been placed face down on the floor naked as I found them while I called the cops for a B&E and attempted rape and molestation. That on their record would make them think twice.

2 16yr old kids are more then enough of a threat to 1 man especially not knowing them. Naked would only add to my thoughts that they are crazy.

Yes face down at gun point, naked until the cops arrived and I could press charges would probably be my route of action. Not to mention after that, no matter how many daddy issues the girl has, no boys from the area will want anything to do with her for fear of a life long criminal record.

Go ahead and try and charge me for brandishing my weapon in my own home against 2 intruders.

And then send said whore daughter to a shrink with hopes that she'll at least wait til college for the dp action.

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Haha. Nice. I once spent 6 hours hiding under a bed when my girlfriends mom came home unexpectedly. I managed to get my pants back on first though, and i'm pretty sure she didn't own a gun. Man i wish i was in high school again.... Got laid so much more, and definitely in more interesting places since you had to get creative!

Those two guys will be friends for life. That's gonna be a hell of a story to tell at a bar someday. "Remember that time we were double teaming that girl then got held at gun point by her dad?"

"Good times"

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I have a feeling the kids are exaggerating the situation with the father to try and deflect the fact that they were messing around without clothes on and it's all over the news.

Seriously? This:

Those two guys will be friends for life. That's gonna be a hell of a story to tell at a bar someday. "Remember that time we were double teaming that girl then got held at gun point by her dad?" "Good times"

Those guys are high-fiving everybody in the hallway.

Kent Washington people...

And whats to say as a father with a CHL, you dont assume those boys where molesting your daughter and you shoot them both and call the cops. hmmmm

They probably would have been placed face down on the floor naked as I found them while I called the cops for a B&E and attempted rape and molestation. That on their record would make them think twice.

2 16yr old kids are more then enough of a threat to 1 man especially not knowing them. Naked would only add to my thoughts that they are crazy.

Yes face down at gun point, naked until the cops arrived and I could press charges would probably be my route of action. Not to mention after that, no matter how many daddy issues the girl has, no boys from the area will want anything to do with her for fear of a life long criminal record.

Go ahead and try and charge me for brandishing my weapon in my own home against 2 intruders.

You have a daughter?


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if his actions keep this one kid from becoming ANOTHER teen momma, then it was worth it. He and her mother obviously failed as parents if their daughter is slutting around doing threesomes at 17.

If she was getting paid for it then I salute her entrepreneurial prowess, but her parents are still shit as far as parents go. No charges should be brought for corporal punishment of his child in this instance.

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Kent Washington people...

And whats to say as a father with a CHL, you dont assume those boys where molesting your daughter and you shoot them both and call the cops. hmmmm

They probably would have been placed face down on the floor naked as I found them while I called the cops for a B&E and attempted rape and molestation. That on their record would make them think twice.

2 16yr old kids are more then enough of a threat to 1 man especially not knowing them. Naked would only add to my thoughts that they are crazy.

Yes face down at gun point, naked until the cops arrived and I could press charges would probably be my route of action. Not to mention after that, no matter how many daddy issues the girl has, no boys from the area will want anything to do with her for fear of a life long criminal record.

Go ahead and try and charge me for brandishing my weapon in my own home against 2 intruders.

Brandishing it the way it was reported is what I meant. If he had the situation under control and there was no threat waiving it around and pointing it at the boys was wrong. This would be a different story if it had misfired and he had shot a naked teenager in his house.

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the part that i dont get is.....if he cares about his daughter so much that he wants to keep the boys away from her, why would he beat the shit out of her?

I certainly wouldn't believe anything those three kids said at this point. They're in hot water and they'd say just about anything to deflect, like previous posters mentioned. If he's a woman-beater, I hope he goes to jail. Otherwise, those kids need some serious talking-to.

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well dad, should most def lose his CCW. Without a doubt. I am surprised they did not get him with minissing a minor or at least 3 counts of child endangerment. But I was not there and it is hard to take the word of a minor.

As of a reaction. F yeah I would be pissed if I had a daughter of 16, with two 16 year naked hormone enraged teens in the house with her. But, I would not handle it like that. I would just snag the boys phones, text their parents to come get them, when the parents arrive I would say we had a situation. bring them in the house and we would all sit down and have a chat...

On the other hand I was one of the those 16year old boys once. I know what they were thinking about and it had nothing to do with dad at 1:30 in the afternoon with a chick in the house.

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I don't know when things changed, but kids used to get shipped off to "military school" or "girl's schools" when caught being out of control. Kids didn't go up against parents back then. I suppose schools for bad kids don't exist anymore. Unfortunately, bad kids still exist.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No idea how I would react to this. You find your underage daughter in the house with 2 naked boys..

i'd be more likely to use that gun on myself than either of those boys, or my daughter.

Sorry - if my daughter is willing to get double-teamed at 16, I fucked up way worse than aiming a gun at someone a long time ago.

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I don't agree with most here. I'd have to say that i was active at 17 years old and I know I would have been caught if not for the GF at the time living in the country with a half mile lane and a ringer that went off in the house if someone was coming up the lane. That being said they don't deserve to be charged with anything. now the fact that there were 2 boys and girl is the bad part. she deserves to be punished but not beaten. who knows maybe the girl had no idea what was going on and the boys just got naked right before the dad walked in..

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